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Sunday, October 12, 2008

who am I in this big big world?

Sometimes, I wonder who I am, and what my purpose in life is? I've sacrificed a lot in my own definition, but others find that I'm being selfish... The truth is, I sometimes don't realize just how foolish I could get, and how possessive I can be. Sometimes, I just wish I belong to someone just so I could run to him and demand a hug... And be able to say his mine...

Thoughts running wild... So many questions left unanswered.. I just felt like just hugging and just chase away all these uncertainties in life.... I wish I could do just that to chase yours... But I ain't sure if I'd be that strong....

I dunno why i kept saying I dunno.. And i dunno what is it that I dunno... My mind just went blank whenever I had something up here in my brains. And at times I just simply dunno what is it that I was thinking about.

I dunno why I'm feeling like this.. So confused, so lost... So in need to just tell you everything and to know so much about you.... The truth is yet to come, and the truth will be told in time to come if not now later...

Sometimes, I just felt like I just deserve the littlest happiness that I haven't felt in awhile... I dunno if I really deserve more than what I have right now, sometimes... I just wish there'll be someone who really could accept me for who I am, for who I've become, and for who I shall be...

I wish I could give my all and not have the tiniest regret... I wish I could just give my life just so someone else could have a better one...

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