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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Me, 2Kids and the PC...

Imagine this, Me a 45kg gal, a 4 yr old boy at 24kg and a 2 yr old gal at 18kg battling for the PC... Both on my laps fighting as to who gets to choose what game to play and me to stay online with my Man.

Everytime I minimize the game window and replied an e-mail, they would ask me repeatedly as to what happened to their game window and start blaming one another... I was like... "Wait.. I do this first.. You can play all you want afterwards!!" (They never got the chance after that actually.. hehe)

I stayed online for another 2 hours or so, chatting with my beloved at MSN... We always have a whole lot to talk about even after more than 7 months of knowing each other.. Reaching 6 months together though. Well, I would have got a little bit bored with a guy after that long at my usual self. But this Man is different, he never fails to get me on my best moods by just flashing his smile, his glowing eyes, his touch, and his playfulness just plaster a smile on my face... And the smile on my face just never leaves...

It felt like it's my first time being in love... I felt so safe, so confident, so great, so happy, so appreciated whenever I'm with him... I can really imagine myself spending my last days with him by my side and stay contented with the time I have had with him... And I can never imagine my life without him... Things won't be this great without him in my picture of life.

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