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Monday, November 22, 2004

Monday Blues....

Monday Blue has come to me... My secret to chasing away the blues has faded along with the missing link.

Got in time to school, e-mailed my lecturers on questions and comments raised while talking to people about the Waste Audit Project. For you who don't know what the hell this project is about, let me first tell you some facts about Solid Waste situation in Singapore.

Over the past 3decades, Solid waste disposed of in this little island has increased 6-fold where domestic waste incresed about 3-fold and non-domestic waste increased even more by about 8-fold mainly from the high growth in the manufacturing and services sectors. Since 1979, the government has spent BILLIONS of dollars to build 4 Incineration plants(IPs)and sanitary landfills basically to incinerate waste safely and fitted with air pollution control equipment and effectively reduce the volume of waste for final disposal in the landfill and also recover energy and scrap metals. Even so, the last landfill on main island was filled up by 1999 and our only one left offshore landfill at Pulau Semakau was developed for non-incinerable waste.

So guys, please... please stop creating unnecessary waste... Do the 3Rs imposed in school... Do your part... I know, I know... ways to recycle in S'pore is rather impractical... Okay. I'm trying to improve on that.. Just hope my ideas will be taken into consideration and do us all good... (fingers crossed)

Let me tell you the most current situation. S'pore disposed of 2.6million tonnes of solid waste in 2002. At the current refuse disposal fee of $77 per tonne, this represents a $200 million value per year in expense. A 10% reduction in waste desposal would result in savings of $2 million or more each year. SO now, guys... you wouldn't want to let the government take in your money for waste sake, would you?

Think about it...

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