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Thursday, November 25, 2004

I hate talking about Religion

I had my lonely quest at CampusDeli again.. this time something went a little out of normal... 2 gals came to my table and asked me if they can join me as they wanted to share with me what Jesus means to them.

I kindly told them i don't like to raise any religious issues. And yes, I know Jesus.. stated as one of the 25 prophets in the Holy Qur'an. She asked me what he preached. I was asking myself why i bother to even say a thing to these people who just dont get the message that I am not interested as I dont want to end up having any arguments or disagreements. Issues like religion is very personal and should never be rambled to someone not of your religion, at least not to those who are not interested.

Chistians and Muslims has a similar yet so different backgrounds. Some topics is just hard to be raised without any tension. I could have easily disagreed and backfire when she tried to convince me that Jesus is God's son and that he is true, etc... Fine if you believe so, but no need to convince someone who is devoted to another religion, with a total different believes. She keep telling me that Jesus has proven himself to be saying the truth. Well, there are many truths behind the Holy Qur'an too.. I mean come on... These religion issue is such a sensitive issue. Folks, please dont increase the tension.

Most Singaporeans are moderates who are brought up to respect each and everyone, let it be religion, race, language or anythign that matters. Even Islamic countries like Malaysia are full of moderates who had fully respected other religion. Can't we just educate people out of their own willingness and interest to know more of other religion? What's the use of forcing someone to listen and absorb something he/she is not interested in? If the love is true, let it flow... why force the current to a direction it's opposing?

You are free to talk about anything but try avoid the sensitive ones that may trigger some percentage of anger, which may lead to hatred, which can lead to riots.. you just never know....

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