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Monday, November 29, 2004

Mad Sunday..

Last night was really frustrating... How can you not be when you had planned to be online with someone you love, then suddenly your mouse decided to clear up some annual leave and pushed the keyboard to call it quits at a moment like this?!

Argh! My body is fuming with anger.. I'm bursting with boiling hot blood. Why me?? Damn!
I'm attending some workshop that appeared as more fun than i had expected.. had a great laugh. It'd be on for 2 days, today and tommorrow. So, I wont be updating much considering my dumbest situation I've ever faced, still better than what it could possibly happen. Trust my luck to run out after having such huge and best luck ever about 3 months ago!

Anyway I had a brilliant write up at home for my other blog but I didnt bring it over, so as a writer you would have known that no write-up is ever the same write up. Thus, i'm not typing it out in the midst of my furing temper at the moment.

My Man would have known just the remedy to cool me down... It's a week more to go, but never a moment too soon. I miss you terribly and love you with all my life.

Now till then, I'll be waiting...

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