Assalammu'alaikum dearest friends and followers of this blog. I hope all is well and may things get better as time past.. I can't explain the feelings I've been bearing all this while. I felt caged sometimes, and often I tried to break through the door so I can emerge out and do something that will benefit me in the long run. And when I finally get out of the door, I tend to ask for an opinion or two about the things I intend to do, and often than not, the first person gave me a strange look and said I was crazy, at this point.. Sometimes, I run back to my cage and lock myself, other times, I just look back at him, and wanted so much to prove him wrong, and walked to the next person and hope he/she would agree with me and work with me towards the better future.. Sadly, the 2nd person didn't see the opportunity as her fears are bigger than her dreams, she cited excuses after excuses. Like the 1st rejection, I sometimes return to my cage.. This time I either walk to the next one with bigger hope of getting someone who wanted her/his dream to come true as much as I did.. Finally along the many rejections, negativity, I found someone, no let me correct that, I found a system that was proven to work, which I can utilize to fulfil my dreams, finally! Even so, with the system instilled, it wasn't easy to make others see what I saw inside and beyond the whole operations, systems, support team, and everything that was there all along which can help us have a better future. I managed to get a few people to see how it works before turning me down, well at least these people know what they are saying NO to. I respect this people more than those who simply reject without seeing/feeling/trying the deal, and I simply dislike the people who thinks they have seen it all and know it all, when the truth is, they have seen nothing and they know nothing at all. These people often kill those with dreams, we call them Dream-Stealers. They steal other people's dreams.. They make everyone around them to be the negative normal people, instead of supporting those to chase and follow their dreams. Those who chase and follow their dreams have got nothing to lose in doing so. If all fails, at least they can say, "I have tried my best. I have given my all to follow my dreams, and I am happy with the result, however the result may be." Often, those who chase and follow their dreams never had time to quit, because they know that they are very near to success at the point when everyone was telling them that they are failing. They know that success is very near just when everyone gives up, because they know, that their dreams are worth the chase. Their dreams are bigger than their fears, and they are the ones that I am looking for. I don't understand how someone can claim that they are positive, when the first word they say are negative. I don't understand how someone can say they have tried, when all they do was watch others try and not try it themselves. All I can say to these people is, "You have the right not to try, but you have got no rights to tell others not to." With all that said, I still wonder why there are still people who let their fears eat them. Bottom line, it's an irony that everyone wants to go to Heaven, but not everyone wanted to PAY the PRICE. Success has a price tag attached, it requires, desire, work and vehicle. Do you have what it takes to succeed in life? Tell me, I am listening. Wassalam, Jun |
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Feelings deep inside...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The 5 Love Languages
Assalammu'alaikum my beloved readers, friends and loved ones, I just read the book entitled The Five Love Languages, and I tell you. It is definitely fabulous and it's definitely my top most highly recommended book for those who often cry into vacuum screaming for something so obvious and yet noone understood you. I was once there, and after reading the book, I instantly saw the bigger picture. I quickly recognize my primary love language and my secondary love language. I also instantly knew how to manage different people who speak different love languages. I am no expert in quickly identifying their language, but the least I could do is understand and pick up little clues that comes off with the words they speak. Now that I have understood my love language, I guess I can assure myself that I can keep the love afloat with much greater and deeper understanding. Another book that I wanna read would be "Personality Plus" I gotta read that. Somehow, right now, I'm very interested in human behavior and character.. I dunno why the sudden interest, but I like to study people, their behavior and how to handle them. Then again, I've always liked studying people and analyzing their behavior. It's weird how I used to annoy myself with people who just cant get enough of praises, and then go around making me totally uncomfortable with praises for me.. It totally got on my nerve, and I'd just desperately do something horrid just so she/he would stop praising me. Haha.. and now, I learn to appreciate the praises, and thank them for noticing. I'd try to praise them, although it is definitely not in my blood to go around praising others. I'm more for quality time, talking and understanding each others' feeling, giving 100% attention, and if possible, 200% will definitely be better. I had always dump whatever I am doing if someone I really love deeply call me and said he/she is facing a problem. I'd readily drop everything and be there for them. I paid attention to their feelings, and try to feel what they feel, more often, I never speak much, I'd just listen and tell them I know how they feel, and confirm their feelings. I dun always give them solutions, only when they asked me, I'd think of something, otherwise I'd just be there to listen and tell them I feel for them. I often give hugs to express my gratitude, my embarassments, my grieves, my happiness, and my loneliness. It gives me a sense of belonging when I hold hands, or just brushing our arms as we walk. It gives me some kind of an assurance somehow. I think that's why I always randomly kiss and hug my mom. I like it when someone close to me put their arms around me, or lead my hands to wrap them. I like it when my nieces or nephews play with my hands, or hair.. It makes me feel so loved somehow. Mom's touch is the best, as always, especially when i lie on her lap and then she run her hands thru my hair.. It feels so wonderful, nothing else existed then. My mom always like to be helped. She always complain about doing everything herself, and noone is there helping out. Some people feel loved when they see others doing something for her. However, often than not, people failed to express this as a request, more often, they demand for help. Therefore, others would dread to help not because they don't care, but because its human nature to dread demands. We like to be given the choice, and to do what we liked. Afterall we are humans. The book did give a few tips to teach ourselves to make a request, rather than making demands. And I think it's an excellent exercise. I know of someone who is contented with gifts, nothing above mattered more than a simple gift. Even if it is hand made, they treated the gifts like it's made of gold. That's just how much a gift meant to them. That is how they feel loved. They like receiving and giving gifts. I know of someone who used to always buy me gifts, and expect me to feel loved. I didnt know then that it's an expression of love. Only because it was not my love language. It was foreign. I am not a gift giver either, but I like creating things and do handmade cards, handmade bags.. And sometimes, I have to admit, I am embarrassed to give them away as gifts. "It is too cheap" I thought. Little did I know, it would mean a whole lot if the person who'd be receiving gifts speaks the language of gifts. Speaking of gifts, I wonder what I should get for Mr MUF's mom.. Hmmm... Can I like buy it at a later date Anyways, I'm currenly addicted to MIFEE... it's yummy.. Well it's not anything new.. it's just MILO + COFFEE.. Alrighty now.. I gotta get back to work.. Wassalam. |
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Routine Life without Baby Blast
My life has been routined since Baby Blast decides to ditch me for hurting her.. Good thing is, I began to learn and appreciate my loved ones who helped me along the way.. Baby Blast haven't moved an inch since 2nd May, and since then, my Dearest Dear has been sending me and fetching me from work. I haven't felt so important for so long. And I felt so much loved when I told him it is okay and that I can go to work myself, and he said, I had to get up much earlier, and the fact that I haven't been taking public for 2 years might have taken a toll, and I might just not know where to change the train. And firmly assure me that he will send me to work unless he's not in town. Instantly I felt so important and so loved. And so, life since then became a daily routine, seeing him in the morning, hitching a ride with him to work (and I appreciate it so much, he's making one big round spending at least half an hour of extra sleep), and then him coming to fetch me from work. Sometimes we go for dinner, sometimes we just spend some time talking somewhere. I had so much time with him, and I felt so contented. Yesterday, I went to attend a short workshop and learn so many helpful tips from the experts.. And he came to fetch me after, we went MC that night. Somehow I felt so much closer to him then ever before.. Throughout the night, we held hands, and never really let go. I felt like we belong to each other.. And I came home recapping what I have read in the love language book. And I was a little worried if this is just the "in love" moment. I do show some of the most famous symptoms on being in-love. And sometimes, I'm afraid of waking up and noticing all the bad things that has always been there. The golden question as always, what if? What if one day, he finds me annoyingly irritating because of my short temper? What if one day, he thinks I'm being absurdly brainless to be throwing tantrums just because i'm having that bad day of the month? What if, one day I became a Quality Control and end up saying he's not good enough till he suffocates trying to keep up? Sometimes, this "what-if" fear drains me and often, I short-lived my "in-love" moment by being the monster first. How can one tell that it is worth the try? I dunno.. Dun get me wrong though. I do love sincerely and whole-heartedly.. My fears only shows that I do treasure what I have, and I will treasure it always. And my fear only says that I do know that nothing belonged to me, everything belongs to Allah S.W.T. I am only borrowing what he has gifted me. I just hope and I always pray for what I deserved in His eyes. And what I go through is essential to me because He says so. Perhaps, if I hadn't went through what I went through, I would have been heartless or something. Wallahualam bi shawab. Anyways, business has been great! My email are getting flooded with enquiries and bookings, and its been great pleasure doing home facials for beautiful ladies, and for those who desire to further beautify their look. It's such a pleasure. I hope to be able to help more people by providing my service, in fact, I've extended my service to across the border. How great! Thanks to all my "teachers". Love all of you. And I love my Dearest Dear. Until next time, Wassalam. |
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Cinta Sejati menurut Islam
Cinta Sejati menurut Islam:
Cinta tersebut hanya ada antara Khalik dan Makhluk, cinta antara makhluk harus ditambah syarat-syarat berikut: Cintanya tersebut karena Alloh S. W. T. Harus memenuhi segala aturan yang dibuat oleh Alloh S. W. T. Sex bukanlah cinta dan cinta bukanlah sex, tetapi sex adalah bunga-bunga dari cinta dan hanya ada dalam pernikahan dan hanya dengan yang dinikahi Cinta bukan uang atau harta atau duniawi, tetapi cinta membutuhkan uang, harta dan duniawi. Saya mengharap benar, mudah-mudahan dapat menemui cinta sejati yang selalu saya harapkan... Dan dengan penuh sabar. saya lalui ujian2 dari Allah S.W.T.... Wassalam. |
Thursday, May 06, 2010
As-Salam Mu'alaik Everyone. I hope all of you have had a great week thus far, and Insya'Allah more great things happening throughout the day. I was suppose to continue my previous entry, but as always, I was caught up with work and clients, and bookings, etc. c",) and I am so loving it. =) Alhamdulillah the launch of my very own home facial service went on smoothly and have been receiving regular bookings. Jazak'Allah to those who have guided me through the courses, and various approaches that I should take. Alhamdulillah.. I think what really makes me happy is just a mere cliche of having someone with me.. I felt right.. And sometimes, because of the right feeling, I scare myself out of it.. I snapped out of it, find something wrong, cry to sleep wondering why, and then run to the subject and snuggle under and feel so warm.. Sometimes, I'm not even sure of myself. Am I making the right decisions? Will he make me happy? Will he like be like how he is now even after marriage? Will he still be this nice? Will he still give me chances? Will he still hug me after I make him angry/upset? Will he still be able to kiss my forehead when I'm feeling down? Or will things change? Will I change? Will I be monsterous? I dunno... And what I dunno is like freaking me out completely.. It used to be, what I dunno wont kill me.. But now.. it's like.. I just wanna be sure.. if he's the one.. Will he wait till time is right? Will he hold me dear till the end of time? Will he always be there for me? Ok.. I think I'm getting a little too emotional.. so I guess I'll stop here.. In the meantime, do check out Our Home Facial Services, Ya? |
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Some thoughts...
Assalammu'alaikum friends. I hope you are all in your best health, and I wish you well always.
Please check out Our Home Facial Services for our updates on the available packages that we have for you.
Other than launching my very own home facial services, I've been actively re-making, re-creating, re-fixing my hijabs.. I was just suddenly inspired and moved to just keep changing my style. On a good day, I managed to put in about 5 styles in a single day. And on normal days, I'd do about two styles.
I think the inspiration start pumping in after I watched Amenakin on youtube, following that, I keep finding new styles, re-creating her styles - Amena uses like a zillion pins if possible, and I'd just recreate it by using maximum 3-4pins, and some I just do it pinless and I loved not having pins on my head because it gives me lots of room for a quick fix-it which in turns gives me a new style altogether.
From watching Amena on youtube, I found MayaChic and got inspired just the same. Then i start looking at more styles all over again, recreating - again trying my best to make the style pinless whenever possible. Then I got really in touch with local beauties, bought lots of shawl, hairbands, hair clips to make things happen.
I am loving my life right now, to be honest, I am very very happy.
Now, I got caught up with other things. I will continue this entry. Insya'Allah.
Will be right back,
Please check out Our Home Facial Services for our updates on the available packages that we have for you.
Other than launching my very own home facial services, I've been actively re-making, re-creating, re-fixing my hijabs.. I was just suddenly inspired and moved to just keep changing my style. On a good day, I managed to put in about 5 styles in a single day. And on normal days, I'd do about two styles.
I think the inspiration start pumping in after I watched Amenakin on youtube, following that, I keep finding new styles, re-creating her styles - Amena uses like a zillion pins if possible, and I'd just recreate it by using maximum 3-4pins, and some I just do it pinless and I loved not having pins on my head because it gives me lots of room for a quick fix-it which in turns gives me a new style altogether.
From watching Amena on youtube, I found MayaChic and got inspired just the same. Then i start looking at more styles all over again, recreating - again trying my best to make the style pinless whenever possible. Then I got really in touch with local beauties, bought lots of shawl, hairbands, hair clips to make things happen.
I am loving my life right now, to be honest, I am very very happy.
Now, I got caught up with other things. I will continue this entry. Insya'Allah.
Will be right back,
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