Friday, November 19, 2010
Tears on my cheeks
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The little girl's dream..
Monday, November 08, 2010
Stress la, Mr Smartpants~
Thursday, November 04, 2010
November Babies
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Out of Character
Saturday, October 02, 2010
the struggle to stay afloat
Thursday, July 15, 2010
More about myself
Interestingly, someone commented about my "about me" section.. as typed, it reads:
Sometimes, I hate myself as I'm my own enemy. Other times, I love myself for being the perfect me. Those minute moments of loneliness, I spent it with friends who never fails me. For those who does, well, I have many others. What you see, ain't always what you get. Go on and judge me, do what you please. I can take the good and leave the bad. I am me, take it or leave it. I'm all into touch rubgy and the boys. I'm all about having a good time, laughing, and enjoy everything while it lasts. I'm a movie-goer, just that most of the time... I ain't got the cash flow going. I'm in love with my totties- my beloved nieces and nephew. A girl with no fear of doing what she thinks is right. A friend who appreciates every friendship. A lady who respects those who approach her to correct her mistakes, not those who only speaks behind her back. I'm lovely, Read on..
I guess there's more behind the short description of myself, and I am guessing, it's only fair for me to further narrate about myself further.. It's not at all a bed of roses being myself. I had a lot of critics, and sometimes, I do get isolated for some reason unknown to me. I never quite find out why my own cousins blocked me off their friends list, or why they just refuse to acknowledge me or simply talk to me.. They would talk to my sisters, my nieces, my nephews, but just not me. I mean grow up already, aren't we adults? Can't they just tell me if I did something wrong? Can't they just be upfront and just tell me off? As it is they already smashed my heart, what would another phrase of critics do? It will at least allow me to sleep peacefully knowing the reason behind the cold treatment, right? At least it'd give me room to further improve myself, right? Thus the "What you see, ain't always what you get. Go on and judge me, do what you please. I can take the good and leave the bad"
I hate it when people go around spreading rumours and have friends believe them without even asking or confronting me. Those friends, I'd usually keep my distance. For you know when these people can go to you talking about some other friend, they could jolly well, go around other people talking about you. I prefer those who mind their own life like me. Nothing really matter as long as they are happy with the people around them and vice. Thus the, "A lady who respects those who approach her to correct her mistakes, not those who only speaks behind her back."
I have lost many friends along the way, and I sometimes begin to think that it's me who have a problem. I don't know how to go about finding out my fault really. All I did was just being myself. Upfront and direct. I'd kiss and tell my feelings, my thoughts, my opinion and I'd gladly say your breath stinks if I have to. I guess that is the reason why I don't have many girlfriends. All that is left is my mom, 2nd sister and my childhood bestfriend, really. And the many boys around. It's easier befriending them and have an everlasting friendship with boys anyway. At least I can tell them they are ugly and have a good laugh without having any grudges. And I don't get offended when they say I'm a spoilt brat because I know they either are just being honest or just pulling my legs. Thus the, "Those minute moments of loneliness, I spent it with friends who never fails me." But it's more of family now compared to friends. I haven't been socializing lately..
I prefer people criticizing me in my face, then have someone who talks behind my back. At least I can go home with those criticism and try set things right so I can prove them wrong. It's really take it or leave it with me. It's really either a yes or a no, and nothing in between. I have some kind of a split personality at times. I can be such a bossy person at one point, and at another I just refuse to make a decision and would rather just follow someone else's instinct. Thus the "Sometimes, I hate myself as I'm my own enemy. Other times, I love myself for being the perfect me"
I've been cheated in love, been dumped, been married, been divorced.. But I dare not say I've seen it all... There's always something out there that I have yet to know. There will always be someone out there who have gone through far more. I don't quite like talking about myself... But I rather people not know my capabilities, and allow them to solve the mystery themselves.
My life is much better now, I guess.... And I usually stay contented with whatever I have, with whatever Allah SWT has given me thus far. The challenges He put me through has made me the stronger person. The tests He put me through has somehow made me a little wiser.
Right now, I guess that's enough about me.. And right now, I just simply hope things would go like how it should... I'm just being me... Take it or leave it...
Seriously.. on a personal note.. I'm feeling a little jealous over something. And I can't quite tell what it is.. Maybe just maybe.. it's the love bug again.. truly is missing my Smart Pants...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Handy Crafts
Assalammu'alaikum all friends, readers and followers of this blog.. I hope all is well for you as it is for me. Just wanna share some updates.. I've been keeping myself busy doing handy crafts for the past week. I've done two reversible pouch, one sling bag (very rough - needs improvements), 3 tissue pouches, 1 namecard holder/wallet (doesnt come out right - need lots of improvements), one small/slim pouch &one netbook sleeve/bag. I have orders/requests coming in, after publishing my handy crafts work on FB.. Sewing/Making handy crafts makes me forget everything. To the extend that I do forget to eat/drink or to simply take a break. It makes my mind totally focused, makes my brain gears move and keep moving. In fact, I have a long list to make/create already. I might be retailing the handy crafts that i make.. And what's great is the fact that i reuse everything. All my handy crafty work are made of old clothes that I outgrew, or torn up jeans that cannot be worn again. Initially, I was suppose to give it away or try-sell them away at dirt cheap prices, but since there are no takers/buyers, i decide to do something abt it. I just cant stand having things lying around for far too long.. So might as well.. And strange thing is, it all started off with my mind fix and wanted to try sewing all over again. And Dearie just suggested me to make a pouch since he wants one.. So i just get my mind working and running on how to create the pouch.. And wa la~ it just came out great and perfect. Too perfect for a first-timer. And Dearie likes it so much. I will be creating more because as i start using them, more have asked if I can make one for them. Do take a look, if you're interested, do send me a comment or pm me:!/album.php?aid=7988&id=100001030230777 Wassalam. |
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tips buat semua.. Sharing is caring =)
Assalammu'alaikum all readers... Sorry this is in Malay.. I just happen to browse this many tips when I was searching for the varse difference between men and women.. I dunno why ppl argue.. it's a fact that men are more rational and women are more emotional based. We can't change nature. Yes, men can still be in touch with their emotions and women too can be more rational then some.. but hey.. anyways.. this is like just a great thing to share and read.. I find it useful.. esp #58 & #59. =) You know what, i will translate it for you non-malays. =) because sharing is caring.. hehehe.. Tips buat semua (yang sedang mencari pasangan, yang berpasangan, yang curiga ingin tahu.. semua dijemput baca.. hee) 1. Semua orang ada jodoh atau pasangan yang menanti dan biasanya ia berada tidak jauh dari anda. Jarang orang bertemu dengan jodoh yang berada jauh darinya. # everyone have a soulmate or partner who is waiting out there, and usually he/she is not far away from you. Rarely, we find a soulmate or partner far away from ourselves. 2. Jodoh itu ketentuan Allah dan kita wajib berusaha. Doa, usaha yang betul dan bersungguh-sungguh disertai dengan tawakkal, insyallah akan menemukan anda dengan pasangan anda. # True that fate brings two souls together, but we must also work toward it. Pray, work for it properly with faith, god willing, you will meet the one who is meant for you. 3. Ramai orang masih belum bertemu jodoh kerana mudah patah semangat. Teruskan usaha sehingga anda bertemu jodoh. # Many have yet to meet the right person possibly because they give up easily. Keep on trying till you meet yours. 4. Seimbangkan hidup anda dengan sempurna agar diri anda jadi seperti "magnet" yang menarik bakal pasangan anda kepada anda. # Balance out your life harmoniously so you'll be a magnet that will attract "the one". 5. Daya tarikan yang sebenar berpusat di hati yang murni. Berusahalah untuk mencuci hati anda daripada semua perasaan yang negatif terhadap semua orang di dunia ini. # The real x factor lies in your heart. Wash your heart of all the negative feelings toward others. 6. Agar mudah orang sayang, cuci hati dengan jaga ibadah, solat taubat, beristighfar, baca Al-Quran, maafkan orang lain, meminta maaf, bersedekah dan berfikiran positif. # To make it easier for others to love you, wash your heart by caring for your good-doings (prayers), seek forgiveness from Allah, read the Holy Qur'an, forgive others, seek forgiveness from others, give others (love/donations/etc) and think positively. 7. Sayangi semua orang di sekitar anda dan anda akan menarik sayang terhadap anda. Jika anda membenci orang, ditakuti bakal pasangan anda akan membenci anda. # Love everyone around you and you will attract love towards yourself. If you hate someone, you might make your partner hate you. (bad translation.. haha.. i guess it's saying you might be hating the "right one". 8. Orang yang sedang mencari pasangan harus sentiasa bersedia untuk bertemu dengan pasangannya pada bila-bila masa. Justeru, kita perlu sentiasa dalam keadaan yang paling menarik setiap masa. Tanggapan pertama adalah yang terpenting. # one who is searching for a partner should always be ready to meet the one at anytime. therefore, we should always be in our best. First impression is very important. 9. Untuk lelaki, tarikan pertama ialah pakaiannya. Untuk perempuan, wajah dan bentuk badan menjadi tarikan pertama. Sediakan diri untuk menawan bakal pasangan anda. # For men, ladies tend to be attracted by what you wear. For ladies, men tend to be attracted by your looks (face) and figure. Get ready to attract your partner! 10. Buka hati dan minda anda untuk menerima cinta. Cinta boleh berputik pada bila-bila masa. Cinta mudah datang kepada mereka yang sentiasa bersedia untuk menerima cinta. # Open your heart and mind to accept love. Love can come anytime. Love easily become available to those who are ready to receive it. 11. Cinta datang melalui mata lalu turun ke hati. Justeru, perhebatkan hubungan mata secara memandang bakal pasangan dengan penuh kasih sayang. Love spark through the eyes and dives into the heart. ;) Therefore strenghten your eye contact with lots of love. :p 12. Kita boleh berkomunikasi melalui fikiran. Hantarlah kasih sayang dan hasrat murni anda terhadap pasangan dengan gelombang fikiran ini secara berterusan hingga berjaya. # We can communicate via our thoughts. Send your love and sincere and purerest intention thru your thoughts constantly till you succeed. 13. Ramai yang terlepas peluang dan patah hati sebab lewat menyatakan hasrat kepada bakal pasangan. Perkara yang baik disegerakan (iaitu menyatakan perasaan anda kepada bakal pasangan). # Many missed their opportunity and end up with a broken heart because they hesitate too much. Good things should be told as soon as possible. Tell the person you have been eyeing your feelings. 14. Tidak salah untuk orang perempuan memulakan usaha untuk berkenalan. Orang lelaki akan sentiasa merasakan mereka yang memulakan perkenalan walaupun sebenarnya orang perempuan yang mulakan. # It is not wrong for a woman to make the first move. Men always think they did the first move anyway. ;) 15. Berkomunikasi dengan mesra dan bersemangat menggunakan lidah, mata, hati dan bahasa badan. Elakkan bercakap sambil lewa atau kurang sopan terhadap bakal pasangan. # Speak with posture that sends love. Be attentive using your tongue, eyes, heart and body language. Refrain from talking rudely or as you wish (without attention) with your loved ones. 16. Berbual dengan pasangan mengenai apa yang dia suka. Beri tumpuan kepada minat dan perasaannya. Elakkan sibuk memberi tumpuan kepada diri sendiri. # talk about what your partner likes. Give attention to her/his interest and feelings. Refrain from centering the attention to yourself. 17. Layan bakal pasangan dengan mesra seperti kawan lama walaupun baru berkenalan. Bentuk suasana keintiman dengan segera agar bakal pasangan rasa selesa. # Treat your partner with love naturally like how you would with an old friend although you just met. Create comfort and intimacy naturally so your partner feels comfortable. 18. Makin mudah kita menceritakan hal peribadi yang munasabah kepada bakal pasangan, semakin mudah dia menceritakan hal dirinya kepada kita. # The easier/more you tell about your deepest secret and relevant history to your partner, the easier it would be, and the more your partner will share theirs with you. 19. Berdoa dan latih diri agar kita pandai mendampingi orang lain dan seronok untuk didampingi oleh orang lain. Buang perangai yang menyebabkan orang benci kepada kita. # Pray and practice habits that is well-liked by others so others enjoy your company, change or rid bad habits that make others uncomfortable to be around you. 20. Beri sayang untuk mendapat sayang. Orang yang masih ada perasaan benci terhadap sebarang orang boleh menyebabkan bakal pasangan benci atau tidak tertarik kepada kita. Justeru buang semua benci. # Give love to receive love. One who have hatred in them can cause people around then to hate or less attracted to you. Therefore, throw away all your hatred. 21. Untuk wanita, jangan jual mahal terhadap bakal pasangan. Tetapi, nyatakan dengan hikmah kepadanya yang anda amat sukar untuk berkenalan dengan lelaki lain. # to ladies, dun be too hard to impress. But tell in a matter of factly that you are really not that easy to befriend the opposing gender. 22. Kebanyakan lelaki mudah tertarik kepada perempuan yang simple, tidak materialistik, mudah berterima kasih dan redha dengan setiap pemberian lelaki tersebut. # Men are often attracted to ladies who are simple, non-materialistic, who is easily grateful and thankful, and able to accept every gift a man give. 23. Orang perempuan mudah tertarik kepada lelaki yang memberi perhatian, penghargaan dan penghormatan kepada mereka. Justeru, orang lelaki janganlah terlalu jimat atau kedekut. # Ladies are often attracted to men who gives attention, appreciation and respectful. Therefore, men, don't be to thrifty with ladies. ;) 24. Orang lelaki perlu belajar mengenal kerenah orang perempuan. perasaan, pemikiran, kehendak, keperluan, kesukaan dan kebenciannya. # Men should learn about the lady's character, feelings/emotions, thoughts, wants, needs, likes and hates. 25. Elakkan memberi tumpuan kepada kelemahan dan kesilapan kecil yang ada pada bakal pasangan. Jangan sesekali mengutuk atau memalukan bakal pasangan. # Avoid paying attention to his/her weaknesses and small mistakes/flaws that he/she has/inheritted. Don't ever criticize or embarass your partner (esp in public) 26. Senyuman ikhlas, wajah yang menawan dan bahasa badan yang penuh kemesraan akan menambat lelaki terhadap wanita. # Smile sincerely, a glowing face and good manners that is filled with love will attract men to you. 27. Orang mudah tertawan kepada bakal pasangan yang ada persamaan dan ada perbezaan sifat, tindakan dan minat. Terlalu banyak persamaan membosankan. Banyak sangat perbezaan menyesakkan. # Humans easily gets attracted to their partner who has similarities and differences in character, reactions and interest. Too much of a common interest can be boring. Too much differences can be suffocating. 28. Orang mudah tertarik kepada bakal pasangan yang ada sikap dan sifat yang saling mengimbangi dan melengkapkan sikap dan sifatnya. # Humans easily gets attracted to their partner who has character and habits that balance out and complete each other. 29. Walaupun belum kenal rapat dengan bakal pasangan, nyatakan yang anda sering merasa atau berfikir seperti yang dia rasa atau fikir. Keserasian adalah tarikan. # Tell your partner that you often feel the same. Compatibility is an attraction. 30. Perempuan membentuk hubungan dengan berbual dan bercakap. Lelaki bentuk hubungan dengan melakukan sesuatu kegiatan secara bersama. # Ladies shape a relationship by talking and having a quality conversation. Men shape a relationship by doing something together. 31. Orang mudah tertawan kepada bakal pasangan yang mempunyai persamaan daripada berbagai segi seperti kefahaman politik, aktiviti keagamaan, sikap terhadap harta, wang dan hobi. # Having a common ground increase your chance of attracting your partner, be it in terms of religion, political views, thoughts on assets, or even hobby. 32. Dua orang yang amat banyak perbezaan boleh serasi antara satu sama lain jika mempunyai satu atau dua persamaan yang mendalam seperti suka kepada kucing, suka melancong atau suka ramai anak. # two different people can become compatible by having a deep passion on a common thing, like passion on animals, travelling, etc. 33. Tindakan yang serentak akan menarik bakal pasangan terhadap anda. Contohnya, serentak berpaling, serentak angkat gelas, serentak berdiri, serentak nak ke tandas. # Doing something at the same time can also attract your partner to you. 34. Tawan hati bakal pasangan dengan pamerkan emosi yang sama terhadap sesuatu kejadian atau peristiwa – sama-sama gembira, sedih, terperanjat, benci, simpati dan sebagainya. # Attract your partner by feeling the same emotion as her/him. 35. Dua insan mudah serasi jika mempunyai pentafsiran yang sama mengenai hubungan – tahap keakraban, kebebasan, kebergantungan, pemberian, pengorbanan dan sebagainya. # Two people can get comfortable and compatible if they have the same stand on the relationship status - the closeness, freedom, dependency, sacrifices, etc. 36. Kenalpasti ciri-ciri yang disukai oleh bakal pasangan anda. Bentuk ciri-ciri yang disukai oleh bakal pasangan anda. Bentuk ciri-ciri ini dalam diri anda dan pamerkan kepadanya yang anda mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut. # Identify what your partner like in you. Build it, & shape it in you and express it to her/him. 37. Semua orang mencari cinta sejati tanpa syarat. Bakal pasangan anda akan tertarik kepada anda jika anda mengasihinya bukan kerana wajah, harta, keturunan atau glamornya. # Everyone searches for love with no rules. Your partner will be attracted to you, if you love not because of his/her charming looks, huge paycheques, generations or reputation. 38. Bakal pasangan akan tertawan kepada anda jika anda dapat bantu mengukuhkan imej dirinya, rangsang semangatnya dan pupuk keyakinan dirinya. # Your partner will appreciate it if you could build his self image, motivate his courage and build his self confidence. 39. Keikhlasan amat penting dalam memuji atau memotivasi bakal pasangan. Jika kita didapati bohong, dia akan terus menjauhkan diri daripada kita. # Sincerity is important in praising and motivating your partner. If you're caught lying, he/she will avoid you. 40. Pujian yang berhikmah dan ikhlas bertindak sebagai magnet yang menarik anda kepada bakal pasangan. Pujian daripada kawan baru lebih bermakna dan berkesan berbanding pujian daripada kawan lama. # Praise sincerely. Praising someone new sends more meaning then when you praise an old friend. 41. Ulang sebut perkataan, ayat atau slogan yang digemari bakal pasangan anda. Ini menyebabkan dia rasa istimewa dan dihargai dan akan tertawan kepada anda. # Repeat a statement that your partner likes. She will feel special and appreciated. 42. Kenalpasti keistimewaan bakal pasangan anda yang orang lain tidak nampak. Sampaikan kehebatan ini dengan bersemangat dan dia akan mudah tertawan kepada anda. # Identify what's so special about your partner that noone knew, Tell her/him how special she/he is to you. 43. Untuk bakal pasangan yang popular dan sering dipuji , cari pujian yang original untuk menambat hatinya. Untuk orang yang tidak popular, sebarang pujian amat dialukan dan dihargai. # for those whose partner is often praised, find something original to attract him/her. For those who are rarely praised, any sincere praise is very much appreciated. 44. Beri penghargaan serta merta kepada setiap pencapaian atau kejayaan bakal pasangan. Ini membelai dan melembutkan hatinya terhadap anda. # Give her/him your appreciation/gratitude immediately to his/her every new achievement. This will make him/her feel loved and appreciated. 45. Jika bakal pasangan memuji anda, pamerkan keseronokan anda dengan senyuman dan ucapan terima kasih dan bersyukur. Dia akan rasa dihargai. # If your partner praises you, show your appreciation by smiling and saying thank you. This will show that you appreciate him/her. 46. Cari keunikan, kelucuan atau 'kegilaan' bakal pasangan anda. Nyatakan yang anda suka kepadanya sebab keunikan tersebut. Ini buat dia rasa istimewa. # Find something unique in your partner and tell her, this will make him/her feel special. 47. Ramai pasangan sengsara bila isteri terlalu cantik atau suami terlalu handsome. Justeru, cari bakal pasangan yang setara dan sepadan dengan kita. # Find someone who is of the same level of attraction. Those with partners who are too gorgeous or too charming often find themselves deprived. 48. Orang yang merasa dirinya hodoh sukar untuk mendapat pasangan. Carilah kecantikan yang ada pada anda dan bentuk keyakinan diri. Hati yang suci dan keyakinan yang tinggi menyerlahkan kecantikan anda. # Those who think they are not attractive will find it hard to find a partner. So find something that is attractive in you and build your self confidence. A sincere heart and confirdence will help you shine and glow. =) 49. Wanita mudah tertawan kepada lelaki yang gentleman – bersopan santun, suka membantu, menghormati wanita, berani dan yakin diri. # Ladies are attracted to men who are gentleman, well-mannered, helpful, respect women, brave and confident. 50. Untuk jadi lebih menawan, berterusan belajar, perbaiki perangai dan peribadi, baiki kemahiran komunikasi, murnikan hati, pemaaf dan sentiasa bersangka baik. # To be more attractive, continue to learn and improve your behavious and character, improve your communication skills, be forgiving, and always think well (positive). 51. Lelaki harus mempamerkan sifat kelelakiannya di samping memasukkan sifat perempuan dalam dirinya seperti lebih prihatin, memahami emosi , timbang rasa, dan gunakan gerak batin. # Men should express their manhood with a touch of femininity like more concerned, understand emotions, considerate, etc. 52. Perempuan harus mempamerkan sifat kewanitaan disamping menghayati sifat lelaki seperti minat dalam politik, sukan, memancing, dan aktiviti macho yang lain. Bertindak bijak tapi, jangan terlalu bijak. # Ladies should express their femine nature with a touch of masculinity like interest in politics, sports, fishing, and other manly activity. Be smart, but dun outsmart~ 53. Untuk menambat hati wanita, kerap bertanya tentang perasaannya, aktiviti yang dijalankannya, kegemarannya, kebenciannya atau sebarang perkara yang berkaitan dengan emosi. # To touch a women's heart, always ask of her feelings, activities that they do, their favorites, or anything that is associated with their emotions. 54. Sebelum benar-benar rapat, orang perempuan harus elakkan diri dari bertanya bakal pasangan mengenai perasaannya mengenai sesuatu perkara, peristiwa atau situasi. # Before sealing the deal in a relationship, women should avoid asking men too much about their emotion, or situation. Basically, dun make the man talk about emotions. They HATE it. 55. Orang lelaki amat pantang bila bakal pasangan menempelak atau menunjukkan kesilapan atau kebodohan lelaki tersebut. Ini cara terbaik memutuskan hubungan. # Men despice it when women magnify their short-comings and flaws. This is thier ultimatum to break the relationship off. 56. Orang perempuan mudah tertawan kepada lelaki yang boleh mengaku salah, meminta maaf, meminta bantuan, bertolak ansur, pandai mendengar, bersabar dan lemah lembut terhadap wanita. # Women are attracted to men who can admit fault, say sorry, ask for help, give and take, good at listening, patient and sensitive to women. 57. Bila bercakap dengan lelaki, orang perempuan harus fokus kepada fakta dan sampaikan secara ringkas. Penjelasan yang berjela-jela dan memasukkan unsur perasaan akan membunuh minat lelaki terhadapnya. # When speaking to a man, woman should focus on facts and keep the message short. Explanation that is too long and too involved with emotions can kill the men's interest towards the woman. 58. Jika orang perempuan marah, pujuklah dengan kasih sayang. Tanya kenapa dia marah, dengari dengan teliti dan jangan komen atau cuba beri nasihat. Orang perempuan mudah sayang pada lelaki yang pandai mendengar dan sensitif kepada perasaannya. # when a lady is angry, pacify her with love. Ask her why she is angry, listen attentively, DO NOT comment or try to advice. Women love men who listens well and sensitive to their feelings. 59. Jika lelaki marah, jangan sibuk nak tanya kenapa dia marah. Pamerkan kasih sayang dan bentuk suasana yang tenang. Doakan dia dan beri masa untuk dia merawat dirinya sendiri. # when a man is angry, don't be too nosy and ask why he is angry. Just show him love and create a calm aura. Pray and give him time to calm himself down. 60. Fahami bahawa orang lelaki bercakap secara terus terang, ringkas dan objektif. Orang perempuan sering bercakap secara berlapik, terperinci dan banyak yang tersirat. # Understand that when men speak, it will be very straight forward, short, sharp and objective. Whereas, a woman speaks with lots of layers, detailed and lots of between the lines messages. ------------------ okay.. i'm done with the translation. fyuh~ Good luck and Wassalam. |
Monday, June 14, 2010
Days spent with Mr Fisherman's family...
Assalammualaikum readers~~ I know it's been some time since I updated.. Been busy.. I spend many days at Mr Fisherman's place last week.. I met his extended family on Thursday... I felt a little overwhelmed with the attention, really.. Then the interviews... I was just speechless to explain how I felt that night. I made Mr Fisherman wait 3 hours the next morning. And then we companied my mom to the doctor. Mom was like so touched that we spent time with her. She asked if we could bring the two kids with us, and we just agreed. So another day with Mr Fisherman's family.. His mom talked to me, I carried his nephew. Comparing his weight and my other nephews.. I'd say he's light. =) Which explains why I could carry him rather easily. Then I spend my whole evening with my mom because her back is paining her a little too much. Sunday morning I went off to pumpet with Dear. And then went to attend a wedding with Mystery... After which I drop by Mr Fisherman's house again.. Haha.. I watched like 3 DVDs that night. Mr Fisherman's not feeling well.. Recovering from shock I guess.. He's on 2 days MC.. And honestly, I'm beginning to somewhat miss his mom's dish.. Haha.. I am so going to try out that recipe later, if mom didnt cook. It's just yummilicious. And it's weird to have everyone saying the same thing to me on different occassions. I told Mama H about it.. and she just laughed about it. It's truly weird.. You know. First, it was FMAS, and then it's my mom, and then it's LTFK.. Well everyone.. let's just wish me luck, and hopefully this one is really the one for me, because deep inside, my heart is also telling me the same thing. I so need to get my cooking skills back on track.. I havent cooked a proper meal since 2004... Suddenly, I miss my specialty Ayam Masak Merah... O Oh.. Gotta run now. Catch up again in time to come, insya'Allah. Wassalam. |
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Feelings deep inside...
Assalammu'alaikum dearest friends and followers of this blog. I hope all is well and may things get better as time past.. I can't explain the feelings I've been bearing all this while. I felt caged sometimes, and often I tried to break through the door so I can emerge out and do something that will benefit me in the long run. And when I finally get out of the door, I tend to ask for an opinion or two about the things I intend to do, and often than not, the first person gave me a strange look and said I was crazy, at this point.. Sometimes, I run back to my cage and lock myself, other times, I just look back at him, and wanted so much to prove him wrong, and walked to the next person and hope he/she would agree with me and work with me towards the better future.. Sadly, the 2nd person didn't see the opportunity as her fears are bigger than her dreams, she cited excuses after excuses. Like the 1st rejection, I sometimes return to my cage.. This time I either walk to the next one with bigger hope of getting someone who wanted her/his dream to come true as much as I did.. Finally along the many rejections, negativity, I found someone, no let me correct that, I found a system that was proven to work, which I can utilize to fulfil my dreams, finally! Even so, with the system instilled, it wasn't easy to make others see what I saw inside and beyond the whole operations, systems, support team, and everything that was there all along which can help us have a better future. I managed to get a few people to see how it works before turning me down, well at least these people know what they are saying NO to. I respect this people more than those who simply reject without seeing/feeling/trying the deal, and I simply dislike the people who thinks they have seen it all and know it all, when the truth is, they have seen nothing and they know nothing at all. These people often kill those with dreams, we call them Dream-Stealers. They steal other people's dreams.. They make everyone around them to be the negative normal people, instead of supporting those to chase and follow their dreams. Those who chase and follow their dreams have got nothing to lose in doing so. If all fails, at least they can say, "I have tried my best. I have given my all to follow my dreams, and I am happy with the result, however the result may be." Often, those who chase and follow their dreams never had time to quit, because they know that they are very near to success at the point when everyone was telling them that they are failing. They know that success is very near just when everyone gives up, because they know, that their dreams are worth the chase. Their dreams are bigger than their fears, and they are the ones that I am looking for. I don't understand how someone can claim that they are positive, when the first word they say are negative. I don't understand how someone can say they have tried, when all they do was watch others try and not try it themselves. All I can say to these people is, "You have the right not to try, but you have got no rights to tell others not to." With all that said, I still wonder why there are still people who let their fears eat them. Bottom line, it's an irony that everyone wants to go to Heaven, but not everyone wanted to PAY the PRICE. Success has a price tag attached, it requires, desire, work and vehicle. Do you have what it takes to succeed in life? Tell me, I am listening. Wassalam, Jun |
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The 5 Love Languages
Assalammu'alaikum my beloved readers, friends and loved ones, I just read the book entitled The Five Love Languages, and I tell you. It is definitely fabulous and it's definitely my top most highly recommended book for those who often cry into vacuum screaming for something so obvious and yet noone understood you. I was once there, and after reading the book, I instantly saw the bigger picture. I quickly recognize my primary love language and my secondary love language. I also instantly knew how to manage different people who speak different love languages. I am no expert in quickly identifying their language, but the least I could do is understand and pick up little clues that comes off with the words they speak. Now that I have understood my love language, I guess I can assure myself that I can keep the love afloat with much greater and deeper understanding. Another book that I wanna read would be "Personality Plus" I gotta read that. Somehow, right now, I'm very interested in human behavior and character.. I dunno why the sudden interest, but I like to study people, their behavior and how to handle them. Then again, I've always liked studying people and analyzing their behavior. It's weird how I used to annoy myself with people who just cant get enough of praises, and then go around making me totally uncomfortable with praises for me.. It totally got on my nerve, and I'd just desperately do something horrid just so she/he would stop praising me. Haha.. and now, I learn to appreciate the praises, and thank them for noticing. I'd try to praise them, although it is definitely not in my blood to go around praising others. I'm more for quality time, talking and understanding each others' feeling, giving 100% attention, and if possible, 200% will definitely be better. I had always dump whatever I am doing if someone I really love deeply call me and said he/she is facing a problem. I'd readily drop everything and be there for them. I paid attention to their feelings, and try to feel what they feel, more often, I never speak much, I'd just listen and tell them I know how they feel, and confirm their feelings. I dun always give them solutions, only when they asked me, I'd think of something, otherwise I'd just be there to listen and tell them I feel for them. I often give hugs to express my gratitude, my embarassments, my grieves, my happiness, and my loneliness. It gives me a sense of belonging when I hold hands, or just brushing our arms as we walk. It gives me some kind of an assurance somehow. I think that's why I always randomly kiss and hug my mom. I like it when someone close to me put their arms around me, or lead my hands to wrap them. I like it when my nieces or nephews play with my hands, or hair.. It makes me feel so loved somehow. Mom's touch is the best, as always, especially when i lie on her lap and then she run her hands thru my hair.. It feels so wonderful, nothing else existed then. My mom always like to be helped. She always complain about doing everything herself, and noone is there helping out. Some people feel loved when they see others doing something for her. However, often than not, people failed to express this as a request, more often, they demand for help. Therefore, others would dread to help not because they don't care, but because its human nature to dread demands. We like to be given the choice, and to do what we liked. Afterall we are humans. The book did give a few tips to teach ourselves to make a request, rather than making demands. And I think it's an excellent exercise. I know of someone who is contented with gifts, nothing above mattered more than a simple gift. Even if it is hand made, they treated the gifts like it's made of gold. That's just how much a gift meant to them. That is how they feel loved. They like receiving and giving gifts. I know of someone who used to always buy me gifts, and expect me to feel loved. I didnt know then that it's an expression of love. Only because it was not my love language. It was foreign. I am not a gift giver either, but I like creating things and do handmade cards, handmade bags.. And sometimes, I have to admit, I am embarrassed to give them away as gifts. "It is too cheap" I thought. Little did I know, it would mean a whole lot if the person who'd be receiving gifts speaks the language of gifts. Speaking of gifts, I wonder what I should get for Mr MUF's mom.. Hmmm... Can I like buy it at a later date Anyways, I'm currenly addicted to MIFEE... it's yummy.. Well it's not anything new.. it's just MILO + COFFEE.. Alrighty now.. I gotta get back to work.. Wassalam. |
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Routine Life without Baby Blast
My life has been routined since Baby Blast decides to ditch me for hurting her.. Good thing is, I began to learn and appreciate my loved ones who helped me along the way.. Baby Blast haven't moved an inch since 2nd May, and since then, my Dearest Dear has been sending me and fetching me from work. I haven't felt so important for so long. And I felt so much loved when I told him it is okay and that I can go to work myself, and he said, I had to get up much earlier, and the fact that I haven't been taking public for 2 years might have taken a toll, and I might just not know where to change the train. And firmly assure me that he will send me to work unless he's not in town. Instantly I felt so important and so loved. And so, life since then became a daily routine, seeing him in the morning, hitching a ride with him to work (and I appreciate it so much, he's making one big round spending at least half an hour of extra sleep), and then him coming to fetch me from work. Sometimes we go for dinner, sometimes we just spend some time talking somewhere. I had so much time with him, and I felt so contented. Yesterday, I went to attend a short workshop and learn so many helpful tips from the experts.. And he came to fetch me after, we went MC that night. Somehow I felt so much closer to him then ever before.. Throughout the night, we held hands, and never really let go. I felt like we belong to each other.. And I came home recapping what I have read in the love language book. And I was a little worried if this is just the "in love" moment. I do show some of the most famous symptoms on being in-love. And sometimes, I'm afraid of waking up and noticing all the bad things that has always been there. The golden question as always, what if? What if one day, he finds me annoyingly irritating because of my short temper? What if one day, he thinks I'm being absurdly brainless to be throwing tantrums just because i'm having that bad day of the month? What if, one day I became a Quality Control and end up saying he's not good enough till he suffocates trying to keep up? Sometimes, this "what-if" fear drains me and often, I short-lived my "in-love" moment by being the monster first. How can one tell that it is worth the try? I dunno.. Dun get me wrong though. I do love sincerely and whole-heartedly.. My fears only shows that I do treasure what I have, and I will treasure it always. And my fear only says that I do know that nothing belonged to me, everything belongs to Allah S.W.T. I am only borrowing what he has gifted me. I just hope and I always pray for what I deserved in His eyes. And what I go through is essential to me because He says so. Perhaps, if I hadn't went through what I went through, I would have been heartless or something. Wallahualam bi shawab. Anyways, business has been great! My email are getting flooded with enquiries and bookings, and its been great pleasure doing home facials for beautiful ladies, and for those who desire to further beautify their look. It's such a pleasure. I hope to be able to help more people by providing my service, in fact, I've extended my service to across the border. How great! Thanks to all my "teachers". Love all of you. And I love my Dearest Dear. Until next time, Wassalam. |
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Cinta Sejati menurut Islam
Cinta Sejati menurut Islam:
Cinta tersebut hanya ada antara Khalik dan Makhluk, cinta antara makhluk harus ditambah syarat-syarat berikut: Cintanya tersebut karena Alloh S. W. T. Harus memenuhi segala aturan yang dibuat oleh Alloh S. W. T. Sex bukanlah cinta dan cinta bukanlah sex, tetapi sex adalah bunga-bunga dari cinta dan hanya ada dalam pernikahan dan hanya dengan yang dinikahi Cinta bukan uang atau harta atau duniawi, tetapi cinta membutuhkan uang, harta dan duniawi. Saya mengharap benar, mudah-mudahan dapat menemui cinta sejati yang selalu saya harapkan... Dan dengan penuh sabar. saya lalui ujian2 dari Allah S.W.T.... Wassalam. |
Thursday, May 06, 2010
As-Salam Mu'alaik Everyone. I hope all of you have had a great week thus far, and Insya'Allah more great things happening throughout the day. I was suppose to continue my previous entry, but as always, I was caught up with work and clients, and bookings, etc. c",) and I am so loving it. =) Alhamdulillah the launch of my very own home facial service went on smoothly and have been receiving regular bookings. Jazak'Allah to those who have guided me through the courses, and various approaches that I should take. Alhamdulillah.. I think what really makes me happy is just a mere cliche of having someone with me.. I felt right.. And sometimes, because of the right feeling, I scare myself out of it.. I snapped out of it, find something wrong, cry to sleep wondering why, and then run to the subject and snuggle under and feel so warm.. Sometimes, I'm not even sure of myself. Am I making the right decisions? Will he make me happy? Will he like be like how he is now even after marriage? Will he still be this nice? Will he still give me chances? Will he still hug me after I make him angry/upset? Will he still be able to kiss my forehead when I'm feeling down? Or will things change? Will I change? Will I be monsterous? I dunno... And what I dunno is like freaking me out completely.. It used to be, what I dunno wont kill me.. But now.. it's like.. I just wanna be sure.. if he's the one.. Will he wait till time is right? Will he hold me dear till the end of time? Will he always be there for me? Ok.. I think I'm getting a little too emotional.. so I guess I'll stop here.. In the meantime, do check out Our Home Facial Services, Ya? |
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Some thoughts...
Please check out Our Home Facial Services for our updates on the available packages that we have for you.
Other than launching my very own home facial services, I've been actively re-making, re-creating, re-fixing my hijabs.. I was just suddenly inspired and moved to just keep changing my style. On a good day, I managed to put in about 5 styles in a single day. And on normal days, I'd do about two styles.
I think the inspiration start pumping in after I watched Amenakin on youtube, following that, I keep finding new styles, re-creating her styles - Amena uses like a zillion pins if possible, and I'd just recreate it by using maximum 3-4pins, and some I just do it pinless and I loved not having pins on my head because it gives me lots of room for a quick fix-it which in turns gives me a new style altogether.
From watching Amena on youtube, I found MayaChic and got inspired just the same. Then i start looking at more styles all over again, recreating - again trying my best to make the style pinless whenever possible. Then I got really in touch with local beauties, bought lots of shawl, hairbands, hair clips to make things happen.
I am loving my life right now, to be honest, I am very very happy.
Now, I got caught up with other things. I will continue this entry. Insya'Allah.
Will be right back,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Our Home Facial Services
Assalammu'alaikum everyone. Just wanna share with all of you my newly launched freelance service. Pls find below the services we provide right at the comfort of your own home. Go ahead, email us your queries and make an appointment with us now! Grab the promotional offers while slots are still available! Hurry... Email us at now! Our Home Facial Services What does Home Facial Services mean? It simply means that we are providing a personalized service. We are going through beauty courses with Royal Touch and has been given the opportunity to do this personalized service freelance. Unlike many other facial services, we go the extra mile to be at the comfort of your own home. For mass facial session or requirements for other locations, pls send your query to Our Home Facial Packages *pls indicate your skin type when booking an appointment : Normal to Oily or Normal to Dry Sensitive to Oily or Sensitive to Dry Package 1: Essential $25 Essential Cleansing Essential Toning Polishing Scrub Pore Cleansing Masque Moisture Intense Masque Eye Cream treatment Essential Moisturizing Package 2: Whitening $45 Pure White Cleansing Pure White Toning Polishing Scrub Pore Cleansing Masque Moisture Intense Masque Pure White Essence Eye Cream treatment Pure White Moisturizing Package 3: Anti-Aging $55 Time Defiance Cleansing Time Defiance Toning Polishing Scrub Pore Cleansing Masque Moisture Intense Masque Eye Cream treatment Time Defiance Skin Refinishing Lotion Time Defiance Moisturizing Our Home Facial Add-Ons Add Ons: Pure White Spot corrector (Freckles) $5 Blemish Control (Acne) $5 Pure White Essence $8 Wrinkle Relax $8 Eye Lifting Cream $8 Time Defiance Skin Refinishing Lotion $10 Cream L/x (cells act 15 years younger) $15 Our Promotional Packages Mothers' Day Special $50 * for month of April till 10th May 2010 only Package 2 or Package 3 Neck & Shoulder massage Free Facial Products worth $20 Labour Day Special - Whitening Treatment (Package 2) $85 *specially for Labour Day weekends Tag along with a friend/relative/spouse Free Facial products worth $30 5% off facial products purchased on the spot 5% off next facial booking Book slots by 29th April, Thurs to avoid disappointment Per day limited to 6 customers only Email us at to book your appointment now! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Chasing Time
Assalammu'alaikum dearest readers and friends, I apologies for the sudden hiatus after the jealousy episode. Nothing happened between us, Alhamdulillah. All looks good, seems to be going well. Alhamdulillah. Syukran. During my hiatus, I have set myself a goal, associated myself with the right people so I can work together with them to achieve my goal. I took the initiative to decide that I want to be up there freeing my time and money. I decided to work on becoming debt-free by end of this year. I decided to not only be debt-free but also make lots of money by helping others achieve what they want in life. Insya'Allah. I always believe that by helping others get what they want, I will get what I want eventually. I gave it a long thought. I have got lots of connection and it is my duty to pick and choose the right ones for the right purpose, and each group is for different purposes, afterall, it is not always that everyone has the same goal and see the same thing the same way, is it? I have also initiated my freelance business together with my friend - who has an accountancy background, mother of one bubbly girl. We are currently providing a home facial service starting from just $25, depending on their skin types and treatments that they require. We have a few promotional packages going on currently and it's definitely worth the money. What more, we do it at your comfort, wherever you wanna do it. Next in line will be my hijab styling workshop, Insya'Allah. Whilst I've seen many doing stylish hijabs and doing workshop for those, I'm more on the practical side. Afterall, we often need to save time, time is money, isn't it. I am focussing on quick, practical and yet as stylish as can be. I try to keep my styling to less than 10mins. Whatever style it can be, I always try to make it shorter to prepare. No doubt, I'm chasing for time, and I believe many out there are chasing for time too. For those who is interested to know more about my services, pls do not hesitate to leave me a comment with one means of contact. Thank You. Wassalam. |
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Assalammu'alaikum dearest readers and friends. I dunno what got into me.... Suddenly jealousy envelope me.. I hate the feeling.. I dun feel secure anymore.. I felt threatened.. Stupid feeling seriously. But I cant seem to fight it. Nothing else in my mind. Perhaps, Mystery could erase these devilish thoughts in my mind. I miss you. I miss your hugs. I miss everything about you. I miss you the moment you're out of my sight. And I am feeling breathless. I hate this feeling.. Burning desire to own. Suffocating. Ya Allah, pls help me. Guide me to the righteous path for I am feeling strayed. Afraid to commit yet another mistake, I tried to refrain, but this burning desire is getting out of control. Help me, Give me strength. To continually refrain, and give my all only when it's right. Ya Allah, pls protect the man I love, and if he's truly meant for me, show me, tell me, and guide us to do things right, just the way you want things to be. Protect my parents from harm, erase their worries, and may they always be happy. Amin. Till I blog again, Wassalam. |
Monday, April 05, 2010
Another boring day.. add the pain..
Assalammu'alaikum. I'm having terrible tummy pain. What a few days late can do to me is just horrible. Which is probably why I wanna make things go a little bit faster than normal. Urghz.. it hurts damn bad. Anyways.. I am super bored.. like always.. More irritated because it's my tummy ache day.. Hmm.. You know.. I'm suddenly thinking of kids.. and if i can really choose my family size.. I wanna have 5 ermm maybe 6kids.. hahaha.. if I can work hard to free my time and money, i'd definitely go for 6 kids. then i can enrol them to play as a team.. 4aside, plus 2 reserve and Abi can be the referee.. hmm.. hee.. Ami be the cheer leader la.. hee.. ok.. too much.. too much of dreaming and building castles.. haha.. I think my Darl would faint reading this.. hahaha... I'm kid enuff for him.. plus more.. hahaha.. Nothing else in my mind now.. I'm seriously bored.. And just as I was typing Darl, he called me.. Hahaha.. Darl, wait eh.. Dan using the phone.. Will call you back once Dan is done with his calls. Wassalam. |
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Boring Wet Saturday~
Assalammu'alaikum. I am wet... NOT. I am bored.. YES. Bored to death. Staring at this empty screen for 6hours now. Damn, I could have done 4 major chores at home. I could have washed my clothes, sweep and mop the floor, hang my clothes, and sleep. hmmm.. Then I can iron my dry clothes, and set off to bike shop to view and query.. Arrgghhh.. And now look what I have accomplished.. I have changed my shawl style 8 times... and still changing.. Dunno what to do.. Go to the ladies, change it again. Come up back on my desk and i change it again.. and again... and again.. and again! Wow.. great isn't it? Then I played games on fb.. then i felt sleepy.. then i change my shawl style again! Sounds like it's so much fun.. Yeah.. RIGHT~ *rolls eyes* Why must they make me come back today only to work at staring the empty computer screen? I am bored playing games, bored of listening to my music list over and over again, I am sick and tired of all these routine which I have no control over. That apart.. I had a great day yesterday.. I enjoy every bit of having a bf who is proud to have me as his gf. Love. <3 Hearts. <3 Blissed. Hee.. I ended up being so proud to be his gf. Like it's such a wonderful thing, and above all, the best thing I've ever had my entire life, really. Looks like, I have to save lots of money.. Who knows.. We might get impatient for some reason. Anyways, what's important is the much love I have for him, and the much love I received from him. I was a little irritated because of my stupid phone which kept trying to syncronize my emails. and then the emails keep coming and coming and coming. Gosh.. I am guilty of expressing my annoyance to my innocent bf. Sorry love. Anyways, Mr MUF asked me out tonight. You better make my day, Mr MUF.. Till I get bored again, Wassalam. |
Friday, March 26, 2010
Communication and its Importance
Assalammu'alaikum beloved readers.. How's your day? Weekend is approaching.. Have you had yours planned? Well I hope your plan goes well, and may you enjoy every single day with your loved ones, and be blissed with great health, lots of love, and much happiness. I had a casual light talk with a driver without a choice yesterday.. And he started to well, tell me stories of how his first two marriages failed. Honestly I find it childish.. Anyways, here's what he tell me. Long story short : The only thing that strike him was hearing his wife nagging and said, "You're not the only one working, you know. I am also from the night shift, can't you just help out with the chores, even for a bit" And he freshen up and got out of the house, well, soul searching to haywire. Because that was how he started straying to spending hours at coffee shops, drinking, gambling and what not. To me, the problem could have been settled if he brush his bloody ego or whatever you call it, and tell his wife, "well hey, you know how it is, I'm sorry I dozed off, but we could have done this a better way. Look I know it's irrelevant, but i'm not quite happy about the way you tell me off. You could have just told me you needed help." that simple gesture could just lead to a compromise. But i mean of course it could back fire with wife telling off like this, "you mean i have to ask? don't you have the initiative?" Well then, i mean i sometimes do that, and all it takes, is for the man to say, "Look i am sorry, but I'm just being a man down here." I might have thrown some stupid annoying face that awaits for a slap across it, but I'd eventually sit down, and perhaps, allow time for him to cool off, and finally going up to him and say, "hey.. u know.. i'm sorry, perhaps I was rude. Could we talk about it again, in a cooler/calmer tone?" And then the whole conversation on compromise will come with peace, don't you think? To me, a lot of communication and basic rules should be set well before marriage. It helps. I mean get to know as much as you can about your partner. Hey, trust me, i am guilty too! I sometimes forget to find out about my partner, but I guess we learn through hardships. I know some things are not meant to be told verbally or in written, most of the crucial things about your partner should be learnt through observation and "tests" like when you argue, you should be able to see how your partner reacts, and you'd probably find the way to cool/calm him down. Usually a short time-out does the trick. At least it would be for me. I'd mumble, but if you leave me alone, i'd be tired, and i'd end up reflecting and thinking about what i have done. And if I dun think i was wrong, I would want to sit down and talk about it so we can sit down and understand each other's view and perspective. Noone is perfect, and our views, no matter how much love we have for each other, our views may differ. I always stand true to the fact that others will always treat you the way you treat them or worse. And if you dun like the way you are being treated, tell that person. He/She won't know unless you tell. Noone is born to read other people's mind, ya know. And don't tell like as if you're giving orders, add some examples, or reasons why you dun feel easy with the way you're being treated. The key is just simple communications. Always express your feelings. Tell the person you love what you feel like telling them. If the person truly love you, they'd understand, or at least, try to understand. I hate it when someone tell me, "you should know this, you should know that" I mean goodness sake, if i keep doing the same mistake, chances are I DONT KNOW, or perhaps I DONT UNDERSTAND. And most of the time, the reason why I ask is because I don't know for sure, and would like to know. Just tell me. Or show me. I mean, yes, i'm guilty of being annoyed when someone asked me questions that I thought ppl should know. So, i'm still learning to calm myself down, and be happy that they asked. They wanna know. And i try my best to explain as much as I can so they'd understand. Well, getting married is the easy part, keeping the marriage life alive and happy is the challenging part. All in all, in all kinds of relationships.. I always think that communication is the key and the most important element that kept the relationship worth while. And it's never fair to blame everyone else, and not reflect on your actions. Often, people who go around blaming others are sinners themselves. I always see, 99% of the time, people who accuse and blame others, are actually doing the actions they are accusing and blaming others for. Confusing? well what i mean is, often, I see A accusing B for having an affair without any evidence. Chances are, A is having an affair himself. And I dunno where I got this from but I came up with a line, "To call someone else stupid, you first have to be Stupid." hahaha.. lame.. But it's true. I will not deny having people calling me stupid, and then because people call me stupid i go around telling people they are stupid. Funny you know, but that's how life is. To break the cycle, you just have to stop and make the change you want to see be in you. You change yourself, before you expect others to change. You gotta be the first, don't expect others to do it before you do. Now I turn around and say, "you are smart. thank you" and if you mean it well, someone will come back and tell you, "You are smart, thank you" and make you smile. ;) The main thing here now is to be sincere in everything you do. Do good, and believe good will befall you in time to come. Don't expect too much, be sincere about doing good. Insya'Allah, Good things will come. Only the way the goods are going to be packaged may differ. Accept even if it looks ugly and horrible, who knows, something even better and something you dun expect may come for you when you accept the challenges that you have to go through. Welcome the good with the bad. Don't expect perfection in others, noone is perfect. Not you, not me, nobody. So accept the good with the bad. May things go smooth, I pray for my safe journey back home, and may my loved ones always be protected from harm and evil. And may they always be blessed with lots of love, great health, faith, and strength to go through the many obstacles that they are facing in life. Amin. Wassalam. |
Monday, March 22, 2010
Assalammu'alaikum beautiful, gorgeous, charming and handsome readers of all time. How's your weekend? I hope all is great and get even better with each passing day. Facebook had allowed me to observe people's behaviour, and above all how Karma can be so beautiful and ugly all at the same time. Karma is not something that happens overnight, and it is not always as direct and straight forward. Sometimes, i sit back and read every single status updates, and smile to myself. I do sit back and read my own and still find it amusing. Often we vent out our frustration, our innocent thoughts and what not on our status updates without much thought. Of which sometimes, we invite controversy, unwanted or most needed advice, words of wisdom, encouragement, and sometimes, we do get those harsh comments and only brings us down. I dun usually care about what others has to say... Taking what is good for me into my head, and ignore those which will only lead me to be worse. Then I noticed that everything we do, will possibly create Karma, and everything that happen to us could possibly be Karma. I dunno why certain things happen to me, then as I sat back, i thought to myself.. maybe... I have done something similar to someone else.. Maybe it's just happening to me a few folds more. Bottom line, it's just a test to see how you handle the situation. Then it allows me to weigh out the great people from the normal people from the not-so-good people. Then again great people around when you're sad may not be as great when you're happy (actually more so the other way round).. So we gotta pick wisely.. and learn how to react, treasure, and even appreciate. Everyone had his/her own role, and reasons. Karma is such a beautiful thing, because when you refrain from revenge, Karma will do her trick gracefully. Her ugly side is, sometimes, she takes on innocent people. Sometimes, it's A who did wrong, but Karma took it out on B who is A's favorite son. A would have felt horrible seeing his son going through a hard time, and more so if he realised that he had done something like that to someone else. But B would feel even worst not knowing why he deserved to go through such phase in life. When I think about it.. I wonder, maybe my dad had done this before.. so I'm going through this.. Wallahualam bi sawab. Oh well.. The best thing to do in life is to always be sincere no matter what happens to you. In every step we take, every decision we make, everything we do, let it be for Allah S.W.T. Never ask for any reward, if it meant for you, it will always be yours. To be a great person, it takes a lot of strength and patience. I am still learning... And i hope Allah will grant me patience and strength to go through his tests smoothly. Insya'Allah. And may all my friends, relatives be given the same, and be blessed with great health and wealth. Amin. Wassalam. |
Malay Entry
Assalammu'alaikum Sisters & Brothers. How's your weekend? I hope all is well, and may things get even better, insya'Allah. I'd like to do this entry in Malay so first off, my sincere apologies to my English readers. I will try to do another post in English and translate as much as I can in my next entry, Insya'Allah. Permintaan hati bila disebut menjadi do'a, dari itu, jgn berkata buruk, selalu berkata yang indah, Insya'Allah, yang indah akan menjadi kenyataan. Sering saya dengar orang sekeliling kata, "Tak ada duit la.." Maka terjadi la kenyataan - sering duit tidak mencukupi... Saya sendiri selalu buat silap tu jugak, saya cuba ubah sebanyak mungkin, sebaiknya, kita cakap, "Duit tidak mencukupi, insya'Allah dimurahkan rezeki dan ada lebih di masa akan datang." Tapi kena la usaha jugak, kan? Takkan la kite sebut je dan tak buat apa-apa lagi.. Kenalah usaha, jangan la belanja yang bukan-bukan. Rezeki kita itu sudah ditentukanNya. Pernah saya baca, kalau kita mudah beri sedekah, akan dimurahkan rezekinya, tetapi kalau kita ni selalu membazir, belanja hingga keterlaluan, na'uzubilah, duitnya tidak akan pernah cukup. Saya pernah juga alami situasi macam itu. Saya kuatkan iman, cuba-cuba, memang la benar, masa itu gaji saya kecil, tetapi mane-mane yang ada tabung amal, saya sedekahkan walaupun hanya seringgit. Kita kan seharusnya sedekah seberapa yang mampu, yang penting niat kita, kan? Alhamdulillah, rezeki saya sentiasa ada. Tidak la kaya, tapi mampu. Dan sebaliknya, pernah sebulan tu saya langsung tidak sedekah, malah bila ada orang mintak, saya kata tkde duit. Bulan tu sempit, padahal dinaikkan gaji, tetapi entah macam mane, entah ke mana duit tu pergi, tidak cukup.. Lagi seminggu nak gaji tu kena ikat perut sebab tidak ada duit.. Agaknya kata-kata saya dikabuli sebab menjadi orang yang lokek, kot.. Wallahualam bi sawab. Saya sebenarnya nak lepaskan geram, ada la pekara yang saya kurang suka terjadi di tempat kerja saya ni.. Pada mulanya, saya kerja di syarikat Korea, dari itu, tidak ramai orang melayu Islam bekerja di sini. Secara semula jadi, saya pun lebih cenderung untuk berkawan dengan kaum Melayu atau saudara Muslim. Tempat kerja saya ni ramai abang-abang yang tidak sedar mereka ni lebih layak dengan gelaran pakcik atau atok, yang bekerja sebagai drebar. Memang masa baru-baru kenal itu macam okey je.. Tetapi lama kelamaan saya perasan la jugak yang mereka-mereka ni semua lupa batasan, lupa daratan, dan makin tidak sedar diri (bercakap besar, dan yang sewaktu dengannya). Meluat la pulak bicara dengan mereka-mereka ni. Ada hati nak nasihatkan orang, perjalanan sendiri belum lurus, malah gelap gelita. Dalam banyak2 buaya kat dalam kandang tu, cuma satu je la yang masih tahu batasan dia, masih tau mana darat mana laut.. Dan dalam banyak2 buaya kat dalam kandang tu, ada satu tu, yang ada hati nak memikat hati saya. Ya Allah! Yang meluatkan lagi, dia ni suka tanya hal-hal peribadi saya. Saya tidak pernah la ceritakan (kadang untuk diamkan mulut dia dari bertanya, saya kasi satu cerita donggeng la kat dia), memang saya ni pun bukan jenis buku terbuka untuk ceritakan segala-galanya. Sedangkan dengan kawan paling rapat dan kekasih belum habis cerita, inikan pula orang luar. Selisih je.. Tidak kuasa la nak cerita, bukannya dia kenal saya pun.. Cik Abang dah nasihat saya, dia syorkan saya supaya ada kat ofis je, dah tidak payah nak turun ke tempat makan kat bawah tu. Dan bila dia nasihat kan saya itu kan... saya makin la sayang kat dia.. Ye la.. Secara tidak langsung terbandingkan juga kat orang sebelum dia.. Dan beza nya sangat2x ketara, dan terus saya makin la jatuh cinta kat dia.. Hati berdebar-debar gitu setiap kali jumpa dia, macam nak peluk cium dia erat2x tak nak lepaskan gitu. Kadang malu sendiri tau, bila cakap macam ni.. Tapi kenyataan.. nak lari ke mana. Saya tidak putus do'a supaya ditemukan jodoh... Mungkin ini la dia.. Wallahualam.. Saya perhatikan, memang dia pandai sangat ambil hati saya, pandai membimbing, pandai mengajar.. pandai buat lawak.. Senang kata kalau jumpa dengan dia, mesti senyum lebar, mesti gembira, tertawa, dan rasa syukur gitu.. Saya kadang2x terfikir juga, kenapa dia pilih saya... Saya rasa saya ni okey okey je.. tak la jambu sangat. Tak pandai gaya pun.. Boleh kata selekeh... Buat lawak pun okey okey je.. kadang orang tk gelak pun.. Tapi saya memang rasa amat2x disayang bila dengan dia. Rasa macam best sangat. Bila tk jumpa, rindu semacam. Tak tau kenapa, kekadang, baru jumpa semalam.. harini pagi2x da rindu da.. Pelik kan? Yang paling saya suka tentang si dia ni.. Dia tidak pernah nak hadkan batasan saya, tidak pernah cuba untuk melarang saya. Seperti saya, dia cuma ingin diberitahu. Jangan sampai sendiri dapat tahu, gitu.. So, saya rasa macam seimbang gitu. Dan dia tahu macam mana nak kata tidak bila saya mintak izin. Bila dia cakap tidak tu, dia kasi alasan yang kukuh kenapa.. Kalau saya nak jugak pun, dia tidak la menengking atau mengancam saya. Cara dia macam sesuai sangat dengan pendirian saya. Saya da cuba banyak kali nak uji dia, dan setiap kali saya yang gagal.. dan setiap kali saya gagal, makin mendalam gitu saya sayang dia. Makin merasa syukur.. Saya tidak tahu la kalau dia rasa apa yang saya rasa. Dan yang paling penting sekali, cik Abang saya ni percaya dengan saya. Saya tidak pernah nampak dia ragu-ragu dengan saya. Saya sangat2x selesa dengan dia. Saya rasa macam tidak perlu nak selindung-selindung dengan dia, dalam segala pekara pun.. Sekali dua tu pernah juga saya kecik hati, tapi entah macam mane, dan entah apa dia buat, saya rasa mudah untuk memaafkan dan melupakan pekara tu.. Sekejapan saya kecik hati, sekejapan tu jugak la dia pujuk saya. Pernah sekali tu, dia yang marah, tapi dia yang pujuk saya. Tidak ramai yang kuasa nak pujuk saya bila saya buat perangai macam tu. Ramai orang tengking dan makin marah saya bila saya buat macam tu, tapi dia mampu tenang dan menerangkan pada saya kenapa dia kurang suka, dan bagaimana ia akan menjejas diri saya. Waktu tu, saya rasa sangat bersalah hingga berlarutan hingga dua tiga hari. Dia juga la yang hapuskan rasa bersalah saya tu.. Dia kata yang sudah tu sudah, lain kali usah buat lagi. Terus macam sejuk hati saya, macam nak lari lompat peluk dia gitu.. Mungkin kerana peristiwa zaman dahulu, telah membuat saya senang menghargai pekara-pekara yang indah seperti ini. Dan pengalaman itu juga buat saya senang membaca niat orang dan mudah untuk saya jauhkan diri dari yang orang-orang yang boleh memudaratkan diri sendiri. Orang-orang yang boleh memudaratkan diri sendiri termasuklah orang yang ingin mengambil kesempatan di atas diri kita, tidak kira la nak ambil kesempatan dengan kemurahan hati ke, ape ke.. juga termasok orang-orang yang berniat untuk jatuhkan air muka kita dengan ape cara pun, juga termasok orang-orang yang berniat untuk memusnahkan kejayaan kita, iaitu orang yang tidak senang melihat kita senang. Juga termasok orang-orang yang hanya inginkan kita sebagai sandaran sementara atau alasan untuk membuat jahat, sebagai contoh: gunakan nama kita padahal kita tidak ada kena-mengena pun dengan aktiviti berkenaan. Sering kali, saya alami pekara macam ni, selalu orang pandang rendah dengan saya, kadang kerana umur saya yang sentiasa evergreen ni... kadang kerana status saya.. kadang kerana kedua-duanya. Mereka selalu ada persepsi yang orang macam saya ni mudah untuk dimakan (apa pun maksudnya la~). Kadang-kadang saya rasa kesian dengan mereka. Dosa dah bergunung, tapi mereka tidak sedar, malah membesar-besarkan aktiviti haram mereka. Bak kata orang-orang lama, rumah kata pergi, kubur kata mari. Tapi masih ingat diri mereka ni muda lagi.. Ya Allah... sedarkan la mereka... Sesungguh merugikan jika manusia, semakin panjang umurnya, semakin buruk akhlaknya! Ya Allah, aku mohon padamu, sedarkan la mereka.. Dan lindungi la aku dari segala yang kurang baik. Sentiasa lah bimbingi aku ke jalan yang benar yang Engkau redai, Allah.. Jauhkan kami dari termakan bisikan Syaitan, Ya Allah. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan umur... dan semoga dipercepatkan jodoh ku jadi orang-orang yang tidak sedar diri ni tidak kacau aku lagi... Wassalam. |
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Song of the day~
Assalammu'alaikum treasured friends and beloved readers of this blog. Do check out my latest findings of my newly found favorite song by a Malaysian band, Khottal. I had a great time last night. The kids enjoyed it too. Amazingly, they stayed awake throughout. We truly enjoy the day totally, thanks to Darl. We watched live performance by Khottal. I think it's our first time watching a live concert-like show and truly enjoyed it from the start to the end. This song was our personal favorite, while little boy preferred, their "Forgot to Forget" song. Which is really unique. I can't find any word to describe the great day other than a blast of fun and it seems to me that more fun awaits for all of us... I really hope and prayed for great things to work out. My worries were diminished last night, and I really really enjoyed my day.. Once again, thanks darl for making our day such a memorable one. And kudos to the band. I wish you all the best, may all of you be blessed with great health and wealth, determination and drive to go even further. Insya'allah. Amin. I hope all my readers are in great health, and be blessed with lots of love sealed with happiness. Insya'Allah. Amin. Till I blog again, Wassalam. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Exciting Tuesday
Assalammu'alaikum beloved friends and loyal readers. I hope you had a great start to the week and may it get better with each passing day, and may you be blessed with great health and wealth. Insya'Allah. I had a bad dream last night. I woke up dazed. I will get back to the dream later.. I went to my cousin's engagement last Sunday. It went well and smoothly, Alhamdulillah. It was mere co-incidental that I carried the gubahan with a bird figurine, and returned with another gubahan which also had a bird figurine. My cousin finally talked to me, like after donkey years. I felt out of place. It felt forced, somehow. But I saw the genuine gratitude in his eyes so I guess I shouldn't think too much about it. His fiance finally accepted my friend request. I dunno why some women fear their man leaving her.. If it was another woman I could probably understand but we are cousins, and we grew up in the same house, ate from the same plate, slept on the same pillow throughout our childhood. He was a brother, I loved him as brother more than anything else. Afterall, it was always him protecting me during those young days, thus the huge respect I have for him -still intact despite the many hurdles and humps in life. I truly respected him, but I guess he, too, once upon a time thought that I had fallen for him wrongly.. I dun understand why all these mess, doesn't help with a rather possessive girl, does it? Well I guess all is over, and all is going fine now that she has accepted my friend request.. Mom said she told him off that day.. Maybe some sense knocked into him, and probably he realize it was just imaginary that I fell for him. Thank God. Alhamdulillah. I hope nothing like this will happen again. I never wanted to break ties, or lose a very precious brother, and extended family. I hope our bond won't be broken ever again. I met Mystery that night, to another engagement. And we spoke about our views on engagement. He, too, felt that it's becoming over-rated. Both of us would seriously prefer a small agreement between two families only. Nice. I had wanted to go on and on about it, then his friend came.. I dunno if I should feel relieved, or if I should feel interrupted.. Anyways, that night was great. I enjoyed my day. Monday came, and I was in disbelief. My little nephew finished his homework. And he was feeling very proud about it, and I felt even more than just proud. My two girls has been wonderful too. Then I called Darl up and spoke to him for awhile. Talking crap most of the time, and then I realized why I loved him so much. He never failed to make me smile and laugh. Even on my worst days... He seemed to have this magic, made me smile so wide, laughed so hard. And my heart felt warm with him around. I felt free at the same time. We didn't restrict each other's movement, kept each other informed, we can go on and on talking about each other's life, and we could even laugh and make fun of each other.. This really sounds like what I had always wanted. Having a sense of belonging, and at the same time able to have my own stand/time. It's balanced. And I am loving it. I hope this relationship can last a lifetime. Insya'Allah. Semoga kami dimurahkan rezeki dan dipercepatkan lah jodoh kami. =) Now that Tuesday is here, I am so super duper excited. I'm going to have a great time with my little children and Darl. How nice.. How nice.. I am so very excited. Over my top and slide down under. I am feeling superb! May the day goes well, ends well. May all of us have a memorable day tonight. May we all be blessed with lots of love, hugs and kisses. Till I blog again, Wassalam. |