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Saturday, March 06, 2010


Assalammu'alaikum friends and loyal readers/ followers of this blog.

I hope your week has been fabulous thus far, and may it get better with the weekend.

Yesterday, he lifted my punishment that I have imposed on myself off my shoulders. My love deepened, and it scare me at times. I bought blind spot mirrors for work last night and I have installed it on my monitor, so now I can see who comes in and out of the office without turning my head. Kindda cool if you asked me. Since it come in pairs, the other one goes to my neighbour (DL).

Speaking of DL, he is always feeding me snacks and light food whenever he had too much to do. In other words, he stressed out and I ate his stress away. Haha.. He keep pushing me his biscuits, his burgers, his cookies, his goodies.. So the blindspot mirror is a complimentary gift for him. Hahaha..

Mr Fisherman is going off to PU later this afternoon. I'd probably annoy him if I tag along. Annoy him with my, "what's this, what's that, what is it for, what fish is this, how do you know you caught one, why must do this, bla3" hee.. Fishing is just one of the many things that i can never keep in memory. One of those things that I can ask a million times, be explained a million times and still not know or remember. The other is IT stuff, the setting up of a PC which is why I prefer a laptop/netbook.

483 is going PG for golf... Oh ya.. Mr Fisherman had asked me to video the shoreline over at my area.. He can't resist it after hearing Mr Driver mention Unga as one of the catch. Whatever Unga is, it must be a tasty bite. I have seen a picture of it.. I have really really bad vocab on fishes and cars. A fish is a fish, and a car is a car. That's how limited my vocab is.. hahaha.. And the video.. I haven't taken any. To take a clear view, I have to go to the other side of the building (not the conventional way of making my way down) it'd almost look like I am taking photos to look for hideouts. haha.. Anyway, I'd do it later today. Hope I dun forget.

I am honestly very bored. Nothing to do almost. And yet stuck here. I wish I was home with the kids. Oh Rosy got classes this evening, and I told her not to worry as I'd fetch her tonight. She got excited as always. I love her and all my children the same.

Remember I said I used to have 5 and now I have 7, well, i still have 7.. the last two got along well with my first 2 and 5th children. In fact, my first two love them. and my 5th called the two his friends almost instantly. Cuteness is when my 2nd played with the toys. Hahaha..

RANDOM: Don't read. It is broken English with Malay.

Oh.. I so heard someone is looking for me.. Haha.. much say with no actions. Like oh, I am so scared.. What am I gonna do now.. Blah la.. So what? I dare you so, but what can you do? Santau? Whatever la kan.. Even if you do santau me.. you would be carrying my sins, along with your heavy sins for santau-ing me.. So I dun mind. Feel free la.. Ingat dia siapa yang aku nak kena takut?Bilang the whole wide world pun tak guna la dey... And ada orang tu kan.. Dia hypocrite tau.. Cakap tak suka, benci, meluat.. tapi melekat jugak.. Berkawan jugak.. Nampak sangat dah tkde kawan bab tu orang yg dibenci pun skrang nak rapat.. Haha.. Merepek nak mampos. Stupid freak. Abovestand tol~

Inila akibatnya kalau seseorang tu suka judge orang lain sebelum menilai diri sendiri. Ini la akibatnya kalau seseorang tu suka salahkan orang lain bile dia membuat silap. Hai la Manusia, sedar la~ Dunia ini hanya sementara. Tiada yang lebih berkuasa melainkan Allah SWT. Jangan terlalu tinggikan darjat kamu sebagai manusia. Fikirla sendiri.. Judge orang, sendiri tu perfect sangat ke? Ada mata see la kan.. Ada ears dengar la kan.. Ada mulut gunakan wisely kan..

Ada pulak manusia tu yang pandang rendah kat kita, tapi masa terdesak, kat kita jugak dia mintak pertolongan... Dah dibantu tidak berterima kasih, malah dihina. Inilah hidup... Manusia tidak pernah kenal erti nikmat kesyukuran. Seringkali sibuk ingin tuhankan diri sendiri. Ingin orang memandang diri dengan penuh kehormatan, tetapi sendiri tak pernah menghormati orang lain. Just how many times must I emphasize that people will treat you the way you the treat them or worse. This is standard. One cannot assume that the other will treat you better than how you treat them. Human expectations ni selalu keterlaluan, lalu mendatangkan kemurungan.

Then again kan.. Why do I bother.. Let them be la kan.. Just let them be.. Tapi ye la.. kita ni manusia, hanya mampu menegur.. Insya'Allah kalau kita buat salah pun ada la jugak orang yang sudi menegur kite dengan baik.. Insya'Allah. Amin.


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