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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Jambatan Ambera is Rusting Away...

Awaken by my sister switching on the TV. It almost felt like the old days a decade ago. Sisterhood comes back to life.. Oh I love my sister. I like it when we laugh together in our distinctive laughter... Smiling foolishly at each other, teasing and saying sarcastic remarks to one another and end it with another distinctive laugh. Oh life is great being a sister to a sister who is a sister to my sister. Sisterhood is great!

Anyway, here's an interesting piece of news we read in the morning and had a good laugh at.

A steel bridge is rusting away as one of its column is being frequently urined at... Yes.. This disgusting and shameless act is happening in Jakarta to one of its steel bridges, Jambatan Ambera, located at Palembang.

Imagine driving to a shaky bridge... And to know that one day, the bridge is gonna collapse because some uncivilized people that had been urinating at one of its columns... Funny but scary. I would never drive over that bridge ever again after reading the news. Wonder who would.

Thank Singapore for being a very fine city.

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