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Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!! Today was perfectly okay... Went to see Dr Chan have some check-ups on me as I had frequent stiches out of a sudden.. and I've had those on some mornings and when I run from time to time.. Dr Chan said there's nothing wrong with me.. And it won't be much of a trouble at my age... So okay...

Then Mr (had to) shop alone.. So I went to town.. wandering around heading nowhere in particular... I walked around at Far East Plaza.. then walked towards Hyatt Hotel when I bumped into an old friend, Iftekhar.. who had a stalk of rose and a card with him... so we talked a bit and he asked me to join him.. So I did.. And I gave him some time to write his card before we really talked.. Then his girlfriend appeared out of nowhere.. haha.. she surprised him more than he was to surprise her.. It was funny in a way.. Then we waited for Mr's grand appearance.. But he got some what lost.. So I asked Mr to get a taxi and meet me where I am at...

Waited for about half an hour or so... Then he went like, "I can't give you the gift yet coz I haven't write the card.. " It was funny... So I said okay.. what did you buy anyway... yada yada yada.. then bid my friend goodbye.. and heading towards Hyatt Hotel... then bumped into Ogy.. Haha.. then Mr decide not to go Mezzi 9 and suggest Emerald Hill.. And Ogy said she'd call me and might join us if Dave agrees..

So me and Mr head to Alleybar at Emerald Hill.. and ordered a drink each; I ordered Vodka Redbull and he ordered Hoogarden Beer... Ogy called just when I finished my first round.. Then reached at about a fifth on my second round.. Picked her up then half way, Dave requested a hug.. so sweet.. It's nice to give and receive a hug.. I like it.. So I gave a big nice warm hug to Dave.. Then lead them to Alleybar to join Mr.. Dave and Mr got into a conversation right away.. Ogy and I just talked about how things are going on... It is nice.. Really nice..

Then we left at about 9pm, just when the happy hours end.. haha.. I head home.. and now here I am.. Then a friend of mine asked me to watch a hockey game with him.. Just me and him.. He requested to just see me alone.. I think I would, I need time alone with my friends anyway.. The game starts at 4.45pm... So I would meet Mr after the game.. No problem at all.. I hope so..

Alright now.. Time for bed... gotta see Mr tomorrow morning.. hehehe.. c",)

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