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Monday, February 28, 2005

More Monday Thoughts

Now I gave educational programmes in schools particularly in Secondary Schools and in Polytechnics a big thought.. I dunno why I'm in thinking mood today.. Funny being Monday. Oh well.. here goes.

I think schools should give more educational talks.. I remember vaguely that there were talks about sex precautions, pregnancy and abortion in secondary school. That's it from secondary school. There are no other educational talks.. I dunno how it is now, but I think secondary schools should provide more talks on the next education step for the children. Maybe get some ex-students who went on to further their studies to come back and tell their juniors how they find it in Polytechnic or Junior College(JC), talk about the course they choose and why.. And talk about the other courses that may be of interest of the students who are going to graduate soon. Or maybe ask polytechnic/JC representative to talk about all the courses, the semester activities, the extra-curriculum they have in the polytechnic or JC. The pros and cons of being in either one.. Give these teenagers some idea of what it feels in one of the next education level.

The sex education talks, I think they should be more open about it. Teachers who do these talks often say, Don't engage yourself in an unhealthy sexual activities. But what is unhealthy? How is it unhealthy? How can prepare ourselves in situations where we find ourselves already engaged in these activities? How to get out of the situations? Teenagers often do what they are restrained to do, who wouldn't? Everyone wants to experience everything at that age!! How can a teenager break the news when they are pregnant without getting screamed at by parents? How do they play safe? What is okay and what is not? How far can they go? Who do they go to when things go beyond control? C'mon! In this generation, you have to be really open when talking about this topic, in this generation, who don't know what sex is and how it is done? Schools can also do these talks with students' parents so that these parents can be at a more comfortable stage to talk about such things to their kids. There's nothing wrong with it, as far as I can see. Thing is, there might be an issue with the more conservative parents..

I can just go on about that issue. Anyway, about the talks in Polytechnic, there are career talks.. lots of them, plenty of them. That perfectly fine, but wouldn't that indirectly tells these chaps that a diploma is enough and we don't need to go a little further than that? As much as it is true that you can get a job easily with just a diploma, wouldn't it bring more opportunities if you have more than that? I think polytechnics and JC should have more talks about NUS, NTU, SIM and SMU. Maybe promote students to go for further studies, get these universities to do talks on their courses for all the different diplomas and such. Talk about how they can help boost their career opportunities. Talk about their curriculum and live in campus. That would definitely make students feel the need to go another step in their education and not just end it with diploma.

That's it from my great tiny mind.

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