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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

After Lunch....

I just got back from lunch, changed the password to access my comp... Someone not from my group got hold of our password. Upon the requests from the other 2 group members i changed it all...

I can very well, slap her across her face this morning when she raised her voice whilst discussing with my team member on giving her access.... SHe is f*%^ing rude, i shall say and she always use the authority's name to get her way, like it works for me... i knew that person in particular better than she ever will find out...

She is so difficult to work with that she is to work all by herself.. hahaha... and she thinks she's great... Stoopid shit... She is far from any bimbo, she has nothing.. not creative, a very straight from the book kind of student... someone who thinks so big of herself when she isnt anything close to even tiny....

Well, i had lunch with my MR. and had a naughty hot fudge brownie... hehe... He's going for a run before meeting me again after school... at which i'll go for my hockey training at CCAB... He wants to see me play so he will..

Oh.... my nephew has got the hand, feet and mouth disease... and my poor Kak Nana has to take more leaves when she has left with almost none... Poor sis of mine... I dont even know if we can make it to his graduation concert.. My nephew is in N2.. and will be in K1 next year with sister in N1.. they are adorable, if you haven't come to know about it... =)

I cant wait for my hockey training to begin.. I have to get my hands on my beautiful stick and hit the ball hard across the grass carpet and play a great game with my hockey mates... I really cant wait..

Dont tell me the time... I shall allow the time to come to me and tell me it's time...

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