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Monday, November 22, 2004

What a Monday....

I have never had such a full Monday before... I've been doing my errands from morning till night... And I still have a few more to do...

There is so much to do, so little time.. SO much to pay and so little income.. Life is simply about learning and surviving the odds that comes to test our faith and willingness.... I've been through a lot and thank every experience... for i had learn a lot at a younger age... I sometimes think that what i've been through could possibly take a lifetime for someone else...

I've visited my lady friend who appear rather very impressed when i proudly let her have a copy of my testimonial from the company i worked for in August for 2 months... I feel so good and proud that i have achieve the little bit in my small bite of life. I even spoke to her about my project and felt so great explaining her on what i am suppose to do, my plans and everything else.. But it had to be cut short as she has to run somewhere else... Such a pity... But i'll see her again next week... Then, I can then tell her every detail of my daily movements... I have begun to love telling someone important what I've been doing and what I've been up to.. This is one way in which I can allow someone I love to be in my shoe and know me better... A way in which i can learn to express myself better with words and actions... learn to be more confident about myself and what I'm doing.

After seeing my lady friend, I took a 45minutes bus ride to My Town Central to pay up my internet bill.. Then to order some weighing scales for my project... I'll have to collect it on Thursday... I then took a slow 15minutes walk home... To ease myself, to take a good look at my life, to think of my future.... Now, at home... I'll have to do up my interim report.. I have more than a month to complete the report but always best to have a head start... It can turn out ugly if done at the last minute, though it has never turn out that way to me.... hehehe...

Alright now.. I've got to dash already.. Good Night Monday... See you Tuesday...

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