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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Important dates for last week...

Assalammu'alaikum beloved friends & family.

I hope all has been great and well for you. Last week we had a few importany dates and we were happy that all had went smoothly.

Work has been great the whole of last week, with a few hours time-off. Everyone was smiling, boss was happy, and I guess it is only because Engineer B wasnt there showcasing his stupidity, really.

Anyways, back to important dates... It was 21st Feb. We signed a major document on that day pinning ourselves to greater commitment and responsibilities. I missed my tuition slot due to the sudden heavy rain and we were drenched to head down straight. I felt guilty and bad for missing that slot. Lucky for me, they were understanding and accomodating. Syukur Alhamdulillah..

On 22nd Feb, I finally made time to get my abdomen a good massage from G. She banned me from taking the bike ride for the time being, even extended the message to my husband. And so we complied. No more bike rides for me- not even as a pillion. She asked us to come back in a 2-3months time. We'll jot dot a little date.. And hopefully with a big smile plastered across. :) PLUS, it was our two-monthsary (ok I felt like some minah eh posting and celebrating monthsary~ urghz!).

On 23rd, as a belated gesture, I whip up Big Fat Chilli Crab as our lunch dish! Alhamdulillah, he comes home delighted and loves it! We then went about running our almost overdued errands. We hit down to the bikeshop, discussed l, bargained and finally agreed to a sum. Some signatures, and we are ticked one off the list. To the next destination, paid the monies and we have to do that 4more times before we can relieve ourselves and start saving even more.

On 24th, it was a long long day. It is time to bring my parents out. I was hoping we can bring his parents out next weekend. Well we'll see. Parents had a good time. We keep filling our tummies up. No complaints, and it was a good day! And oh, we even met up with Mama H to get Abg his Guitar and Adik her Ukelele. These two lovely kids are musically inclined, unlike me. :) We head to Mama H's place and browsed a few youtube clips to get some of Ukelele's chords and ways to strum. It was overall a great day for all of us. :)

Th, 25th... We are all back to Monday. Reality bites. Engineer B is back, and as expected.. It was timed at 15mins. 1ins after the boss stepped in, he was calle for a briefing. He didnt budge until the boss stepped out and asked what he was waiting for. And yes, the office is back to its dark side. Everyone's back pissing again. I seriously dunno how he became an Engineer. His scaling is horrible, he cant gauge w/o measuring. He dun even understand comments that were sent and received. He blindly comply without checking.. That is just to name a few. I think I can fill up to 30 of his unforgivable mistakes very easily..

The only reason why he stays (and not get fired yet) is the fact that he is darn cheap and my boss is a very kind boss who wants to still give him a chance to learn and be better. I really do hope someone else better comes by to replace him uf he keeps up with his mistakes in the long run and not learn anything from it.

So today, I am just hoping he dont come by my desk for some redundant work. I have cleared enough of his ____ the whole of last week when he was away.

With that said, I shall sign off and hope for the best.

Yours truly,
Me :)


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