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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Busy Tuesday....

I first went to collect my ic... Then I went to direct my parents to the place to take their photographs, afterwhich I direct them to respective counters to do their new passports... Wanted to make mine as well initially, but due to some unsaid problem, I can't..

My dad wanted to go for breakfast with us but at the same time, was afraid he'd be late.. So breakfast cancelled.. Then I wanted to sent my Mama home.. Half way through, I thought I ought to visit CHJW just in case.. True enough, minutes after I was there, many suppliers came and ask to order, and other came for top up/ returns.. And another supplier thought I took charge already... Woah.. hahaha..

Then I went for my interview @ Keypoint Building with ARUP Singapore Pte Ltd. Interestingly huge and global company... Chris Pynn interviewed me, fairly interested with my interest in the field.. Overall, the interview was short and went fairly well.. Can't say much about it.. I think I did screw up a little by babbling.. OOoooo.. Bad.. But he showed a bit of a positive note.. So let's just hope something come up eh.. Wish me loads of luck!

Then met MIBI to talk things out.. I still cannot accept him as my bf.. Not ready, not the right time, too tired to be a gf, and no more feeling for him.. Too much, it seems like everything is attacking me all at the same time..

He, MIBI, initially didn't wanna stay as friends, but after much thinking he said Okay.. So we are friends... He did however, highlight that it would take him some time to totally accept and be himself again.. That's okay.. Everything takes time.. We need to take everything slow and take it the way it comes..

Might meet MA after work tomorrow and get my fully-loaded-with-songs thumb drive back.. Hang around a bit before my touch rugby training..

Honestly, I don't think I would ever get myself too serious into a relationship like how MIBI wants it.. I am just too tired, too sick of it all, and probably too ignorant and couldn't be bothered to be a gf. Honestly, attached or not, it does not make any difference to me.. I am still me.. I still belong to me.. Noone owns me.. Noone can stop me from being the way I am, unless I want to....

Ah~~ I love life just the way it is.. Simple, without a worry... Laughing and smiling at every problem that comes with open arms.. Happy and contented with what I have...

I wish that interview went well.. So looking forward to their call tomorrow..

Enough now... till later~

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