Assalammu'alaikum my beloved readers, friends and loved ones, I just read the book entitled The Five Love Languages, and I tell you. It is definitely fabulous and it's definitely my top most highly recommended book for those who often cry into vacuum screaming for something so obvious and yet noone understood you. I was once there, and after reading the book, I instantly saw the bigger picture. I quickly recognize my primary love language and my secondary love language. I also instantly knew how to manage different people who speak different love languages. I am no expert in quickly identifying their language, but the least I could do is understand and pick up little clues that comes off with the words they speak. Now that I have understood my love language, I guess I can assure myself that I can keep the love afloat with much greater and deeper understanding. Another book that I wanna read would be "Personality Plus" I gotta read that. Somehow, right now, I'm very interested in human behavior and character.. I dunno why the sudden interest, but I like to study people, their behavior and how to handle them. Then again, I've always liked studying people and analyzing their behavior. It's weird how I used to annoy myself with people who just cant get enough of praises, and then go around making me totally uncomfortable with praises for me.. It totally got on my nerve, and I'd just desperately do something horrid just so she/he would stop praising me. Haha.. and now, I learn to appreciate the praises, and thank them for noticing. I'd try to praise them, although it is definitely not in my blood to go around praising others. I'm more for quality time, talking and understanding each others' feeling, giving 100% attention, and if possible, 200% will definitely be better. I had always dump whatever I am doing if someone I really love deeply call me and said he/she is facing a problem. I'd readily drop everything and be there for them. I paid attention to their feelings, and try to feel what they feel, more often, I never speak much, I'd just listen and tell them I know how they feel, and confirm their feelings. I dun always give them solutions, only when they asked me, I'd think of something, otherwise I'd just be there to listen and tell them I feel for them. I often give hugs to express my gratitude, my embarassments, my grieves, my happiness, and my loneliness. It gives me a sense of belonging when I hold hands, or just brushing our arms as we walk. It gives me some kind of an assurance somehow. I think that's why I always randomly kiss and hug my mom. I like it when someone close to me put their arms around me, or lead my hands to wrap them. I like it when my nieces or nephews play with my hands, or hair.. It makes me feel so loved somehow. Mom's touch is the best, as always, especially when i lie on her lap and then she run her hands thru my hair.. It feels so wonderful, nothing else existed then. My mom always like to be helped. She always complain about doing everything herself, and noone is there helping out. Some people feel loved when they see others doing something for her. However, often than not, people failed to express this as a request, more often, they demand for help. Therefore, others would dread to help not because they don't care, but because its human nature to dread demands. We like to be given the choice, and to do what we liked. Afterall we are humans. The book did give a few tips to teach ourselves to make a request, rather than making demands. And I think it's an excellent exercise. I know of someone who is contented with gifts, nothing above mattered more than a simple gift. Even if it is hand made, they treated the gifts like it's made of gold. That's just how much a gift meant to them. That is how they feel loved. They like receiving and giving gifts. I know of someone who used to always buy me gifts, and expect me to feel loved. I didnt know then that it's an expression of love. Only because it was not my love language. It was foreign. I am not a gift giver either, but I like creating things and do handmade cards, handmade bags.. And sometimes, I have to admit, I am embarrassed to give them away as gifts. "It is too cheap" I thought. Little did I know, it would mean a whole lot if the person who'd be receiving gifts speaks the language of gifts. Speaking of gifts, I wonder what I should get for Mr MUF's mom.. Hmmm... Can I like buy it at a later date Anyways, I'm currenly addicted to MIFEE... it's yummy.. Well it's not anything new.. it's just MILO + COFFEE.. Alrighty now.. I gotta get back to work.. Wassalam. |
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The 5 Love Languages
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