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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Late TodaY....

I'm in school... but got late... haha... I first woke up at 6.15am... early... very early... then i texted my dearest... and i fell asleep AGAIN.. haha...

The next thing i know is that it's 7.30am already... and still, yet again, i fell asleep for a second.. haha.. so much for a second... I woke up at 8.30am the next! Mission Possible.... I sprung up.. get my things packed.. can you believe it? i havent packed my things... haha..

THen i got to the showers and get out in record time! I put on my hockey shirt.. then got stuck on the bottom.. WHat to wear?? What to wear?? skirt, shorts, jeans, or what?? I need help!!

After a 5, maybe 10 minutes of freaking out, i finally wear my white button on jeans... and get my ass to school... In record time, everyone, i got in school at 9.10am... can you beat that? can you?

Haha... that's my morning on an average day... imagine how it will be on bad days... well, maybe, if you're lucky, you can get to read one of those mornings... hehe...

Oh, yesterday was great... I went to the movies and watch a hillarious TAXI starring the big lady with the attitude... Queen Latifa.. with my dearest darling... my one and only boyfriend whom i hold to dearly, close to my heart and the one whom i love with all my heart and soul....

OH... am i in love or what? gosh, it felt so right and great to be in love and have someone who loves you the same...

I can go on and on about my being in love... Seriously, who can't..

I can't wait for lunch, then i can see him, enjoy my lunch with him, and hug him, kiss him... and have a smile plastered on my glowing face... with his fingers running through my beautiful hair... oh.. I Love Him So Much..

I shall pen down and dream on..

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