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Thursday, March 13, 2008

To adopt or not to adopt....

I'm just keeping my options open. I am not entirely sure if I'd ever get married again, and I'm giving myself ample time to think of the available options.

I came across the idea of adopting a baby, but the procedures will kill me financially... Besides, I won't want to adopt and then decide it's too difficult for me to handle. I'll put this thought on hold till I'm really ready and sure of my path.

I finally told what I had in mind to KI. Told him what was the right thing to do at this moment of time, and the rest is up to him. If he listens, then it's all for his own good. If he doesn't, it'll just mean that the good will come later or never at all..

Anyways, I met up with B like after so many years of not talking to her due to the busy schedules we all have. We ended up talking about the people in our primary school and such. It was nice knowing someone for more than 12 years..

Sharmie must have just landed from the trip to Vietnam.

I'm still at home, so sick, throat hurts, nose blocked... Body aches... and head's spinning...

I guess I really ought to rest.... Nyte!

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