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Friday, November 19, 2004

A Wineful Day

Today started with lots and lots of sleep ins... and i have to literally force my ass out of bed and get myself out the house and get moving....

We started with job to do list... then we get started eventually at 9... maybe 10am... we had the new telephone socket appointment.... then get my mouse replaced, get 500pieces of copy paper... then get myself a baseball cap, then a nice capri pants.. and even a beg to fit everything in... he he he... wanted to redeem my sundae at Amiran's Cafe but it was closed... So we bought a nice NZ white wine to bring over at Shaun's place for a little party.... We finish up all the job with a great good workout...

We managed to get ourselves in front of the TV after the whole tiring work out, watching a documentary before going to his house... and started a glass of white before hitting Shaun's party... The documentary is rather boring after it hit an hour running or so... particularly because it's predictable, repetitive, and it doesnt really matter to me as it will never happen here in Singapore... The documentary was about USA having the highest cases of deaths involving arms and guns... US has an amazing 11,127 number of such cases... as reported by the documentary... They link this to being the easy access to guns and weaponary... and also their violent history... But then again, think... other countries also have violent histories... and Canada has easy access to guns and bullets too...

Alright... i guess i should get too much into the boring documentary... I had a great time at Shaun's with nice shares of beautiful wines and great company of friends discussing issues you probably cant with fellow classmates due to their knowledge and exposure to many issues like say... travelling... its political issues that goes along working overseas and such... my general knowledge has improve by just being with these people... it is great to talk or the very least find out more and listen to such issues being spoken from person to person on own experience... definitely different from reading about it from various sources...

The clock strike 9.15pm... And shame strike my face... I have to leave... And it's sure is Real Shame.. But like my lovely Mr said, a small price to pay for my future freedom...

Better now than before and better less than never at all... Good night!

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