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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hate working boring Saturdays...

I'm in the office now.. Just killing time basically. Nothing much to do today except clearing things up and reading up what I should. I could have done better than to write my blog today.. But I guess I should at least give time for the benefit of my beloved readers..

Mr came through Singapore on Tuesday, 19th July 2345hrs(I think). Then he came over, well of course, He Miss Me!!! I miss him too.. What not? A month being apart... But work had made me extremely busy, so it's not that bad...

On Wednesday night, the night I'm suppose to train up before the Saturday's league, James brought me to this really nice Winebar. The owner's an Australian, the winebar's name? G'day Mate! Very Australian indeed. But all his wines were handmade, organic and out from his on vineyard called The Cooperage. That would be a better choice for the name of the winebar, isn't it? Anyways, we had a bottle of red. Very yummy! First time I liked my red.. So it must be really good. Then from that same winebar, we ordered food from HooHa! Beautiful tenderloin and rack of lamb, who can ever beat that place! Just delicious. (In Mick's version, it would be beef-filicious?) Hehehe..

Then he send me home, and then head off to join Chris for the Quiz Night at ColBar.. Obviously, had too much to drink, well, maybe not.. it's the change from wine to beer.. That's more likely the reason for him to not being able to get up on time. Hahaha.. But it's okay. He made up for that.. *grins*

We went to HooHa! again on Thursday, just to eat... Calamari, Chicken Nuggets and Fries, Rack of Lamb and Tenderloin. Hehehe.. I met Malik and Jamilah with their baby boy, Raihan while waiting for Mr. Then we went home to my place, to hang out a bit longer. My dad's first word to Mr, BOTAK... Hahahahahaha.. My dearest funny old man never ran out of funny things to say to/about Mr.. haha.. My parents are always on a happier and better mood whenever Mr comes over. Weird, but true.. You can see my Mom frowning, and the moment she saw Mr outside the door, she'll just smile and chuckle.. Says a lot about Mr, huh?

Then it was the goodbye.. A long long hug.. And the thoughts of being apart for the next 6 months minimum.. Almost killed me.. But I stayed strong. Oh, we had our mini private chat about everything, and we decide that we should take a short break while dealing with our forward moving lifes, and see how it goes. This is such a beautiful experience, having a good adult talk, having a true understanding with each other. It's just so beautiful.

Then Mr had to leave... Friday, 22nd July 0730hrs... It hurts to know that he's away miles and miles away for the next 6 months... So I try not to think about it... I focused more on my job, my friends, good working environment, and of course the rugby guys.. And wa-laa! I smiled. It's so easy to divert my emotions and thoughts now.. Just shows that I've grown up so much, and it's all for the better...

Okay that's it for my love life. Now, friends... Ahhh.. another beautiful experience and change in me... And i love myself now, so much! It's so nice being happy and feeling exactly what your friends feel. It's a nice feeling. Not the return she gives you but the benefits you receive just being there for her, and doing everything you could for her. That's what friends are for, just be there, and look at them and say, "hey, you're not alone, I AM NOT ALONE... "

It's weird when 5 years ago, I can never see any of my friends having a better life than me, and now, I wish they have a better life and always be happy, more than I would wish for myself. I'm amazed of how much I've changed, willingly. Like how I used to just bark at people to critisize me, now I learn how to listen and justify on the reasons behind all that. And I've accepted that as much as I think that I always do what I think is right, it's not always right. And it's always better with someone from outside to look and comment, and if you listen properly, you'll see the bigger picture.

Like I and my bestestfriend said, Life is just way too short.... And I liked the prayer she said to me yesterday. The serenity prayer, it goes like, " Oh lord, grand me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change what I can and the WISDOM to know the difference".

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