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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another busy day...

A busy day awaits me ahead... Got in school on time...

0930hrs, called up to supervisor's office.... discuss a few things.. He wanted us to write an essay-like journal on our log book with full details of every movements... kept mentioning the duly Director's name.. Keep telling us he don't wanna hear any complaints like as if anyone would.. Everyone in the room is having a goody free time on their own.... Who would want to spoil the fun we are having?

1030hrs, finally out of his office with $300 in hand to buy equipments and materials as per required for the project. We decided not to stay in the workstation as our supervisor keep saying that we are not doing anything and keep questioning us our every movements and accomplishment in the workstation. Like as if there is any real thing to be done. Texted my dearest.. He is already up doing his covering letter for the job offer received yesterday.

Now, at 22 degrees Celcius.. I'm wearing my sweatshirt.. and one of the technical supervising officer has lowered the temperature further.. And set the fan to go at high speed... Yes... I'm COLD... errr... I don't have enough fats to keep me warm... I know someone out there is laughing, ridiculed at my body shivering at only 22degrees Celcius... But i have no complains... uh-uh.. absolute zero complaints... anything is better than living in hunger and thrist... I have nothing to complaint about... i have a roof over my head, i have clothes to wear, i can choose what i want to eat or drink.. I have a choice, I can share my opinions/suggestions, I can make my own decisions... I have a family to care for, and a lover to love.

Gotta dash and get ready for lunch.. hehe...

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