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Monday, January 18, 2010

1st day of Site Life

Assalammu'alaikum valued readers and beloved friends. Hope you all had a fabulous day so far.
It's my first day of site life.. I haven't found a proper place to do my prayers just as yet. All Kolia here.. No Landy and I feel a little out of place and somehow.. Alone.. But I like that. At least noone would have anything much to say about me... 
I ended up emailing LXA for tips and refreshment on the softwares I used to operate on a daily basis. 11months of hibernation and my mind get a little rusty on the procedures and steps to take...
I just can't wait to put in my full force.. With the temporaty notebook, it's a bit of a hassle, and needless to say.. Uber slow speed, that I can easily fall asleep...
May Allah give me more guidance to go through all the obstacles and challenges that he has set out for me to be a better person. And may everyone be granted better health and wealth.
I miss my blade expert.. In such need to blade and release all these tension and stress..
Shall we??
As I wait for your answer, I shall say goodbye.. Until next time.
