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Friday, November 07, 2008

Unwanted Changes...

Changes in life...

I wish I could go back and rewind the time to 6months ago... Perhaps things would be much better... I have done so much sins, and have changed too much for my own liking..

I regret everything I did... I wish I could return to how things were 6months ago... I admit 90% of the time, was caused by me myself... I could have minimized it.. Now that things were done..

I guess I only have time on my side.. To work on things, to return to how I was... And hopefully have him back to how he was... I missed those good old times.. Where we could just talked with no secrets between us.. And to speak what comes to mind..

I wish I could just have the power to erase everything that has happened in the last 5months...

I just have to work on things harder now... I have to... I guess I'll spend my night in deep thoughts... I wanna meet my babe as well... I might find some answers through her...

I really think it was my ego, and my pride that took too much of myself off the track... I am beginning to hate myself now and missed the old me who was just far off from what I am now.. I close my eyes, and I keep seeing the old me waiting to be found... And I saw the me I am now blocking my soul from finding her whom my soul has lost...

I know not how to explain myself for I have yet to understand what is going on with me... Why have things become so complicated? Why have i became so succumb to all this things that has happened, why have i let myself fall apart? Why haven't I learnt from my past mistakes?

I saw my prince, but I failed him... Will I win his heart back in time? Or will it be too late?

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