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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Tiring Tuesday...

We went to Concourse to buy a golly 3000 pieces of plastic bags.... It's so so heavy and we are both gals! The shop assistant offer his help to carry the heavy load till the taxi stand... I fell asleep in the taxi and even that 10minute nap help me a refresh myself a lot. Now... hmmm.. I helped myself carried 2 huge bags into our workstation, one at time while my other team mate carry one bag filled will 1000 pieces of plastic bags.

I will have to go over to Mariam's place today upon my mama's request.. It's my turn to bring the lap top home today.. we loan it from school with the intention to store our precious files into the lap top as back up..

I just can't wait to throw myself on bed and get a good rest... It's so hectic and even more hectic when i see my diary full of things to do in the next few days...

Having tummy cramps just made today a drag and making it even more tiring... I wish I could go home to my Mr... It'd definitely make the day better...

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