Well, I got that nickname when I was 12. It was a Malay assignment, my teacher asked all of us to get a nickname, to take any part of original name and add one letter somewhere in midst of the part of the original name- a letter from our father's name. So I thought, the letter F would be nice in my name. So I laid out my name picking up the best few. So from Junaidah, I picked out Nai and add a F from Yusof and another A to complete my nickname, and wa la~ out comes Naifa.
It didn't quite stay with me, only a few of my few friends still call me Ifa- short for Naifa. At the moment, 4 of them are the only ones. 4 of mostly short conversations of friends. Then I decided to simply put these two names together and it sounds nice! Naifa Junaidah. Sweet... Often than not, guys prefer calling me Ifa to Jun. I do know why Ifa don't stick, particularly because I don't response to it as immediately as to Jun. Hahaha..
Oh well, oh well.. Just bump into one of my ex boyfriend back 5 years ago. Haha.. It's funny talking about what I was 6 years ago. Totally nuts not to mention naive. Haha... But it's all good.
Gonna apply for my PDL today, I can't wait to hit the roads. Better dash now, then. Till later~
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