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Monday, March 01, 2010


Assalammu'alaikum readers and friends. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.

I had a weird dream last night. I dream of CMP calling me to get back to ASPL but on one condition. I had to remove my head gear. I woke up instantly with super sensitive headlights (if u know what i mean). I dunno the relation between the two, but anyway.. Weird isn't it.. Like I dunno.. Are there still companies to are skeptical to Muslims who wear their head gear?

I dunno.. Maybe if it's like handling machines, I might have understood that it could endanger themselves, should the end of the scarfs get stucked by any chance. But if it's just in the office? Welcoming guests? Is it really still an issue? I dunno.. But hey~ It's just a dream.

I am actually listening to Khutbah Juma'at right now on my media player. But I can't seem to pay 100% attention. I dunno why. And when I played my Surah Yassin, ayat Qursi and the three Kuls on my phone, I seemed to fidget a lot and couldn't calm myself to sleep quick and easy like on most nights. I usually fall asleep midway through Surah Yassin, but I stayed awake last night till all 5 surahs are repeated twice. I stopped the player from repeating. And switched it off.. I lied down for 5 maybe 10 minutes, tossing and turning. Hugging my bolster before dozing off.

It felt like 15mins before my alarm goes off. I didn't snooze and return to sleep. I dismissed the alarm, and stared at the ceiling. Disturbed by the dream, I guess. Body aching, felt like I slept on hard, edgy rocks.. I had chocolates for breakfast. Naughty I know. That driver nagged at me for munching chocolates so early in the morning. I can't help it. It is so creamy, so hmm.. Makes me so at ease. No stress. Actually.. What's to stress when I got nothing but my 24" screen to look at with nothing to do.. That explains my baseless writing. I feel like continuing my novel.. But my brain can't seemed to function that well.. Maybe due to the chocolates.. haha..

Anyway, I hope all of you will have a great day ahead.

Till I blog again. Assalammu'alaikum.

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