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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The little girl's dream..

The Little Girl's Dream was to take after her mother, to be happily married to a man like dad and be a mother to a child.
Her little dream evolved as she grew up, of which she found out that the world is a cruel place to grow up in.. She continued building her dreams, and set out of a mission to find someone like dad. Someone who would protect her every little interest no matter how hard it was. Someone who would protect her dignity, her pride, her every little thing that is important to her. In the journey to find this very man, she hurt herself by getting all the wrong men.. Those who was with her for all the wrong reasons.. She was terribly hurt in the process and had always asked why God was being unfair to her, her wish was afterall simple. To be like her mom, happily married to a good man, settling down and be a mother herself.
Later in life, she discovered that God was being fair, she wasnt quite ready, thus all the wrong men who had hurt her in the process. She kept her faith seeing all her other friends getting hitched, and happily married. She stories to the sea of her journey, and wondered when her time will come. A man was getting to know her, but her doubt kept him a distance. A magical moment is all it takes, to soften her hard heart to accept the man as more than a friend. Then came the time where she was just hoping everything will go smooth and for him to ask for her hand.
Time swiftly passed and she became emotionally pressured. She wanted so much to settle down and make her dream come true.. To just settle with that man who stole her heart, who had made her bleeding heart heal and smile again.. To just spend the rest of her life as his wife and mother to his children.. The time will definitely come, but when? How long more must she wait?
"Time will tell, my child" advised her mother. And she rests her chin on her knees, looking at the reflections of the bright moon on the sea... the waves hit the shore, calming her raging emotions... And wait she shall... till time is ripe..

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