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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Come just to go home...

Can't believe it.. I came all the way down to Turf City just to go back home.... What happened?

No one came to do the lights, so 6 guys made up of Mick, Eddy, Frank, Rob, Stumpie, and Andy(I think it's his name, but ain't very sure) sweat out in the dark. Frank dropped me off at Holland Village.

I think I'll draw and paint today.. No more camera with me.. I have to buy my own in my company's name.. But i have to fork the money out first.. Boo hoo.. No more extra money...

I miss James.. Will he still trust me? I dunno... But without trust, a relationship will go bust.. Will there still be love in the air... Will a mistake makes the whole relationship swirl and twirl, till it's not the same even after going the other way to rewind what happened? I dunno.. Let's just wait and see what happens next...

Give it time, everyone said. But time waits for no man or woman, or a lady, or a kid even.. So give it time to grow and find it even harder to let go?

Oh, god.. Shine my path and lead me to where you think it's best for me. Guide my love ones, so they won't hurt each other anymore.. Guide us to love and not to hate, teach us to move on and to smile every day they have.


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