Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. February went zoomed past me, and today is already the 4th week of February! Now let's catch up...
February has been awesome, started off with my Baby M starting school, then celebrating her birthday on her second day of school, and I get to pick her up that day..
We had dinner because my husband got off work early so yeay! Then I had to honour to wake her up for another school day and fetch her.. It was a nice feeling. She didnt shed any tears. just all smiles and went hand in hand with her teacher and waved me goodbye.
The following week was a bit of a rush, I reach a little tad late, but all is well. We head home and then came Friday.. She didnt want to go school she said she just want to sleep, so i carried her. Also it is the start of my laloolang event with Artisans' Haven, so I send my stuff over to a friend nearby before I send her off to school. We reach school safe, without tears. she kept her shoes, hand over her bag to her teacher, I was signing in on the book then she pulled my shirt, so I thought she just wanna salam me, instead, she let out the loudest cry and said she dont want school and just wanna go home with me to sleep!
Oh baby! I know! I want sleep too! Haha. After trying for 5minutes, it didnt stop, and with the teacher's cue that it is going to be alright i had to separate myself from her, hear her cry like I murdered someone, and just made my exit feeling horrible. Haha.
Ah the challenges mothers face.. I got busy through my errands, and before i knew it, it is time to fetch her home. So I did. The moment she saw me, she smiled, waved at me, then made dash, carry her bag and salam me. How cute is that???
So we got home happy. And she demanded a movie treat which her Abah complied happily. We watched Batman Lego Movie. She slept 3/4 of the whole movie! I fell asleep too at the start.
On Sunday we made it down to The National Museum for my duty, but i was horribly sick and was not in the mood, it was gloomy, weather was raining and stopping. I sold one little polka dot pink and purple girl's shorts over the weekend. Which is great!
Then we had dinner before we head home and rest. We could hardly breathe so visit the clinic on Monday.
I started vomitting that night and didnt feel any better the next day so another visit to the doctor with another day of MC.
The following weekend we didnt fetch Baby M to allow us to recover fully. It went off like a race car. I got completed my new pullover sweater for my niece, so I conveniently named it the Nadiah Pullover!
Quickly after I posted it, I received a request for a pair of mother and son sweater just like it, so I conveniently made a Nadiah & Iman Pullover set, just like that!
Pretty, yes? Why Nadiah, because the first one I made is for Nadiah, my niece. Why Iman? Because Iman is an unisex name, it can be a girl or boy. So there you go! Looks like #sewbasicsg is looking good.. Alhamdulillah!
And just as I thought I get to rest, it is already Monday all over again! And I received another order for another mother and son set! She requested the Lane Raglan Hoodie with a Lil Raglan hoodie.
Oh thank you Allah, for the blessings!
I hope I can maintain the quality of my sewing and receive positive feedbacks consistently.
Yesterday I made the Speedy Pants for my Baby M for she is going diaperless - I blogged about it prior to this being posted, so read it here. That cute pants are too adorable!
And finally completed my sweater for an upcoming trip, but there is a mindless mistake. I didn't put zipper, and I dont know why I made bands, I didn't put eyelet in my hood either, so no idea how that will hold up. So people, when the mind or body say no, you have to listen, don't sew.
I dont know if I will add snaps on those or leave it as is. But surely will wear it because it is pretty and I get to match up with my mom.
Now i am left with making a zip up hoodie for the husband. And another one for me that would match his.
Since Baby M wont be with me this weekend to celebrate her grandad's birthday, I might as well sew a storm eh.
Thursday, the last day of work week for me.. And I got this horrible pain between my brows above my nose bridge, conveniently right after lunch. Took actifast panadol, hopeful it would go away. It is stinkingly annoying. I feel like my face is flattened due to the pain. An hour passed, no reduction in pain. Not sure if I should see a doctor. But I got lots of sewing orders to finish tonight! So let's endure, fight on and see it goes away tomorrow.
I finally finished the order for my cousin, a matching Raglan Hoodie set for her and her son. It is adorable!
I have since received 3 separate orders. Alhamdulillah... And when I announced to the husband, he quickly reminded me of his long overdued bean bag. Okkaayyyy.. I need to sort that one out first then.
Weekend, as usual, went by oh so fast. I wasn't feeling great about going to work today. How I wish I can just stay home. I went to work anyway, and at a red light, a lorry inch forward beside me and gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled. It had been so long since I get that on the road. It made me flashback the good times I had with Baby Blast. Anyways, I was probably too tired today, I couldnt make it go on main stand. And knowing my luck, I didnt push it any harder, it is 90% chance of me dropping the bike than popping it to main stand.
So today, the last 2 days of February. A good good month for me, a challenging March ahead.
How's your February?
A happy person overall,
Monday, February 27, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Free Pattern alert!
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
I am excited to share some news, first of all, Baby M has finally started toilet training and have been going a few hours without diapers, so I thought of sewing training pants for her! While I was searching for a nice cute little one that can last her awhile before I need to buy, I stumbled upon a designer company called "Made by Jack's Mum".
I saw lots of good pictures of the pattern called "Speedy Pants", come in two options - briefs or boxer, importantly, it is unisex, and it goes from sz 6-12M right till 12T!
The second best thing is it is free when you sign up for their newsletter!
Just click here, and scroll down to a yellow portion, fill the details up, and wait up for the email to confirm, and you will get your pattern there.
Thirdly, it only has 6 pages, so nothing massive to print and tape together, which is great for someone like me!
Lastly, it is such an awesome scrap buster! I had only used what is in my remnants bin, and had made 3 nice pair of briefs option. I would give the boxer a try another day.
Look at these, how can they not be cute?
I am sure some of you recognize where those remnants come from. :)
And no, of course no picture of them on her. I don't want to invite pedophiles. May all the children stay safe and be safe always!
You know where to find us if you want one for your little boy or girl. :)
A happy sewist,
I am excited to share some news, first of all, Baby M has finally started toilet training and have been going a few hours without diapers, so I thought of sewing training pants for her! While I was searching for a nice cute little one that can last her awhile before I need to buy, I stumbled upon a designer company called "Made by Jack's Mum".
I saw lots of good pictures of the pattern called "Speedy Pants", come in two options - briefs or boxer, importantly, it is unisex, and it goes from sz 6-12M right till 12T!
The second best thing is it is free when you sign up for their newsletter!
Just click here, and scroll down to a yellow portion, fill the details up, and wait up for the email to confirm, and you will get your pattern there.
Thirdly, it only has 6 pages, so nothing massive to print and tape together, which is great for someone like me!
Lastly, it is such an awesome scrap buster! I had only used what is in my remnants bin, and had made 3 nice pair of briefs option. I would give the boxer a try another day.
Look at these, how can they not be cute?
I am sure some of you recognize where those remnants come from. :)
And no, of course no picture of them on her. I don't want to invite pedophiles. May all the children stay safe and be safe always!
You know where to find us if you want one for your little boy or girl. :)
A happy sewist,
Free Pattern,
Made by Jack's Mum,
Speedy Pants
Thursday, February 16, 2017
One Thimble Issue 14
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
Finally! One Thimble Issue 14 is out! I have purchased it and so far no regrets! I am lining up some patterns to print and already planning to sew! Especially the Amuse Boho Dress!!
I had come across One Thimble a couple of times but had only taken a good look at it after my tester experience with Serger Pepper Designs for her exclusive pattern for One Thimble Issue 14 (OT14).
I was flooded with testers versions of all the patterns in that issue and boy I was smitten, I knew I had to purchase it and make something for myself more than anything! That Amuse Boho top is to die for (apart from the Justin Pants which I tested, of course!)
There are 10, yes TEN, patterns in this issue, and 27 interesting helping sewing articles!
Go ahead, click here, read all about it and purchase it already!
And yes, I am on the affiliate program, but you know I won't be selling what I won't buy!
I will surely share with all of you what I have made in the next few post, once I feel better and got my feet on that sewing pedal again! In meantime, I am gonna send the patterns for printing and prep myself for a good storm of creations!
A happy sewist,
Finally! One Thimble Issue 14 is out! I have purchased it and so far no regrets! I am lining up some patterns to print and already planning to sew! Especially the Amuse Boho Dress!!
I had come across One Thimble a couple of times but had only taken a good look at it after my tester experience with Serger Pepper Designs for her exclusive pattern for One Thimble Issue 14 (OT14).
I was flooded with testers versions of all the patterns in that issue and boy I was smitten, I knew I had to purchase it and make something for myself more than anything! That Amuse Boho top is to die for (apart from the Justin Pants which I tested, of course!)
There are 10, yes TEN, patterns in this issue, and 27 interesting helping sewing articles!
Go ahead, click here, read all about it and purchase it already!
And yes, I am on the affiliate program, but you know I won't be selling what I won't buy!
I will surely share with all of you what I have made in the next few post, once I feel better and got my feet on that sewing pedal again! In meantime, I am gonna send the patterns for printing and prep myself for a good storm of creations!
A happy sewist,
Thursday, February 09, 2017
Strange is when a stranger is kinder to you then someone you love...
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
This is a personal rant. So be warned.
I don't know how to begin, but lately I have strangers who treat me better. Not special, but as a human who has feelings, who do wrong, who makes mistakes, and who is probably distracted by her own cough.
Thank you Pakcik, thank you Bro, Thank you Wei Ling, Thank you Uncle, Thank you Aunty, and thank you Baby. That night you 6 + 2 (the ladies with the Pakcik and Bro), are the kindest to me last night. Constantly asking if I am okay, if I can handle it, if I know what to do, if I am really okay. They knew I was slightly traumatized, and with adrenaline rushing, I don't feel pain. They are strangers. Strangers I never met, converse or see before. They made me feel human. Not once they said "What did you do? What have you done?" Nope. They didn't question those. They didn't want to know who is at fault. They just wanted to know if I am okay, and if I can handle it on my own.
I have discarded a lot of things that I love doing for people. But sewing and riding are just not one of those that I can discard as I wish. Everytime I find something I like to do, people just step in and stood there staring and cursing and scolding like it is so wrong. I never had done like that to anyone I know. Never! If I love you, and you like doing something and happy in doing it, I will be happy for you. I may not like what you do, but I see the joy you get from doing it, then do. I will be happy for you. As long as you dont seek my funding, as long as you do not disturb my privacy and time, I will be happy.
I guess me being so low key, so easy to bend, people mistook me as rock. A rock that can be lifted, thrown, stepped on, kicked, and anything and it wont shout, it wont cry, it wont smile, it wont react.
Must I remind you, that I am a lady, a girl, a female. Who has feelings, who own a fragile heart, who can get hurt, who can cry, who can wound, who can fall sick, who can die..
Well, my bruises are minor, but my heart ache a whole lot. It is broken. I don't know how long it will take to recover, but it will take a long time, I am sure, otherwise not healed at all. Secretly I wished my life is shortened, and I mean it. What's the point of a long life if everything I do is just wrong in the eyes of people I love? What is the point if I do something that pleases them but having myself cursing as I do them? What is the point of living?
I am here once again, searching for my purpose in life... I am miserable.
Lost Jun
This is a personal rant. So be warned.
I don't know how to begin, but lately I have strangers who treat me better. Not special, but as a human who has feelings, who do wrong, who makes mistakes, and who is probably distracted by her own cough.
Thank you Pakcik, thank you Bro, Thank you Wei Ling, Thank you Uncle, Thank you Aunty, and thank you Baby. That night you 6 + 2 (the ladies with the Pakcik and Bro), are the kindest to me last night. Constantly asking if I am okay, if I can handle it, if I know what to do, if I am really okay. They knew I was slightly traumatized, and with adrenaline rushing, I don't feel pain. They are strangers. Strangers I never met, converse or see before. They made me feel human. Not once they said "What did you do? What have you done?" Nope. They didn't question those. They didn't want to know who is at fault. They just wanted to know if I am okay, and if I can handle it on my own.
I have discarded a lot of things that I love doing for people. But sewing and riding are just not one of those that I can discard as I wish. Everytime I find something I like to do, people just step in and stood there staring and cursing and scolding like it is so wrong. I never had done like that to anyone I know. Never! If I love you, and you like doing something and happy in doing it, I will be happy for you. I may not like what you do, but I see the joy you get from doing it, then do. I will be happy for you. As long as you dont seek my funding, as long as you do not disturb my privacy and time, I will be happy.
I guess me being so low key, so easy to bend, people mistook me as rock. A rock that can be lifted, thrown, stepped on, kicked, and anything and it wont shout, it wont cry, it wont smile, it wont react.
Must I remind you, that I am a lady, a girl, a female. Who has feelings, who own a fragile heart, who can get hurt, who can cry, who can wound, who can fall sick, who can die..
Well, my bruises are minor, but my heart ache a whole lot. It is broken. I don't know how long it will take to recover, but it will take a long time, I am sure, otherwise not healed at all. Secretly I wished my life is shortened, and I mean it. What's the point of a long life if everything I do is just wrong in the eyes of people I love? What is the point if I do something that pleases them but having myself cursing as I do them? What is the point of living?
I am here once again, searching for my purpose in life... I am miserable.
Lost Jun
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
Testing for Serger Pepper
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
Yeay! So I finally got chosen to test a pattern! And two sizes! I was nervous initially, but it all went well and I finished well before the deadline!
I was testing this wonderful exclusive pattern by Serger Pepper for One Thimble Issue 14. How honoured, right??? I am still recovering from that excitement!
Serger Pepper who? Ah, designer is Irene Valle from Italy! She is so nice, kind and friendly! Always answering us promptly when we got stuck and had questions.
So what did I test? I tested the Justin Pants! It is such a cool piece!!
And I fit a sz 14!!! Double yass!!!
I love the fit, I love the funky-ness!! I love everything about this pattern!!
Testing it was fun, wasn't that hard, because someone quickly proofread it before I started and a few asked some important steps. So I pretty much zoomed through when there are hardly any problems. I solved the waistband issue bit (feeling a bit proud here!).
I initially wanted to use bubble crepe for the yokes, but it was a terrible mistake, the fabric moved 12389347281 times as I cut and got super out of shape, so I ended up using just good ol' cotton for everything. The teardrop floral piece is Bellaboo. the white floral one I forgot, but both are 100% cotton with no stretch. And oh boy it feels oh so comfortable!!!! I keep falling in love and kept feeling oh so proud whenever I wear it like I had to tell people it is an exclusive pattern designed by Serger Pepper and it will be exclusively released with One Thimble Issue 14. The issue date is Feb 10th, I think. Oh grab it guys!
It was so good, I made another piece!
Yeay! So I finally got chosen to test a pattern! And two sizes! I was nervous initially, but it all went well and I finished well before the deadline!
I was testing this wonderful exclusive pattern by Serger Pepper for One Thimble Issue 14. How honoured, right??? I am still recovering from that excitement!
Serger Pepper who? Ah, designer is Irene Valle from Italy! She is so nice, kind and friendly! Always answering us promptly when we got stuck and had questions.
So what did I test? I tested the Justin Pants! It is such a cool piece!!
Yes Drop Crotch pants! And multiple pockets!!!!
And I fit a sz 14!!! Double yass!!!
I love the fit, I love the funky-ness!! I love everything about this pattern!!
Testing it was fun, wasn't that hard, because someone quickly proofread it before I started and a few asked some important steps. So I pretty much zoomed through when there are hardly any problems. I solved the waistband issue bit (feeling a bit proud here!).
I initially wanted to use bubble crepe for the yokes, but it was a terrible mistake, the fabric moved 12389347281 times as I cut and got super out of shape, so I ended up using just good ol' cotton for everything. The teardrop floral piece is Bellaboo. the white floral one I forgot, but both are 100% cotton with no stretch. And oh boy it feels oh so comfortable!!!! I keep falling in love and kept feeling oh so proud whenever I wear it like I had to tell people it is an exclusive pattern designed by Serger Pepper and it will be exclusively released with One Thimble Issue 14. The issue date is Feb 10th, I think. Oh grab it guys!
It was so good, I made another piece!

This time I used denim knit for the front yoke and leg parts, and denim woven for the pockets and back yoke. It is oh my.. I love it too much! I used leg cuffs or bands for this one and turned it into a pair of joggers. Oh.. It is great. Too awesome!
I think this will end up a staple in my wardrobe. So I made our 3rd pair!
You can read more about Serger Pepper here.
More about One Thimble here.
The Justin Pants will be sold exclusively with the OT e-zine (issue 14), you can check it out here.
Do join the FB group (here) if you need help sewing the pattern!
Till the next entry,
Jun the happy sewist!
You can read more about Serger Pepper here.
More about One Thimble here.
The Justin Pants will be sold exclusively with the OT e-zine (issue 14), you can check it out here.
Do join the FB group (here) if you need help sewing the pattern!
Till the next entry,
Jun the happy sewist!
justin pants,
one thimble,
pattern tester,
serger pepper
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