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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Parents went to M'sia...

I am home alone.. for most part of the morning... before Mr came along with my wonderful toasts from Coffee Bean.. How nice.. hehe.. Then he spent a few hours on the computer checking e-mails.. Took a short snooze or better known as a power 5minute nap break... before he continues his e-mails and calling his family using Skype...

Just then, Mas and kids came along to join us.. haha.. So no home alone for me... Everyone's here for a stayover.. It never feels good to be home alone, not when you have a stuffy nose and mood swings(partly due to the bills that's overstressing me with worries and some family issues...). Mr spent the whole day at my place...

Now... That's it? That's it? This is all I can write about today.. Oh gosh... i think my stuffy nose had killed some brain cells that stopped ideas from coming to produce some fluent writing.. Oh well.. good night, folks...

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