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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Stressed up by a surprise bill

I'm enveloped by a huge stress when I was welcomed by a huge bill by Starhub.. It's almost $1K and I still have my internet to pay up.. I am so Fu**ed up.... How am I gonna pay that all up??

I'm gonna be so stressed out.. And top that up with a long draggy nag from my mama.. How's that to totally and completely stress me up? Like as if a nag can solve everything... I wish it could.. How I wish, the companies I owe just nag at me for hours and hours, then let me off scot-free.. Oh, I so wish it can be done..

I'm going for a run early tomorrow morning to ease my stress out a bit... I wish I could declare myself backrupt and get away.. escape and disappear....

i wish i wish... For now.. I am too stressed... Please don't bother me.. Leave me alone...

1 comment:

TwistedNoggin said...

As a girl in debt up to her eyeballs thanks, partly, to some unforseen circumstances - much empathy to ya, darlin.

anyway, you said not to bother you, so here I am, bouncing in your face with an annoying grin.
"Watcha mean leave you alone? Huh? Huh? Whatsa matter Huh? Whatcha doin?"
I was a younger sister, see... I know how to play pest. :)