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Thursday, November 25, 2004

not one of my days...

I got in school 15minutes late... and was seen by the TSO who seemed to be one who sets the rules and appear to be at the every students' heels. I got late because i was doing the waste audit thingy at my house, weighing all the waste and such. Okay, I know, I should wake up a little earlier to get it done.. Maybe I'd just do it at night next time.

I'm on one of my moody days, partly because of that time of the month, partly because i didn't have breakfast and end up late... I guess it's one of those days when i ran out of luck. I have been having busy days this week, always on the move always thinking of ways and excuses to get out of school early or to come later than usual. I'm sick and tired of hearing my supervisor mentioning the duly Director's name.. Mr C. T. Ong... this... Mr C. T. Ong.. that.. argh.. quit it! Why is it that a principle lecturer so scared of that duly director? Why? My lecturer is gonna retire any time soon... so why? Why allow someone to restrict your every movement and question them every single day? Stand up for yourself for once! You can't be on the move, being busy day in and day out! We are humans, not robots who may not need to rest!

Argh, what ever! I'm gonna just put up with it for another 4 months and not allow this little things get into me in my last 4 months in school. I'm gonna be at my best, get outta here with a diploma in hand... Oh, talking about that, I need to draft out something to send some companies.. I need to work for a year or so before pursuing my degree...

Gotta dash now.. Till later.

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