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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Dinner at BaliThai

It's Deepavali... First and foremost, Happy Deepavali to all Hindus...

I've done all the necessary preparation and cleaning up for the Big Celebration....

As i was doing the cushions, my eldest sis, Kak Yam, called and ask me to join her for waktu berbuka at restaurant named BaliThai at IMM.... And i shall say that i have quite a tight day today... squeezing everything in between everything else...

I did all the cleaning and changing of cushion covers, vacuuming the house... putting up the curtains, changing bedsheets... etc. etc.... Then by noon, when everything is tip top, i went to my second sister's, Kak Nana's, house to send the baju kurungs my Mama sew...

After being around at her house for a couple of hours, i went on to Kak Yam's place to go to the restaurant together.... We reached IMM at half past 5... still early, i shall say.. so we booked a table for 5 adults and 3 kids plus 1 baby chair... to be sitted at half past 6...

We went to shop around for shoes and also window shop for digital cameras and pillows and bolster and bedsheets... Haha... Just change bedsheet then want to buy somemore... Greedy me, eh? hehe...

Anyways... we walked and waited for my other extended family members to call but they never did.. so we went to the restaurant to have our seats... and waited still for them to arrive... They finally did, 10 minutes after waktu berbuka...

My bro-in-law paid the bill.. and we went for the real Shopping time... but i ended up keeping an eye on my nieces and nephews.. I always do...

By the time we finished doing all the shopping, it's quarter past 9 already.. Time for me to get home.... I took a taxi and hurriedly booked a hotel for my boyfriend... I had to say he's a great chap that makes a totally great person... From an indecisive self, i became a lady full of confidence and all the good qualities list goes on...

I have never been in such a mood of contentment before.. He made my life so beautiful... Looks like I'll be "away" for a week from now... hehe...

Gidday mate!

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