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Friday, November 26, 2004

Fully booked Friday...

I had a rather very occupied day today... I had to do some community service at a National Library at Bukit Batok... for 6 hours today. Hey, who said being a librarian is an easy job? Coz' It not easy having to intershelf everytime someone nears them... Espeacially the kids section... It's so jumbled up, I cant seem to know what to do sometimes... Anyways, I got my ass out of the place near to 4... I then head home, to grab my hockey stuff and head to Co-Curriculum Acitivities Branch(CCAB) down at Evans Rd.

I reached CCAB rather earlier than expected. I rest my ass at CCAB just 5minutes before 5pm... Training is like at 5.30, usually later trusting the gals to be at least 5 minutes late. But training is no fun without the boys, partly because the running is like cut down to almost half, sometimes more, due to pure laziness and unwillingness to some gals. I would seriously love to run more, but it certainly is no fun running alone.. made the running seemed longer and harder than it really is.

So Sarah, Agnes, Aisyah, Leona, Eugena, Kai Ying, me and the other gals from all over, most from the St Theresa's and St Andrew's... few more from the Singapore Cricket Club(SCC), went for our training... coached by a nice looking man but in such a freaking bad mood, he screamed at almost everyone and yelling out all the mistakes. Well, everyone shouts in game of hockey anyway. The game was okay with lots of actions but zero goals... haha... basically because players keep attacking at the centre and the ball never went to the sides where better attacks can come from.

Anyways, I just got home and have eaten my instant noodles. Oh, and i still have no credit in my mobile.. I'm so broke... ='( And Skype is still F*&%ing pending!!

And i received two texts from my beloved Sayang... I wish like mad to be able to text him back.. Really.... I cursed a whole lot not having credit in my mobile.. I miss him so so terribly... I can't wait for tommorrow to come.. Then I can see him online.... yeah!!!


Anonymous said...

hi JJ! hhmmm... u muz be really fit! i tried playing hockey only once in my life. enjoyed it but can't stand the back pain. haa! and it was breathless like immediately into the game.. heck! it wasn't even a game! a friend was juz teaching me and a couple of ppl how to play. haa!

juli, vavavoom

Jun Yusof said...

Hi Juli,

I am okay.. really just average... And hockey is my game.. hehe, I love the game, the play, and the injuries.. hehe...