Then wait for my lovely sisters to come over. They came over at about 11am. Stayed a bit till about noon, then we seek forgiveness from parents, and among ourselves, then I get myself ready, wore my blue suit- it is the same as my mom's(She initially didn't wanna wear the same suit.. Argued a bit.. haha.. and finally she gave in and wore the same), then we went to Ummie's mom-in-law's place at TB, stayed a bit, ate, then we went to my paternal grandma's place at Bdk, again the same routine except I didn't eat, then went to maternal grandma's place at BB, again same routine, this time I ate coz her beef steak is WOW! Then we went to my mom's aunty's place at CCK. Then went home, Mama Hilmy took some lontongs and the gravy, then I send her home to BP, then finally here I am at home. We didn't take much photos, just suddenly my family isn't in much mood for any photo takings. Very sad.. Haha.. But here's the little few that we managed to coax people to take. Enjoy.

Ummie, Handsome and Mama Hilmy

The Man, Rose, Hilmy, Mama, Qistina and Nad.

Nad, The Man, Rose, Hilmy, Qistina and Mama

Me at Grannie's house

Me and Grannie. Notice how much Grannie and Mom looked alike? They both never smile but frown in all photos. Strange but true!

I will meet up with my personal photographer to take much more and fabulous photos soon. He'd know just what to do.. Haha..
I was in the bus when i saw my Aunty and family walking towards another aunty's place. I watched them for quite sometime, before I managed to catch my dearest cousin bro's eye, I smiled and he looked away, then he looked again, and I waved at him, and he was shocked and start asking his mom who is waving at him.. Wahahaha.. Then she waved, my little cousin sister waved. Oh, how I wished I could walked to them and talked to them. I missed them so so much!
I really wished I could rewind the time, and get back the closeness I had with this family. I yearned for my cousin bro's love once again. Oh I really wished we could be as close as we once were as kids. Oh well, that's it for my Hari Raya, tomorrow's another day..
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