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Thursday, November 04, 2010

November Babies

Assalamu'alaikum mu'alaik friends...
Once again, November has come.. Alhamdulillah, I was granted another year to do goodwill, insya'Allah.. I could never wished for more than what i have received thus far.. Things can only get better... I hope tonight goes smooth.. I can barely wait!
Oh... NLA is getting married to CMP... shocking! like totally shocking! But happy because she is.. She deserves it, i guess.. Sometimes, it made me depressed.. like how easily others get things going.. how money was never a problem to them... I know wealth management is an asset, and I should have practiced that at a much earlier stage.. Oh I wish, I had just half of her wealth or privilledges.. I mean to be able to travel ever so often and to Australia, Italy, Europe, name it! damn, i cant even think of travelling to Malaysia in peace. And to be able to purchase branded stuffs ever so often.. BUT, mom taught me to refrain from comparing, because it invites envy and jealousy that might just trigger revenge of some sort.. it is just that... sometimes, i cant help it..
Oh well.. I am on a good and positive track now, so I shouldnt be worrying. And in no way will I ever want to trade Mr SmartPants for anything in the past. I am just waiting patiently for 2012 to come and surprise me.
I needed a part time job... like so seriously in need of a part time job.. I want to work so much that i wont have time or even the liberty to spend. I really really need it.. I want to start and save that $19K... I can really make use of a miracle wish right now..
Time for lunch now... I miss you, Mr Fisherman... so much..
Semoga kami dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, berbahagia di samping keluarga tercinta dan dipercepatkan jodoh kami - supaya kekal kesucian dan keikhlasan hati.... Amin..

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