13th Nov 2005 (Sunday)

At Vidoll's house. Me, Zad, Mamat and Lynn

Vidoll's house with the "hantarans" on the table.. =D

Me and Zad at Lynn's house

Us : Mamat, Vidoll, Zad, Me, Lynn and Manbai.

Us again with a not so different pose.

Vidoll and Lynn

Us again, at the void deck.

The ones in blues. Yeah.. Remind me that I'm so out-coloured.

Me and Zad in the bus

Lynn and Vidoll just next to us.

Zad, Manbai, Mamat, me and Lynn in the bus. (We keep changing places)

Us walking up the alley to Zad's house.

Manbai, Vidoll, Lynn and me.. Yes.. remind me again that i'm out-coloured...

Us waiting for Sinah to appear before proceeding to Zad's house. (FYI: Zad met with an accident!!) Muakakakakkakaka...

Us at Zad's house.

Us at his lift lobby

Us with a "funny" pose.

Them at Manbai's house.

Yeay!! I'm no longer out-coloured..

Lynn with Dan's cat..

Dan and Mamat (obvious at Dan's house).

3 in blue and one in pink.. The corner people, what's up with the tired face?

Fred and Mamat.. The adik beradik sesat..

Me and Sinah..

Vidoll sebok makan lagik nak senyum.. Mamat tngokkan, in case Vidoll tersembur..

Ni ape hal? Bincang2.. Pakcik sudah tngok camera korang maseh nak gadoh pasal ape pose nak buat... Haiz

Lynn sudah mintak maaf.. Mamat maseh marah.. Aisey..

Apa sudah jadi? Pakcik jadik dracula ka?

Lynn and Manbai

Jemput minum..

Me, Zad and Doll

The Lesbos

More of The Lesbos

Ko nak nikah ke? Jawap!!!

Ah.. ni part mane cert die?

Datin sarongkan cincin kat bakal anak mentua.. kwang kwang kwang...

Guys in blue

YEs, The Lesbos again..

Me and dearest Lynn

Pakcik Dan sama anak sedarenye.. Sungguh ROCK!

Lynn and Sil.. My two favorite Lesbos.

Me gembeng.. Zad senyum jek.. Mamat ape buat kat blakang tuh?

Chey.. Lynn dapat kiss sey.. Jeles aku..

Lynn sudah grab itu anak..

Me and Doll

Me and Fred.. Saviour of the DAY..

Zad and Doll

After my exit, The GUYS

The "couple"

Incomplete without the kid..

Doll and Manbai

Sil and Manbai

Two boys and a girl.. ermmm..

Finale I

Finale II
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