Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
With my deepest regret, I am closing all my businesses. Not because I lose interest in them, but because I just felt like I'm made for something else.
If it is meant to be, something would be brewing. Otherwise, I'll just be me!
Many personal friends asked why. Just like how I decide to get engaged with a man I just knew for 13 months, and to be married to him 22 months later, I guess I can tell that it is better for me to just close all my businesses and focus on something else that more worthy. (Not that my business is unworthy of my time...)
I've been building my registered business for about 4 years, falling behind, was about 2 yrs as an unregistered business. So that is a total of 6 long years.
As much as I love crocheting, doing it for business was just hard on me. It made me lose my passion and creativity. It made me do what I don't like doing.
Oh well anyhoos... Closing my business means I'll have more time in my hands to plan something nice.. We'll see what 2015 brings us, ya?
Till I see you again!
(Oh watch for the Part 2 review of Delphin sometime next week or so!)
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Our 2nd Anniversary... (Also Review of Delphin S1 -Part 1)
Assalammua'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. December is flying past to welcome January it seems. The week went by with me struggling to catch up..
Alhamdulillah, we turned 2 last week. We bought each other the best machine we can get - the Dephin!
Pretty isn't it. The carbon fibre look was not why we bought it though. It was its purpose, and versatility of function in this one compact machine.
We basically bumped into Delphin by accident. We simply dropped by a baby fair at Expo before we head down to a Minion Party one day.. And someone just stopped us and said, "You Singaporean?" Of which I was startled and said a stammering yes. Then he signalled this lady to give us something.
Very drama huh? But it is for real!
"This is free for you, ma'am! One for every Singaporean who come by."
We were lost, really we were. As with every Singaporean we were just happy we got something free for doing nothing. We have no idea what brand station we walked into.
Then she said there will be a cleaning demo done for us - again for free! - at our home, with an option to either clean our bed (mattress) or sofa set. Husband said ok for any Sunday. And we quickly said ok for the next day demo.
We never gave thought about what it was until the next day waiting for the demo to start. We discussed like what we would say if they pushed to sell, and what signals to give if we wanna say no and everything they is to think of.
So 3pm came, and the doorbell rang. A man called Patrick Tan greeting me with a weird name, I corrected him to just call me Jun, and our day became bright. He was so friendly, happy and knowledgeable. He didn't jump straight at us with something to sell. Instead he introduced himself properly, and then proceeded to introduce us to the company. After we warmed up with his presence, he went to work, and said, "So let me start my duty, to clean your mattress, I think we can do your bed in the room."
And we led him in, cleared the bed. While he set up his machine, we chatted more about stuff under the sun. We were ushered to sit in the room as he go through the machine with us, and its feature.
I honestly thought, "ah.. another vacuum machine that is better than the other!" For the next 10 minutes, it was just that.
Then it changed. I thought I was being the lady I am, jumping to buy what seemed good, but I woke myself up, and looked at my husband. I could see he is also impressed. We were basically very impressed with the fact that we left the fan on at its highest speed, and not feel dusty like with other vacuums (first of all, other vacuum demos would usually request us to off the fan during a demo). Patrick saw us switching on the fan, he didn't stop us, instead he thank us as he was feeling warm. It was on oscillation too! No dusty feeling, no stuffiness. Instead I felt like the air seemed cleaner.
He proceeded to show us more. He used his machine at its lowest speed, and he was almost whispering but we could all hear him loud and clear. This machine can be silent, have lower suction power, but still works (it seems). Then he switched it to higher power (it has this volume like dial that can go low power to high power), and it was still not very loud - it was acceptable. I was carrying a baby, and my baby didn't get startled. Neither did my 2-Tee squeak. Amazing point 1.
Then he started showing us the suction power with a cloth filter, after a few swipes, the suction is not as good as the first time. Proven, and agreed. We had Brand X and it did just that! Only works on Day 1 like magic after that it was noise and no work!
This machine doesn't have any additional filter - only its patented L-Lamella, and water. No dust bag, no cloth filter - which equates to minimal maintenance (and low to no cost of maintenance!). And he showed the same thing, swiping double the times as he did previously, and showed us that the suction remained as powerful as the first time because of that filter element.
Now this machine, can also be an air purifier! (Ah! No wonder I felt the air cleaner!) He took out the vacuum cord from the suction hole, added Dettol and you can sanitize the air as it purifies the air it sucks in, add in organic mint and you get aroma therapy as it purifies the air. Amazing Point 2.
Just in time! We were just looking for an air purifier to welcome the next doze of haze and the praying phase of the neighbor downstairs.
Then he switched the floor broom to a power broom, and said, "this is to clean your mattress" He had already shown us the massive dust picked up on our bed using the floor broom... I couldn't believe there's more to pick up.. He plug them in, and placed in on our bed, and with that he said, "A normal vacuum.." then he tilt the handle down... and said, "Now, a power broom!"
We were vibrating! That thing was beating my bed.. Like the old fashioned way of mother/father caning the mattress to clean and sun our mattress!! And believe it or not, he picked so much more stuff off our bed with that thing!! Amazing Point 3!!
After he was done with our bed, he said he would like to do the same for my parents' bed seeing they are of old age.. And we agreed.
But he was getting tired, and so requested for a rest which of course we obligated. We all need to sit down, cool off, rest and really, it is time to decide what to do with this machine! I handed him a glass of ice water and we were all sitting down to know more about this machine!
I was more interested to find out the cost of this machine so I can just quickly find out if it is visible for us to own it. My husband was more into its cleaning service contract. And so Patrick laid out the prices for us to see. Pricey it was! Indeed, very pricey... But putting together an air purifier, an awesome vacuum cleaner, and a dust mite exterminator... that would actually cost more, no? So husband and I looked at each other, as much as we wanted to we cannot afford this machine Patrick showed us.
And so we bluntly told him, we cannot afford so, and told him the max we are willing to go. He sorted things out, and told us they have an older machine, and it cost about half the price he showed us, and asked if we are okay. After much hesitation, and weighing out everything we had to, we agreed, and he went out to check on the availability and got us one machine delivered.
As we finished off all the paperwork, he proceeded to continue with my parents' bed.The water was clear tap water when he start off.. It went really dark after he was done. We were there watching, so he can't be cheating. And he advised us to do our parents' bed every week for the first month before gradually decrease the frequency.
Our machine arrived just as we were finishing with my parents' bed. And Patrick went on to pull out every part of this machine we just owned. Every part of it and where it goes and what it does (even after his intensive demo!).
He then told us to call him up for another round of demo with our own machine to better understand our machine and its capabilities. We haven't arranged an appointment but we have surely used our machine almost right after he left.
I love the machine so much because now we are both motivated to clean our house together. My husband has been using and helping me clean our room 200% more folds than ever before with this awesome thing!
Just last week, I used it again, to clear the dust on the ceiling. Believe it or not, this little shorty didn't require any stools or steps to reach the ceilings! AWESOME!
It was smooth and most importantly, it did what it was meant to do, which is to CLEAN!
And here, I am about to share the amount of dirt we picked up just from our bed, our room floor, the living room and the corridor to our parents' room.
I've never imagined so much dirt, even with previous vacuums, I never seen so much although I felt the house was dustier after I was done vacuuming. With this one, it picks up all dust ever imagined and leave our home with clean air. I am serious!
And yes, the above picture was one my husband send in to me - and yes, my husband cleans the house now...
This is one of the bestest anniversary gift we have gotten ourselves.
And oh! We went USS on our actual anniversary. Wanna read about it? I am drafting them all up - it requires so much planning as we were out in USS for almost 12 long hours!! It was so much fun!! And the photos are everywhere, so bear a little while more okay?
For the after sales service review, do read it here.
2yrs on, a post review here.
Until next time,
Alhamdulillah, we turned 2 last week. We bought each other the best machine we can get - the Dephin!
Pretty isn't it. The carbon fibre look was not why we bought it though. It was its purpose, and versatility of function in this one compact machine.
We basically bumped into Delphin by accident. We simply dropped by a baby fair at Expo before we head down to a Minion Party one day.. And someone just stopped us and said, "You Singaporean?" Of which I was startled and said a stammering yes. Then he signalled this lady to give us something.
Very drama huh? But it is for real!
"This is free for you, ma'am! One for every Singaporean who come by."
We were lost, really we were. As with every Singaporean we were just happy we got something free for doing nothing. We have no idea what brand station we walked into.
Then she said there will be a cleaning demo done for us - again for free! - at our home, with an option to either clean our bed (mattress) or sofa set. Husband said ok for any Sunday. And we quickly said ok for the next day demo.
We never gave thought about what it was until the next day waiting for the demo to start. We discussed like what we would say if they pushed to sell, and what signals to give if we wanna say no and everything they is to think of.
So 3pm came, and the doorbell rang. A man called Patrick Tan greeting me with a weird name, I corrected him to just call me Jun, and our day became bright. He was so friendly, happy and knowledgeable. He didn't jump straight at us with something to sell. Instead he introduced himself properly, and then proceeded to introduce us to the company. After we warmed up with his presence, he went to work, and said, "So let me start my duty, to clean your mattress, I think we can do your bed in the room."
And we led him in, cleared the bed. While he set up his machine, we chatted more about stuff under the sun. We were ushered to sit in the room as he go through the machine with us, and its feature.
I honestly thought, "ah.. another vacuum machine that is better than the other!" For the next 10 minutes, it was just that.
Then it changed. I thought I was being the lady I am, jumping to buy what seemed good, but I woke myself up, and looked at my husband. I could see he is also impressed. We were basically very impressed with the fact that we left the fan on at its highest speed, and not feel dusty like with other vacuums (first of all, other vacuum demos would usually request us to off the fan during a demo). Patrick saw us switching on the fan, he didn't stop us, instead he thank us as he was feeling warm. It was on oscillation too! No dusty feeling, no stuffiness. Instead I felt like the air seemed cleaner.
He proceeded to show us more. He used his machine at its lowest speed, and he was almost whispering but we could all hear him loud and clear. This machine can be silent, have lower suction power, but still works (it seems). Then he switched it to higher power (it has this volume like dial that can go low power to high power), and it was still not very loud - it was acceptable. I was carrying a baby, and my baby didn't get startled. Neither did my 2-Tee squeak. Amazing point 1.
Then he started showing us the suction power with a cloth filter, after a few swipes, the suction is not as good as the first time. Proven, and agreed. We had Brand X and it did just that! Only works on Day 1 like magic after that it was noise and no work!
This machine doesn't have any additional filter - only its patented L-Lamella, and water. No dust bag, no cloth filter - which equates to minimal maintenance (and low to no cost of maintenance!). And he showed the same thing, swiping double the times as he did previously, and showed us that the suction remained as powerful as the first time because of that filter element.
Now this machine, can also be an air purifier! (Ah! No wonder I felt the air cleaner!) He took out the vacuum cord from the suction hole, added Dettol and you can sanitize the air as it purifies the air it sucks in, add in organic mint and you get aroma therapy as it purifies the air. Amazing Point 2.
Just in time! We were just looking for an air purifier to welcome the next doze of haze and the praying phase of the neighbor downstairs.
Then he switched the floor broom to a power broom, and said, "this is to clean your mattress" He had already shown us the massive dust picked up on our bed using the floor broom... I couldn't believe there's more to pick up.. He plug them in, and placed in on our bed, and with that he said, "A normal vacuum.." then he tilt the handle down... and said, "Now, a power broom!"
We were vibrating! That thing was beating my bed.. Like the old fashioned way of mother/father caning the mattress to clean and sun our mattress!! And believe it or not, he picked so much more stuff off our bed with that thing!! Amazing Point 3!!
After he was done with our bed, he said he would like to do the same for my parents' bed seeing they are of old age.. And we agreed.
But he was getting tired, and so requested for a rest which of course we obligated. We all need to sit down, cool off, rest and really, it is time to decide what to do with this machine! I handed him a glass of ice water and we were all sitting down to know more about this machine!
I was more interested to find out the cost of this machine so I can just quickly find out if it is visible for us to own it. My husband was more into its cleaning service contract. And so Patrick laid out the prices for us to see. Pricey it was! Indeed, very pricey... But putting together an air purifier, an awesome vacuum cleaner, and a dust mite exterminator... that would actually cost more, no? So husband and I looked at each other, as much as we wanted to we cannot afford this machine Patrick showed us.
And so we bluntly told him, we cannot afford so, and told him the max we are willing to go. He sorted things out, and told us they have an older machine, and it cost about half the price he showed us, and asked if we are okay. After much hesitation, and weighing out everything we had to, we agreed, and he went out to check on the availability and got us one machine delivered.
As we finished off all the paperwork, he proceeded to continue with my parents' bed.The water was clear tap water when he start off.. It went really dark after he was done. We were there watching, so he can't be cheating. And he advised us to do our parents' bed every week for the first month before gradually decrease the frequency.
Our machine arrived just as we were finishing with my parents' bed. And Patrick went on to pull out every part of this machine we just owned. Every part of it and where it goes and what it does (even after his intensive demo!).
He then told us to call him up for another round of demo with our own machine to better understand our machine and its capabilities. We haven't arranged an appointment but we have surely used our machine almost right after he left.
I love the machine so much because now we are both motivated to clean our house together. My husband has been using and helping me clean our room 200% more folds than ever before with this awesome thing!
Just last week, I used it again, to clear the dust on the ceiling. Believe it or not, this little shorty didn't require any stools or steps to reach the ceilings! AWESOME!
It was smooth and most importantly, it did what it was meant to do, which is to CLEAN!
And here, I am about to share the amount of dirt we picked up just from our bed, our room floor, the living room and the corridor to our parents' room.
I've never imagined so much dirt, even with previous vacuums, I never seen so much although I felt the house was dustier after I was done vacuuming. With this one, it picks up all dust ever imagined and leave our home with clean air. I am serious!
And yes, the above picture was one my husband send in to me - and yes, my husband cleans the house now...
This is one of the bestest anniversary gift we have gotten ourselves.
And oh! We went USS on our actual anniversary. Wanna read about it? I am drafting them all up - it requires so much planning as we were out in USS for almost 12 long hours!! It was so much fun!! And the photos are everywhere, so bear a little while more okay?
For the after sales service review, do read it here.
2yrs on, a post review here.
Until next time,
Friday, December 26, 2014
Happy Boxing Day!
Assalamu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog!!
Welcome back! And happy Boxing Day! You know I always miss working with Arup whenever it is Christmas Season, the gift exchange, the long compulsary holiday (leave).. A good way to end the year and to welcome the new one..
But as with many things in life, you gotta give to receive. So I had that part of good thing removed from me, but I have many more bad things removed as well, so as to welcome more good things in life.
Anyways, today.... I just feel like reflecting on many life lessons of 2014.. with just 5days of it remaining to continue teaching me...
As with every year, I sometimes forget all the good (along with the bad) things that had happened and find myself digging through my blog archieve to relive those moments so I learn what I need to (And this by the way is why I blog my life - because I forget too easily).
2) Appeared on TV - Suria (Can you guys remember which show and what I did?)
2) Started babysitting Baby M on weekends
2) First Korban at Muar with husband
2) My first viral post "The Shame Game" is crawling really close to 6000 views!
2) Our anniversary well spent at USS (it is was our first time spending the whole day (more than 10hrs) at USS, enjoying 90% of all the rides!
2) To earn and be appreciated to write my opinion and reviews honestly.
3) To be pregnant, to feel labour and be the mother to my husband's children.
4) Remain debt free
5) Travel with my family (parents included) again.
6) Remain happy as much as possible.
7) Maintain friendship with girlfriends.
I pray everyday for #3. I come to realize and accept that perhaps it is not time yet, and the fact that we probably just not quite ready yet (no matter how ready we actually felt we are). InsyaAllah, if it is meant to be, I will be... And if we are not, I can always mother other children...
Afterall I've only been debt free for 2years... perhaps now I have to strike rich on my savings, then perhaps, baby dust will start falling all over me... Maybe maybe...
I am never giving up.. But pls don't ask when my turn is... For we have been yearning for that time every second of everyday... it hurts... It really does..
Welcome back! And happy Boxing Day! You know I always miss working with Arup whenever it is Christmas Season, the gift exchange, the long compulsary holiday (leave).. A good way to end the year and to welcome the new one..
But as with many things in life, you gotta give to receive. So I had that part of good thing removed from me, but I have many more bad things removed as well, so as to welcome more good things in life.
Anyways, today.... I just feel like reflecting on many life lessons of 2014.. with just 5days of it remaining to continue teaching me...
As with every year, I sometimes forget all the good (along with the bad) things that had happened and find myself digging through my blog archieve to relive those moments so I learn what I need to (And this by the way is why I blog my life - because I forget too easily).
2014 Highlights of Jun's LIFE
1) Did a polaroid photobooth for a friend's wedding (So tiring, and apparently the last we ever did a photobooth)2) Appeared on TV - Suria (Can you guys remember which show and what I did?)
1) My first proper write up had over 400 views - "Say No to Bridezilla", the follow up "More about planning a wedding" fell short with just over 100 viewsMarch
1) We became sponsors but to an event I don't feel like mentioning ever again...April
1) We did product photography and had soooo much fun! Love the service of Abg Mail from Vision Original Production!June
1) I got chicken pox a second time!2) Started babysitting Baby M on weekends
1) First Vacation with my parents and BFF to Port Dickson2) First Korban at Muar with husband
1) Birthdays - as usual2) My first viral post "The Shame Game" is crawling really close to 6000 views!
1) More reviews and debatable posts to creep behind my first viral post.2) Our anniversary well spent at USS (it is was our first time spending the whole day (more than 10hrs) at USS, enjoying 90% of all the rides!
My new year resolution
1) To write better, and have my post go viral hitting over 10000 views.2) To earn and be appreciated to write my opinion and reviews honestly.
3) To be pregnant, to feel labour and be the mother to my husband's children.
4) Remain debt free
5) Travel with my family (parents included) again.
6) Remain happy as much as possible.
7) Maintain friendship with girlfriends.
I pray everyday for #3. I come to realize and accept that perhaps it is not time yet, and the fact that we probably just not quite ready yet (no matter how ready we actually felt we are). InsyaAllah, if it is meant to be, I will be... And if we are not, I can always mother other children...
Afterall I've only been debt free for 2years... perhaps now I have to strike rich on my savings, then perhaps, baby dust will start falling all over me... Maybe maybe...
I am never giving up.. But pls don't ask when my turn is... For we have been yearning for that time every second of everyday... it hurts... It really does..
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Mother knows and always wants the best
Assalammualaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
It was to my delight that the post, The Shame Game , had received over 5000 views and was shared multiple times via FB. So much that I started hopping from status to status to see what they like about it the most.
One of the first few that caught my attention was from W. Of which she shared with this words, "Dear Husband, read this up from this lady Jun bout parenting..hehe..i agreed so much with all that she commented about and can relate to it.And we discuss this yest too kan bout d girls sleeping on their own.Definitely there will come a time that they themselves are more than ready to sleep on their own n by d time that moment came,u know i will be one sad emo Mummy coz d girls dah grown up..aargh.."
I know that feeling alright. When your little ones just decide not to sleep with you anymore.. Oh an emotional turmoil it will be, for sure!
But AZ's shared status caught my attention the most for she shared her struggles handling 2 pairs of twins (yes two pairs of two = 4!) and she garnered so many positive comments from many awesome mothers sharing their struggles.
I had to comment along for this deserves a follow-up blog post!
So here I am, and here's AZ's status:
I feel her. I really do. Breastfeeding is not something that every single mother is gifted to do. Some sacrifice easy, some don't. What remains the same is the fact that no mother ever want to give her second best to her children, she only wants the best.. But sometimes, it is not of choice.
And trust me, when you get stressed up, you will end up stressing baby up... And a stressed baby is not going to be fun. My mother always tells my sisters or anyone who is breastfeeding, to calm down first especially if they are tired and baby wont stop crying, she would console the mother first then hold the baby. She always said to the mothers, "Calm down, think of good things, recite dua, or zikir... Breathe, smile then try feed."
It usually works, and when mothers couldn't calm down, my mother always says it is okay, make some formula, and let me feed baby. (Often because my mother is the calmer one).
And when mothers come midway, saying they have calmed down and ready to feed, she let them. My mother may not be educated, but these kindda things, only mothers understood. She must have faced similar hard times, just without support she needed, so she offered hers when she could.
I know her struggles because I learn to listen to her, I hear her struggles to give us the best. Back then, she wasn't allowed to sleep when baby sleeps in the day. So imagine that.. almost 24hrs of no sleep. Yet, she never complained. And when she became a grandmother, she took care of both her daughter and grandchild. Allowing both to rest, while she do most of the work. Such sacrifices, only MOTHERS will understand.
Formulas may not be as good as breast milk, but it better than no milk at all, no? What? You gonna leave baby hungry until your breast produce milk? No right? Even back in the old days, I think mothers would find alternatives, seeking other mothers to breastfeed her child, or milk the cow or goat. Is it bad? No, I don't think so. Mothers wants the best, even if she can't, she would still die trying so her child gets the best there is.
And as I browsed down AZ's friends who left a comment, I discovered many other issues that mothers themselves shaming other mothers..
One of which was V-birth or C-sect. Oh come on, mothers... Then it was medicated labour or non-medicated labour... Oh, seriously...
I mean really... Which ever way the child is delivered, you think the pain and trouble is any lesser? And that a mother is less of a mother if she cannot go all natural? Really? Then I think many awesome mothers won't come to exist because then all mothers might end up dead.. Seriously people...
Tell me you are joking, and I'd tell you IT IS NOT FUNNY!
Let's be practical, enduring pain is energy draining. NOT all MOTHERS have very high tolerance to pain, and if she tried her best and is about to pass out, oh pls let her have the epidural if she wish. And if a mother says she is okay, (even when she is dying trying to give life to this little baby inside her), then trust her.
You see, there is no right or wrong way to parenting. Every baby is different, every child grows differently, every mother think differently. Listen to your own self, your own baby, and insyaAllah... You'll be doing fine.
HE knows best. Trust HIM.
Here are all the comments AZ received. I love all of the comments, and salute all you awesome mothers...
You see, moms.... you are never alone... Real mothers won't shame another, we support each other..
With this, I wish all mothers best of health and may your conscience always remain clear, for you know what? Mothers knows best.
You are seriously, the best mother your children deserve.
I would have written more, but my time is limited (as always when the week is short!).
So until next time,
PS: If you would like me to open another discussion that is beneficial to all moms, pls do drop me a comment below or email me at
It was to my delight that the post, The Shame Game , had received over 5000 views and was shared multiple times via FB. So much that I started hopping from status to status to see what they like about it the most.
One of the first few that caught my attention was from W. Of which she shared with this words, "Dear Husband, read this up from this lady Jun bout parenting..hehe..i agreed so much with all that she commented about and can relate to it.And we discuss this yest too kan bout d girls sleeping on their own.Definitely there will come a time that they themselves are more than ready to sleep on their own n by d time that moment came,u know i will be one sad emo Mummy coz d girls dah grown up..aargh.."
I know that feeling alright. When your little ones just decide not to sleep with you anymore.. Oh an emotional turmoil it will be, for sure!
But AZ's shared status caught my attention the most for she shared her struggles handling 2 pairs of twins (yes two pairs of two = 4!) and she garnered so many positive comments from many awesome mothers sharing their struggles.
I had to comment along for this deserves a follow-up blog post!
So here I am, and here's AZ's status:
I feel her. I really do. Breastfeeding is not something that every single mother is gifted to do. Some sacrifice easy, some don't. What remains the same is the fact that no mother ever want to give her second best to her children, she only wants the best.. But sometimes, it is not of choice.
And trust me, when you get stressed up, you will end up stressing baby up... And a stressed baby is not going to be fun. My mother always tells my sisters or anyone who is breastfeeding, to calm down first especially if they are tired and baby wont stop crying, she would console the mother first then hold the baby. She always said to the mothers, "Calm down, think of good things, recite dua, or zikir... Breathe, smile then try feed."
It usually works, and when mothers couldn't calm down, my mother always says it is okay, make some formula, and let me feed baby. (Often because my mother is the calmer one).
And when mothers come midway, saying they have calmed down and ready to feed, she let them. My mother may not be educated, but these kindda things, only mothers understood. She must have faced similar hard times, just without support she needed, so she offered hers when she could.
I know her struggles because I learn to listen to her, I hear her struggles to give us the best. Back then, she wasn't allowed to sleep when baby sleeps in the day. So imagine that.. almost 24hrs of no sleep. Yet, she never complained. And when she became a grandmother, she took care of both her daughter and grandchild. Allowing both to rest, while she do most of the work. Such sacrifices, only MOTHERS will understand.
Formulas may not be as good as breast milk, but it better than no milk at all, no? What? You gonna leave baby hungry until your breast produce milk? No right? Even back in the old days, I think mothers would find alternatives, seeking other mothers to breastfeed her child, or milk the cow or goat. Is it bad? No, I don't think so. Mothers wants the best, even if she can't, she would still die trying so her child gets the best there is.
And as I browsed down AZ's friends who left a comment, I discovered many other issues that mothers themselves shaming other mothers..
One of which was V-birth or C-sect. Oh come on, mothers... Then it was medicated labour or non-medicated labour... Oh, seriously...
I mean really... Which ever way the child is delivered, you think the pain and trouble is any lesser? And that a mother is less of a mother if she cannot go all natural? Really? Then I think many awesome mothers won't come to exist because then all mothers might end up dead.. Seriously people...
Tell me you are joking, and I'd tell you IT IS NOT FUNNY!
Let's be practical, enduring pain is energy draining. NOT all MOTHERS have very high tolerance to pain, and if she tried her best and is about to pass out, oh pls let her have the epidural if she wish. And if a mother says she is okay, (even when she is dying trying to give life to this little baby inside her), then trust her.
You see, there is no right or wrong way to parenting. Every baby is different, every child grows differently, every mother think differently. Listen to your own self, your own baby, and insyaAllah... You'll be doing fine.
HE knows best. Trust HIM.
Here are all the comments AZ received. I love all of the comments, and salute all you awesome mothers...
With this, I wish all mothers best of health and may your conscience always remain clear, for you know what? Mothers knows best.
You are seriously, the best mother your children deserve.
I would have written more, but my time is limited (as always when the week is short!).
So until next time,
PS: If you would like me to open another discussion that is beneficial to all moms, pls do drop me a comment below or email me at
mom shaming,
raising children
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Baby M's first concert
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
Alhamdulillah, we had a fabulous weekend shopping for next week's Minion Party, I went a lil over buying Baby M a yellow top, overall dungaree, and even boots to complete the minion look. And I had my yellow top, overall dungaree skirt, and just need a black pants to complete the look. Whilst husband just had his yellow polo, he'll pair it up with his jeans.
Men aren't so hyped up about dressing up eh, but him wanting to be part of the party and wearing yellow, is so much appreciated. And for that I love my husband a tad more. ;)
Alhamdulillah, we had a fabulous weekend shopping for next week's Minion Party, I went a lil over buying Baby M a yellow top, overall dungaree, and even boots to complete the minion look. And I had my yellow top, overall dungaree skirt, and just need a black pants to complete the look. Whilst husband just had his yellow polo, he'll pair it up with his jeans.
Men aren't so hyped up about dressing up eh, but him wanting to be part of the party and wearing yellow, is so much appreciated. And for that I love my husband a tad more. ;)
Oh, back to Baby M's first concert... Well,we didn't quite plan to bring her to a concert this young. However, luck was on us when, we entered a Starhub contest to win tickets to watch Hi-5 with intentions to bring her along should we win the contest.
And so we won! 4 VIP tickets to Hi-5 concert. I had to browse a few youtube videos of Hi-5 because it has been forever since I watched them, the last I watched it was still the original first five crews, with Steve Harding, Nathan, Kellie, Charlie and Cathlyn!
I was beaming when I saw these four tickets finally in my hands.. Four fantastic VIP tickets, people!! Sitting in the second row from the front right smack in the centre!! How awesome!!
This is just my second concert (The fist being Michael Flatley's Lord of The Dance in May 2005!).
This is just my second concert (The fist being Michael Flatley's Lord of The Dance in May 2005!).
So excuse my excitement!
So I started planning and packing what Baby M needs, and her backpack weighs a good 3kg, I think. Her milk, her food, her extra clothes (just in case), diapers... We didn't bring along a stroller, so we had our Ibelibaby hip carrier, amazing, I can walk forever with them and baby. It doesnt strain my shoulders, as most of the weight is transferred to my hips.
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The 4 VIP tickets to Hi-5 Concert! |
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And yes! We get to Meet and Greet the crew too!! |
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The view from our seat.. Oh the show's about to start!! |
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Before everyone else start filling up we were busy keeping our phones silent and keeping children occupied and ready. |
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Even husband is excited for this concert! |
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And yes, Baby M managed her sleep while the show was ongoing and woke up a few songs after the 20minute break. |
The crew were amazingly friendly and very warm! A moment I will never forget, getting myself stand next to Tanika Andersons, and well greeted by Mary Lascaris. And Baby M is just mermerized by Dayen Zheng's beauty or maybe just her blonde hair. You can see that in the photo below, taken by the official photographer for the Hi-5 concert.
Overall we truly enjoyed the concert, I think I enjoyed it more than Baby M singing along with the actions and all. LOL!
It was FUN! And if time and finances allow, we will be bringing Baby M to many more concerts in future!
Were you there too? What's your thoughts?
I hope you had a great weekend and a greater week ahead!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Mommy vs Commuter
Assalammualaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog!
Once again, we are here.. With the weekend here.. I guess it is apt enough for me to write about the pet peeves when travelling on public with baby, stroller, and lots more in hand.
Here we go... Ready or not....
Well, okay, let's be nice and put a scenario running shall we?
So as always, I fetched Baby M at the platform, sometimes on NEL, sometimes on CCL. And with all babies, we had a stroller, diaper bag (which easily fetch ard 3kg) and everything necessary. All nice and pretty, we set out to get ourselves home. Having had to change between NEL to CCL to EW line, of course we always had to take the elevator, and during peak hours, we always have to swim along with thousand others who are rushing home from work or wherever they are coming from. And here are the kindda people we always bump into.
Move aside (yeah, just a baby step, that's it!) OH yes.. one little baby step, oh yeah, that'll do.
And then "OUCH!" scream one "blind/deaf" commuter, and I was surprised! "Oh now you can see me!" Well sorry!
As with other babies, sometimes Baby M has her wailing days, where she just feel like bursting out of the blue, often because I was a tad late in giving her what she wanted -snacks maybe or just water.
And then, there's this bunch who sometimes come at you like "oh why baby cry?" "so kesian" "maybe she want to be carried"
Oh ya that last statement.. Hmm ok, if I do choose to carry her, would you be giving me space? Would everyone be happy if the train jerks and I lost my balance and along with baby, I go tumbling down? Would you like that?
Look, I am alone. And baby in pram is the safest place a baby can be. The pram brakes works well, and if it is sliding, I can stretch my hands across to hold it with another hand holding the railing, and baby will still be safely secured in her pram. So, I don't mind a crying baby in the pram as long as she is not bleeding, not in pain, and just in need of some entertainment, and entertaining her would be my job. If you'd like to help, make a funny face.
And keep your hands off baby please. Baby touching you doesn't give you rights to hold/touch her especially not her face. (NOT that I have experience these touchy ones, but I've seen other babies get that a lot. Maybe because Baby M mostly touches men, and men always refrain from touching babies for some reason)
The worst of any kind. If you had read my previous post about the people who moved just an inch to make way for the double stroller, you'd get me.
The elevator is actually meant for the handicapped, the wheel-bounded, the unwell or someone who had their hands too full. I understand you taking the lift if you have both your hands occupied with paperbags, I understand when you have a toddler holding onto your shirt, and another in the back pocket and carrying a baby. I understand if you'r pregnant, and I understand if you were in a corner holding on to the railing (must be light-headed). And definitely get it if you're with a stroller or wheelchair or the motorized handicap "bike"or if you're with an elderly.
What I don't get it is those who are empty handed, young, happy, smiley, and they occupy the elevator like it is full even if it is just the two of them. And these very people can actually have the patience to wait 10 minutes for the elevator. Wouldn't the escalator be faster for you guys? 10 minutes can get you 2 storeys without ever waiting!
And mind you! These very people would actually rush in the elevator even when there are 5 mommies with strollers side by side with them. Shouldn't they give way to us? I mean you have the option to take the escalator! We don't! I mean we can, but it'd be dangerous - plus require more work holding on to the weight.
Like with the "blind" commuter, these people are pretty much the same. I dunno how their brain works but apparently, a stroller can and will fit just by moving a small baby inch step to the side.
And like the "blind" commuter, their sight comes to life when their toes got rolled over by our mighty pram wheels.
If you noticed, fellow moms would make way for another pram so they can fit in, but not the empty handed healthy person next to her.
Speaking of toilets, I so hate malls or any place that doesn't have a special mom and baby toilet. I had only been to one with has a baby "holder" so mom can go at peace. For some reason, I forgot where this place is... But it has two adult toilet bowls, a huge vanity area, baby "holder", and a nappy change pad/table. The place is huge, and can possibly fit two moms and their children (with strollers) without feeling cramped up. And it is really clean too!
So, what's your pet peeves when travelling on public with baby (and stroller)?
Next up : Baby M"s first Concert!
Meanwhile, have a happy great WEEKEND!
Once again, we are here.. With the weekend here.. I guess it is apt enough for me to write about the pet peeves when travelling on public with baby, stroller, and lots more in hand.
Here we go... Ready or not....
Well, okay, let's be nice and put a scenario running shall we?
So as always, I fetched Baby M at the platform, sometimes on NEL, sometimes on CCL. And with all babies, we had a stroller, diaper bag (which easily fetch ard 3kg) and everything necessary. All nice and pretty, we set out to get ourselves home. Having had to change between NEL to CCL to EW line, of course we always had to take the elevator, and during peak hours, we always have to swim along with thousand others who are rushing home from work or wherever they are coming from. And here are the kindda people we always bump into.
"Blind" Commuters
These ones can be "deaf" too. We are entering the train right, so they are people standing near the door, be it the elevator door or the train door. And so I said, "Excuse me!!" And these people well they either don't see you or underestimate the size of our stroller. So I said, "Move aside please"Move aside (yeah, just a baby step, that's it!) OH yes.. one little baby step, oh yeah, that'll do.
And then "OUCH!" scream one "blind/deaf" commuter, and I was surprised! "Oh now you can see me!" Well sorry!
Overly concerned Commuters
As with other babies, sometimes Baby M has her wailing days, where she just feel like bursting out of the blue, often because I was a tad late in giving her what she wanted -snacks maybe or just water.
And then, there's this bunch who sometimes come at you like "oh why baby cry?" "so kesian" "maybe she want to be carried"
Oh ya that last statement.. Hmm ok, if I do choose to carry her, would you be giving me space? Would everyone be happy if the train jerks and I lost my balance and along with baby, I go tumbling down? Would you like that?
Look, I am alone. And baby in pram is the safest place a baby can be. The pram brakes works well, and if it is sliding, I can stretch my hands across to hold it with another hand holding the railing, and baby will still be safely secured in her pram. So, I don't mind a crying baby in the pram as long as she is not bleeding, not in pain, and just in need of some entertainment, and entertaining her would be my job. If you'd like to help, make a funny face.
And keep your hands off baby please. Baby touching you doesn't give you rights to hold/touch her especially not her face. (NOT that I have experience these touchy ones, but I've seen other babies get that a lot. Maybe because Baby M mostly touches men, and men always refrain from touching babies for some reason)
"Handicapped" and in dire need to use the elevator
The worst of any kind. If you had read my previous post about the people who moved just an inch to make way for the double stroller, you'd get me.
The elevator is actually meant for the handicapped, the wheel-bounded, the unwell or someone who had their hands too full. I understand you taking the lift if you have both your hands occupied with paperbags, I understand when you have a toddler holding onto your shirt, and another in the back pocket and carrying a baby. I understand if you'r pregnant, and I understand if you were in a corner holding on to the railing (must be light-headed). And definitely get it if you're with a stroller or wheelchair or the motorized handicap "bike"or if you're with an elderly.
What I don't get it is those who are empty handed, young, happy, smiley, and they occupy the elevator like it is full even if it is just the two of them. And these very people can actually have the patience to wait 10 minutes for the elevator. Wouldn't the escalator be faster for you guys? 10 minutes can get you 2 storeys without ever waiting!
And mind you! These very people would actually rush in the elevator even when there are 5 mommies with strollers side by side with them. Shouldn't they give way to us? I mean you have the option to take the escalator! We don't! I mean we can, but it'd be dangerous - plus require more work holding on to the weight.
Like with the "blind" commuter, these people are pretty much the same. I dunno how their brain works but apparently, a stroller can and will fit just by moving a small baby inch step to the side.
And like the "blind" commuter, their sight comes to life when their toes got rolled over by our mighty pram wheels.
If you noticed, fellow moms would make way for another pram so they can fit in, but not the empty handed healthy person next to her.
I seriously hope SMRT would look at making a make-shift nursing/diaper change room at their platforms, it is really not nice changing diapers while others stare at you for embarrassing your baby, with fingers on nose sort of face. Actually a cushioned seat with curtain to go around would do good already. no need for water or anything (maybe wet tissues would be nice) but just something so we can change diapers in discreet.
Speaking of toilets, I so hate malls or any place that doesn't have a special mom and baby toilet. I had only been to one with has a baby "holder" so mom can go at peace. For some reason, I forgot where this place is... But it has two adult toilet bowls, a huge vanity area, baby "holder", and a nappy change pad/table. The place is huge, and can possibly fit two moms and their children (with strollers) without feeling cramped up. And it is really clean too!
So, what's your pet peeves when travelling on public with baby (and stroller)?
Next up : Baby M"s first Concert!
Meanwhile, have a happy great WEEKEND!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Strollers, strollers, strollers!
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog!
Over the past 6months, or to be precise 16 weekends, I have personally test driven 6 strollers (probably more) but I significantly remember these few namely : Seebaby, Capella, Combi, Quinny Buzz, Brittax Double Stroller and Gelite Ace.
All 6 probably has all different pros and cons and possibly to used to different situations to heighten their pros.
Let's start with...
Very lightweight, easy close, easy open. Pretty sturdy.. BUT it cannot recline 180°. SO, in other words, it is great for toddlers who can sit on their own, preferably if they are stable enough to stand actually. STILL, it is not really that good for sleeping little ones, it couldn't recline, so those little ones who tend to soften their muscles when they sleep (which is actually 99% of all babies! hah!), this isn't for them, my Baby M always always slide down right till she can't anymore and it doesn't look comfortable at all, of which Baby M often confirms by squirming and crying after 5-10minutes of dozing off.
This is awesome, it can recline to 180° which makes it usable right from newborn (with newborn inserts) up till toddlers (I forgot the max weight, maybe 20kg). The huge canopy which can pretty much cover baby up is also something I like, however, it doesnt work with Baby M, she'd swing her arms and open the canopy the moment to try to bring it down so the sun doesn't get to her. LOL!
Another favorite thing is that the handles can turn so baby faces you. Very good when baby is asleep, or when baby gets too wary of the overwhelming surrounding. BUT, I pretty much move everywhere I didnt want to go with its handles reversed. Maybe just the need to lock some wheels or some sort.
I like the easy close easy open, PLUS it can close to an even smaller one - but I struggled trying. It is less sturdy though, I often feel like I'd break it to pieces if I try to pivot it on its back wheels. Well it didn't la, so it is sturdy just maybe feel shaky to me - which makes it transform into a rocking chair when baby sleeps. ;)
Awesome if you need to travel on bus because you can close it and has a sling strap to carry by the shoulders.
This is my favorite. I can close and open this one with baby in my arms without much struggle. It is really easy! And.. it has almost everything that is on Capella, except it can't close a second time (to a smaller piece), and no sling strap to carry by the shoulders.
However, this one I can pretty much handle with just one hand, and carry both stroller and baby without having one of them slipping off my hands.
Oh I love this... Especially useful when commuters are just too blind to see me with baby strollers and baby bag, and many other things that I have in hand because oh they feel the pain when I roll over their toes, and then just flash a baby and a smile "ooppss... sorry..!!" while my heart whispers "I said Excuse me, you chose not to hear, and so ooopppsss... sorry I did it on purpose!"
And this is also a great stroller if you had to go over the grass, sand and whatever hurdles you may face at the park. it is such a breeze rolling over the water pipes, and the bumbs and kerbs. The huge wheels make it almost impossible to trip or topple over.
The only downside is it is BULKY. So this I will buy only if my house is walkable to anywhere and everywhere without the need to close the stroller at any point. And if I have a room just for strollers.
Although it has a travel system where I can use my car seat, it doesnt really work for Baby M because she felt like we didn't get out of the car. AND if you haven't know yet, well.. Baby M HATES the car rides. She'd cry and fuss. The longest we got her occupied in the car ride was 45minutes.
I also love how the brakes work, step on one side it brakes, step on the other it releases. Cool eh..
I only got like less than an hour dealing with this. BUT it seems awesome if you have a baby and a toddler, or two toddlers. Again, with strollers this big, I still don't see how commuters can't see us. I was holding the lift for my friend who is pushing this with her two kids in them. The lift wasnt exactly full, BUT the three guys basically just moved one baby step when they see her. I was like "Hey, you think we can fit after you move such a small baby step?" I felt like snatching the stroller and pushed it on their open toes.. BUT my friend was too nice for me to do that PLUS I don't want her children to see me get all fired up. (Chey!)
And yes, I often thought the one sitting under would freak out, but it is actually pretty ok, well we cheated, her son was not buckled (only because we know it is a smooth ride, AND we were in a shopping mall, walking pretty much slowly. Her son seeemed to be having a good time standing and almost climbing out to see where we are going, and he didnt fall out or anything like that. His sister was sleeping so comfortably "upstairs".
And finally...
This one wins me because of their roomy huge basket/bag underneath. I can almost pack a whole drawer in that space! This one pretty much is like the Quinny Buzz, The seat can face inwards, outwards, recline fully to sitting upright, it does it all. PLUS it has 4 wheels, two huge ones at the back and two moderately sized ones at the front. easy to lock, and the brakes at the handle, so no fuss in trying to step on the paddles at the wheels somewhere especially when it is a crowded space with no room to bend over or what-so-ever. Canopy is huge and so loved.
And as with the Quinny, this one is bulky and doesn't stand upright when closed. So space was just a sensitive issue. We made it stand anyway, with it resting on our bed on one side. I wished it closes standing, then we can talk space for a bit.
This one is like a transformer, which pretty much wins my heart, because i can close it, switch the seat to the other way, and make it a rocker, i can recline its front wheel and make it like a toddler chair. Probably all I need ever, just the space issue, but I guess when it is so functional and versatile, we can always talk eh..
The other downside is this won't allow me taxi rides unless I have company so someone can hold baby while I detach the seat close the pram, and arrange it to fit the bonnet. BUT definitely one I'd look for if I'm out for a long long walk around without the need to take the bus or taxi.
At the end of the day, in Singapore, you would probably really need two prams, one which is truly lightweight, easy to operate and small for those travels by the bus and taxi and one huge one for the long walk/mrt rides, ready to face "war".
MOM vs Commuters.
Pet Peeves coming up in next entry next week.
For now, this is it. Do share your favorite stroller stories too ya!
Over the past 6months, or to be precise 16 weekends, I have personally test driven 6 strollers (probably more) but I significantly remember these few namely : Seebaby, Capella, Combi, Quinny Buzz, Brittax Double Stroller and Gelite Ace.
All 6 probably has all different pros and cons and possibly to used to different situations to heighten their pros.
Let's start with...
Very lightweight, easy close, easy open. Pretty sturdy.. BUT it cannot recline 180°. SO, in other words, it is great for toddlers who can sit on their own, preferably if they are stable enough to stand actually. STILL, it is not really that good for sleeping little ones, it couldn't recline, so those little ones who tend to soften their muscles when they sleep (which is actually 99% of all babies! hah!), this isn't for them, my Baby M always always slide down right till she can't anymore and it doesn't look comfortable at all, of which Baby M often confirms by squirming and crying after 5-10minutes of dozing off.
This is awesome, it can recline to 180° which makes it usable right from newborn (with newborn inserts) up till toddlers (I forgot the max weight, maybe 20kg). The huge canopy which can pretty much cover baby up is also something I like, however, it doesnt work with Baby M, she'd swing her arms and open the canopy the moment to try to bring it down so the sun doesn't get to her. LOL!
Another favorite thing is that the handles can turn so baby faces you. Very good when baby is asleep, or when baby gets too wary of the overwhelming surrounding. BUT, I pretty much move everywhere I didnt want to go with its handles reversed. Maybe just the need to lock some wheels or some sort.
I like the easy close easy open, PLUS it can close to an even smaller one - but I struggled trying. It is less sturdy though, I often feel like I'd break it to pieces if I try to pivot it on its back wheels. Well it didn't la, so it is sturdy just maybe feel shaky to me - which makes it transform into a rocking chair when baby sleeps. ;)
Awesome if you need to travel on bus because you can close it and has a sling strap to carry by the shoulders.
This is my favorite. I can close and open this one with baby in my arms without much struggle. It is really easy! And.. it has almost everything that is on Capella, except it can't close a second time (to a smaller piece), and no sling strap to carry by the shoulders.
However, this one I can pretty much handle with just one hand, and carry both stroller and baby without having one of them slipping off my hands.
Quinny Buzz
Oh I love this... Especially useful when commuters are just too blind to see me with baby strollers and baby bag, and many other things that I have in hand because oh they feel the pain when I roll over their toes, and then just flash a baby and a smile "ooppss... sorry..!!" while my heart whispers "I said Excuse me, you chose not to hear, and so ooopppsss... sorry I did it on purpose!"
And this is also a great stroller if you had to go over the grass, sand and whatever hurdles you may face at the park. it is such a breeze rolling over the water pipes, and the bumbs and kerbs. The huge wheels make it almost impossible to trip or topple over.
The only downside is it is BULKY. So this I will buy only if my house is walkable to anywhere and everywhere without the need to close the stroller at any point. And if I have a room just for strollers.
Although it has a travel system where I can use my car seat, it doesnt really work for Baby M because she felt like we didn't get out of the car. AND if you haven't know yet, well.. Baby M HATES the car rides. She'd cry and fuss. The longest we got her occupied in the car ride was 45minutes.
I also love how the brakes work, step on one side it brakes, step on the other it releases. Cool eh..
Brittax Double Stroller
I only got like less than an hour dealing with this. BUT it seems awesome if you have a baby and a toddler, or two toddlers. Again, with strollers this big, I still don't see how commuters can't see us. I was holding the lift for my friend who is pushing this with her two kids in them. The lift wasnt exactly full, BUT the three guys basically just moved one baby step when they see her. I was like "Hey, you think we can fit after you move such a small baby step?" I felt like snatching the stroller and pushed it on their open toes.. BUT my friend was too nice for me to do that PLUS I don't want her children to see me get all fired up. (Chey!)
And yes, I often thought the one sitting under would freak out, but it is actually pretty ok, well we cheated, her son was not buckled (only because we know it is a smooth ride, AND we were in a shopping mall, walking pretty much slowly. Her son seeemed to be having a good time standing and almost climbing out to see where we are going, and he didnt fall out or anything like that. His sister was sleeping so comfortably "upstairs".
And finally...
Gelite Ace
This one wins me because of their roomy huge basket/bag underneath. I can almost pack a whole drawer in that space! This one pretty much is like the Quinny Buzz, The seat can face inwards, outwards, recline fully to sitting upright, it does it all. PLUS it has 4 wheels, two huge ones at the back and two moderately sized ones at the front. easy to lock, and the brakes at the handle, so no fuss in trying to step on the paddles at the wheels somewhere especially when it is a crowded space with no room to bend over or what-so-ever. Canopy is huge and so loved.
And as with the Quinny, this one is bulky and doesn't stand upright when closed. So space was just a sensitive issue. We made it stand anyway, with it resting on our bed on one side. I wished it closes standing, then we can talk space for a bit.
This one is like a transformer, which pretty much wins my heart, because i can close it, switch the seat to the other way, and make it a rocker, i can recline its front wheel and make it like a toddler chair. Probably all I need ever, just the space issue, but I guess when it is so functional and versatile, we can always talk eh..
The other downside is this won't allow me taxi rides unless I have company so someone can hold baby while I detach the seat close the pram, and arrange it to fit the bonnet. BUT definitely one I'd look for if I'm out for a long long walk around without the need to take the bus or taxi.
At the end of the day, in Singapore, you would probably really need two prams, one which is truly lightweight, easy to operate and small for those travels by the bus and taxi and one huge one for the long walk/mrt rides, ready to face "war".
MOM vs Commuters.
Pet Peeves coming up in next entry next week.
For now, this is it. Do share your favorite stroller stories too ya!
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