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Monday, February 21, 2005

First-time 'coach'

It is a great experience but it is also dreadful when your team lose.. Now I know how a coach feels when the team loses.. Oh dear.. But well, they did put up a fight.. There are plenty of room to improve still.. And they did listen when adviced during a break, for example the defending post.. but they still do some similar mistakes from time to time. But it's okay.. They had no reserves and so they are all tired. They are also not trained as a team.. And they need more guidance.. So I'll talk to Gavin and see if I can bring some of the gals to join SCC trainings.. Jerie said it won't be a big problem...

It was hard to shout them instructions coz I dunno their names and what they can really do.. I shouted to main things like sticks down, face the ball, etc.. They were trashed terribly.. 7-0.. Ouch.. They need to win this game and poof... 7-0.. Oh dear.. Anyway, Mr had one of those insecurities attacks today.. I hope my dearest would be okay soon with head held high and a big smile...

I am now looking forward to tomorrow's SCC training.. Jerie would be coming down.. haha.. One big hug coming up from Jerie to me.. hehe...

Oh my.. I've got to sleep now.. My eyes are struggling to stay open.. Good night...

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