So.. what's up? A super long weekend is over, and it will be another 6 weeks before another long weekend. So what has happened the past two weekends?
CNY weekend was awesome. We (the #anakcucuPakMasnollah entourage) booked a pit at Changi Beach Park, all hyped for night to come. Happy is, when we all managed to surprise our precious girls with the whisper challenge thingy.. And my husband managed to record the moments and had uploaded it up to youtube. Link later as you read. :)
It was a teamwork involving two external resources, namely, Dhiyya Delights/Ainal Dhiyya for the awesome 2-in-1 cake, and the guy from Run My Errands who picked up the cake and deliver it right to our pit.
As we all know, the cake baker is not a new name in my life. I stalked her for a long long while prior to my engagement, and because I just cannot risk having a pretty but not tasty cake, I engaged her service to bake a cake for the girls birthday some 4-5years ago. Seeing is believing, it looked good, and tasted even better than it looks! So I took the plunge and engaged her for my wedding cake and the gift exchange cakes. And like the first I had only told her what kindda cake I want, how I want it to be, and roughly how I want it to look. For most of time when I engaged her service, I rarely tell her exactly what I want, just excerpts of what I want, and she always always surprises me pleasantly by exceeding my expectations wildly. I am not exaggerating. Trust me, I don't get any special discounts for every time I mentioned her. This is sincerely my heartfelt appreciation to her work and of my satisfaction everytime I engaged her to bake for me. Yes, it may be pricey but it is worth every single cent for a cake beyond satisfaction, it looks great, but taste superbly awesome. Not stingy with her ingredients, which is why her small 5" cake is usually more than 1kg.
So this time all I had said is that the girls are worlds apart, with one loving mango and another one loving anything chocolate, and here is the result:
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Lovely right? 2-in-1 cake! |
Well, we booked the pit on 7th February, eve of CNY. There will be many couriers, but all would be off to celebrate the holidays as well. I went crazy, because I don't want to have myself out to collect the cake leaving the girls suspicious, and definitely not anyone else in the family because they will be suspicious all the same.
Then a friend suggested me to try Run My Errands. I browse thru the FB Page for a long while, after being very sure that all there is there are positive reviews, I private messaged and was instantly greeted well with a quotation. Pricey yes, but I have not much choice. I decided to confirm my details and see how it goes. All the while, from the first to the last message to inform him of some changes and all was promptly attended to and replied within the same hour.
On that day, I was anxious. It was approximately 7.30, that I got a message to inform that the cake has been collected. Few minutes later my baker confirmed that the cake has been collected. We were throwing random phrases to everyone and it wasn't the girls' turn yet when I received the call to confirm our location as he has arrived. Oh boy. he was discreet knowingly that it was meant for a surprise. It was a brief smile, a quick thank you and the cake is with us out of the girls' viewing range. So while my 2nd sis and BIL got busy opening the cake and getting it ready for the girls, I snapped back in the whisper challenge and got the girls to guess our special phrase!
Watch it here.
The look on their faces. so blur. What a random phrase right? Heh, then we gestured them to look at what's on the table and you can clearly see the glow on their faces. So special. So so special.
I can hardly believe that the mango girl is 21 and the chocolate girl is 19 going 20 this year. Their birthday is just 3 weeks apart, and they had always celebrated it together like twins. They are the first two children under my care, so they are special, too special for words.
I know I have wished you girls earlier, and I am wishing you girls again. Happy Birthday, Grow Wisely, Be Kind. I love you!
We didn't stay till morning, in the video you could tell the wind was extremely strong and some of us are catching the cold. We left a little past midnight for the warmth on our beds. When Monday came, I became extremely lazy, all I wanna do is lay on bed and sleep and sleep.
I was really suppose to sew two pairs of skants but it clearly didnt happen. The only thing that happened on Tuesday is my meeting with my insurance agent to update my policies and the trip to Bras Basah to get my Fossil watches serviced, and on the way back, meet a friend to get the VKen socks.
I dragged myself to the reality that it is going to be work day. Thankfully it is just for 1.5days. Then an accident happened to my dad, who had tried to hold the lift door open only to have his blood spurting out like paint, and he just shoved his finger to my face asking to put a plaster on it. So I dragged him to the clinic with lots of tissues pressed on the open wound to get it dressed. Too freak for me!
Thankfully, my bosses are understanding for trusting to my words. It was a crazy week with my injured father especially with his dementia. Every time he wakes up from his sleep, he seemed to wonder why his finger is bandaged and tried to open it, and even wash it before screaming in pain. And we all screamed the house crazy because no matter how often we remind him, he forgets. The battle is real. The horror to have Dementia is real. So real I am scared. One day, when he cannot recognize anyone anymore, I wouldn't be able to work full time, I will have to be on alternate days or half days so I can bring him out away from my very overly stressed mother. Life will be crazy.
On Friday night, we fetched our weekend baby. On Saturday, I babysat another three children and instantly became a mother of 4. Thankfully the older children are very giving to my weekend baby. The little baby was having a bad cough though.
And on Sunday, we went to the market, to the wedding reception and to the airport. And today back in the office again. It suddenly got me thinking of marriage, and what it means, but I guess that is for another entry.
Oh! And I just wanna officialize that #sewbasic won't be taking apparel orders. I just felt that we are better at doing bags and taking orders for that than we are up to taking apparel orders. Fret not though, I will definitely direct you to other better tailors around to serve you, insyaAllah.
Until next time,
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