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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Dinner At The Brazilian...

Went off at 4pm and head to Tiong Bahru's Kimage outlet to get my hair done.. It cost $36.75 and I am not that very satisfied for one, she cut my hair a little too short than what I wanted her to cut.. two, she blew my hair straight instead of the curls I had asked for.. Darn.. But oh well, my hair's done and that's the main thing that is suppose to be done..

Went for dinner at The Brazilian down the Sixth Avenue.. Nice full dinner meal for $37.. Really reasonable.. We could have done without the wine coz I ain't that good at holding liquor of late.. Probably due to the long break without, or maybe it is just me fearing myself getting drunk.. I mean I can't afford to get home all drunk for any reasons.. And mind you, I only had about 1.5 glasses of red wine, and I am a little tipsy..

We got a cab home, Mr requested the music to be louder coz it's No Doubt on the radio singing What you waitin for.. and when the taxi turned, we both got curled up at the corner of the taxi.. What a sight the taxi driver must have seen.. Anyway, time for me to lie myself to bed..

My hair is so soft and smells so nice... But it's short and keeps dropping into my face.. Oh, friends.. It's not short short but shorter than my ex-hair length.. if you get what I mean.. Maybe it is just me so used to my long hair length.. Okay.. I guess I better stop, everything is starting to sound a little crappy... Haha.. good night...

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