Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
Today is just a random thought that came through this morning as I was choosing my clothes to put on today..
Regret. Often we regret the things we didn't do more than for the things we did.
Once upon a time when I was young, I had a bucket list. A long list of things I wanted to do before I hit 30, maybe..
And now at 32, there are obviously things I may have regretted not finding time to strike off everything in the list.
So I find the time today to find that list. In fact I blogged about it before.
The list was rather cleverly broken down into these long terms:
EDUCATION wishlsit:
MASTERS in above field
PHD in something relevant
Financial wishlist/goal:
$5K paycheck in 3 years' time
Clear all debts in 2 years' time namely COURTS, CITYBANK EDU, OCBC CAR, etc
Able to support parents and myself without extra help, i.e borrow from friends/chipped in by relatives
Travel wishlist:
To travel to Australia for work/business trips.
To travel leisurely all over Europe.
To travel with girlfriends all over South East Asia namely Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia for shopping and leisure treatments like spa, massage, manicure/pedicure, facial, etc.
Assets wishlist:
To own a house/apartment.
To own a business sideline.
To own a source of transportation.
Not too bad for a 23 yr old eh..
So, let's run it through...
Education wishlist: Didnt really happen as I hoped it would, but I have a Degree in Engineering Business Management, well okay la.. Masters and PhD never happened. Well at least I still challenge myself and took up classes and upgrades from time to time. I took the Basic Human Resource Cert last year, and got an A for one of the module. In August I will be going for the BIM Modelling in Struct Track.. Hopefully I managed. Being 32, with the brain having malfunctions in memory intake and what not, it is a challenge alright. And leisurely I took up sewing.
The Financial wishlist: Heh, I am debt-free for 3years going 4 now. Paycheck didnt exactly hit $5k, otherwise, i might find trouble getting the HDB Loan. ;) So it is a good failure on that one. But i am close, very comfortably above the half mark. And I have manage to support my parents in that same span, and will continue to do so, as far and as much as I can.
The travel wishlist never happened. Except for one all-girls trip to Langkawi in 2008 (I think). I planned many times to go KL with my bestfriend but it haven't happen yet.
Asset wishlist. Well ya, I have owned our very own HDB flat, I do own a business sideline, and own transport, yes and no.
So clearly, I regret not travelling enough with my girlfriend or alone. I had only travelled alone once in 2006/7 to Shanghai. I wished I had travelled a lot more to a lot more places either alone or perhaps with just my bestfriend.
I missed taking a random bus to nowhere. I miss taking urgent leave to head down to Melaka. I miss making a trip to Changi Airport to fly somewhere at the last minute, to India maybe, or to Paris. Now, that seemed too far fetched.
Me, becoming a wife, everything changed to a whole new perspective. Everything needs my husband's permission. Everything needs some thinking, and many reconsiderations follow..
I regret not going to Turkey to take the hot air balloon, I regret not rock climbing professionally. I regret not making the career switch earlier. I regret not jumping on the wagon for a fun career instead of a thick wallet. I regret not taking up Quranic Recital classes earlier so I can study the content. I regret not taking up the weekly classes and earn my ukhrawi cert.
Amidst those regrets, I am glad we did a family trip, although not the full squad. I am glad my husband and I brought parents to Port Dickson for a quiet holiday along with my bestfriend. I am glad we did make a family holiday. And perhaps it is time for another short, quiet holiday.. Bintan maybe? Or maybe Mekkah..
Who knows what the future has for us? Embrace yourself and empower the family.
Not so regretful girl,
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
It has been 3 weeks...
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
I know and well aware that I've been blogging reviews after reviews.. So now, time for another personal update of my personal emotions, opinions and random rantings...
More like an entry to just help me let go... It has been 3 weeks since my dad met Our Creator.. MasyaAllah, I am and will forever be grateful with all the help that has been rendered to us to help us grieve, and for understanding our slow progress in taking this in..
A few days ago, mom broke down when she closed her door and saw dad's trousers.. still untouched.. She wanted me to clear, but I too was reluctant - I don't want to break down in front of her. So I suggested leaving it till 40days at least. I guess a part of me just want a part of dad to still be part of this house. I still refuse to mention Late Dad, or Arwah when speaking. He is and will always be in our heart, so I never felt the need to emphasize that he is no longer.
Losing a dad doesnt seemed as easy as it looks. To date I have spoken to a few friends who had lost their dads. Equally, we still feel lost. Some 4 years, 2years, and a few others still under 1year. If they took years, then I guess we are okay.. We are normal to still grieve and mourn of our great loss.
My Bapak is a great man. We (Siblings and I) inherit some of his character. His temper, his silence, his cool, his strength, his humour. We inherit it all in bits and pieces. I still hear his voice everytime I hear the prayer call. His very annoying (when he was alive) reminder for me to pray on time, now seemed so soothing. My brother inherit his looks, except he is too skinny to resemble Dad. If he gained a little weight, we would probably make him come everyday to just hug him like he is Dad.
His great personality and character shows when he departed, a lot of our relatives came rushing to our home to see him one last time, to console us, my cousins calling me to guide me through the process, and rushing over to help with what he can. My maternal village came down to be with my mom, to give her support. His friends coming over to say a few good words to us, to remind us to be strong for our mom. Our neighbour immediately handed all the help they can render with space and food (if we need them). I am blessed, yes, we are blessed.
In that spur of panic moment, it turned solemn, quiet with murmurs of our prayer recitals, and cries from my mom, we realized, we are all we have. We need to stay united. We need each other to be strong for one another. If we are not the ones to be there, then who else? We don't only need the village to raise a child, we need the village for everything.
Everything we planned was put on hold. There are moments of regrets that we each hold... But there was no point to regret. I just hope we will be with our Mom stronger, and more united together hereon. I hope there will be more frequent visits. I hope there will be less of dismissal when she reminds us of something, when she speaks, I want us to listen, and to fulfill where possible. I am still in the grieving moments, yes, I blog about my reno progress because it was drafted for and it was promised. In reality, I have no real mood to talk about happy things..
When people ask "So how are you? How is your mom?" I kindda of not know what to answer, We are not okay.. But i answered Okay anyway. I guess people wont understand until they experience the loss themselves. I feel guilty sometimes to think that noone would understand, and someone did just that, she simply said "Losing a dad is not the same as losing a mom"
It hurts, but it is true I guess... And losing a dad is not the same as losing a husband. That made me look at my husband and wondered if he forgives me and loves me everyday. The what ifs..
It has been 3 weeks without my dad bugging me with how he had been without a nap and coffee.. It has been 3 weeks without my dad bugging me to pray on time.. It has been 3 weeks without my dad's smile when I returned from work. It has been 3 weeks since I asked my dad what he has done for the day. Yet it felt like just yesterday, me and him talking and laughing about things, it felt like just yesterday that I scolded him for being stubborn. As much as it felt like yesterday, it felt like forever since I kissed and hugged him. I miss you Bapak. So much it hurts.
We spoke about death many times, but it never prepared me. Bapak, I will take care of Mak.. As well as I can. We will not take what is hers. We will not fight over it, for I know whatever you have left behind, is for Mak to live without burdening anyone else. It is your nafkah. I know, Bapak. And I will try to put it nicely and politely should anyone raise the issue.
Your grandchildren has been accompanying Mak, while I am busy at work, and when I had to run errands for my new house. Bapak, I am glad you made some memories with me in my new house. I shall not brood over things you didnt get to do for me in my new house. I will try not to.
Everyday, I hope all your sins are forgiven, that your grave will be given light and space, and that you will be amongst the pious and righteous. I hope you get to meet our Rasullullah. And I hope we will be reunited one day.
Sehingga kita bertemu lagi, Bapak.
Anakmu Jun
More like an entry to just help me let go... It has been 3 weeks since my dad met Our Creator.. MasyaAllah, I am and will forever be grateful with all the help that has been rendered to us to help us grieve, and for understanding our slow progress in taking this in..
A few days ago, mom broke down when she closed her door and saw dad's trousers.. still untouched.. She wanted me to clear, but I too was reluctant - I don't want to break down in front of her. So I suggested leaving it till 40days at least. I guess a part of me just want a part of dad to still be part of this house. I still refuse to mention Late Dad, or Arwah when speaking. He is and will always be in our heart, so I never felt the need to emphasize that he is no longer.
Losing a dad doesnt seemed as easy as it looks. To date I have spoken to a few friends who had lost their dads. Equally, we still feel lost. Some 4 years, 2years, and a few others still under 1year. If they took years, then I guess we are okay.. We are normal to still grieve and mourn of our great loss.
My Bapak is a great man. We (Siblings and I) inherit some of his character. His temper, his silence, his cool, his strength, his humour. We inherit it all in bits and pieces. I still hear his voice everytime I hear the prayer call. His very annoying (when he was alive) reminder for me to pray on time, now seemed so soothing. My brother inherit his looks, except he is too skinny to resemble Dad. If he gained a little weight, we would probably make him come everyday to just hug him like he is Dad.
His great personality and character shows when he departed, a lot of our relatives came rushing to our home to see him one last time, to console us, my cousins calling me to guide me through the process, and rushing over to help with what he can. My maternal village came down to be with my mom, to give her support. His friends coming over to say a few good words to us, to remind us to be strong for our mom. Our neighbour immediately handed all the help they can render with space and food (if we need them). I am blessed, yes, we are blessed.
In that spur of panic moment, it turned solemn, quiet with murmurs of our prayer recitals, and cries from my mom, we realized, we are all we have. We need to stay united. We need each other to be strong for one another. If we are not the ones to be there, then who else? We don't only need the village to raise a child, we need the village for everything.
Everything we planned was put on hold. There are moments of regrets that we each hold... But there was no point to regret. I just hope we will be with our Mom stronger, and more united together hereon. I hope there will be more frequent visits. I hope there will be less of dismissal when she reminds us of something, when she speaks, I want us to listen, and to fulfill where possible. I am still in the grieving moments, yes, I blog about my reno progress because it was drafted for and it was promised. In reality, I have no real mood to talk about happy things..
When people ask "So how are you? How is your mom?" I kindda of not know what to answer, We are not okay.. But i answered Okay anyway. I guess people wont understand until they experience the loss themselves. I feel guilty sometimes to think that noone would understand, and someone did just that, she simply said "Losing a dad is not the same as losing a mom"
It hurts, but it is true I guess... And losing a dad is not the same as losing a husband. That made me look at my husband and wondered if he forgives me and loves me everyday. The what ifs..
It has been 3 weeks without my dad bugging me with how he had been without a nap and coffee.. It has been 3 weeks without my dad bugging me to pray on time.. It has been 3 weeks without my dad's smile when I returned from work. It has been 3 weeks since I asked my dad what he has done for the day. Yet it felt like just yesterday, me and him talking and laughing about things, it felt like just yesterday that I scolded him for being stubborn. As much as it felt like yesterday, it felt like forever since I kissed and hugged him. I miss you Bapak. So much it hurts.
We spoke about death many times, but it never prepared me. Bapak, I will take care of Mak.. As well as I can. We will not take what is hers. We will not fight over it, for I know whatever you have left behind, is for Mak to live without burdening anyone else. It is your nafkah. I know, Bapak. And I will try to put it nicely and politely should anyone raise the issue.
Your grandchildren has been accompanying Mak, while I am busy at work, and when I had to run errands for my new house. Bapak, I am glad you made some memories with me in my new house. I shall not brood over things you didnt get to do for me in my new house. I will try not to.
Everyday, I hope all your sins are forgiven, that your grave will be given light and space, and that you will be amongst the pious and righteous. I hope you get to meet our Rasullullah. And I hope we will be reunited one day.
Sehingga kita bertemu lagi, Bapak.
Anakmu Jun
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Carpentry Work - My Sewing Room
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
Alhamdulillah, another day to live, pray and submit to Allah's will.
Today I shall just walk with you through my journey to having my own sewing room. Well, okay, not exactly MY sewing room per se. It is actually shared, so technically it is OUR hobby room.
I negotiate to have diagonally half the room for my sewing needs and so here goes....
He is so sweet to include drawer space and got my storage woos settled just like that.
I dunno if you could understand his drawing, but I definitely did. And I am so looking forward to this room! But I forgot about the cutting table cum island that I had always wanted, but it is okay.. I shall just scout later on.. No rush.. No rush..
I just had to draw my own visualization.. hehe.. Oh I miss art in school..
I actually had started asking for quotations for a fully customised extendable cutting table island with brakeable casterwheels. It cost from $750 to $1300.. Kindda obvious it wont be happening soon, I gotta suck it in and save up for it. I probably need my Babylock Englighten first. :p
The Progress:
Well, there wasn't much of a progress because things happened to quickly, so before we knew it, these are the only pictures we took of it.
Honestly, I wished it has more of the exposed display shelves, but I shall live with this!
Being the skeptical me, I start seeing it bend a little when the curtain guy stepped on it, and definitely see it sag a little when Mr Husband sat on it. SO, I am thinking of adding stands to help support its cantilever edges. Again, this is just my skeptical self, overthinking things. I mean c'mon, right? An average adult man weight between 60-80kg, my machines don't weight that much, probably just one third of that weight at most. So yeah.. Just me. So, to be safe, I shall put the heaviest ones on the drawer, the serger on the shelf side, and the other two evenly spaced. Okay, I am seriously feeling jelly because I am starting to imagine if the table collapse. It won't happen right?
Please tell me it won't.. PLEASE....
Anyways, if it looks a tiny bit less stable, I shall just convert it into study table, and just bring the outdoor pine table over to serge on those, I am really thinking how it will really stand the vibration, okay seriously, I am really overthinking this, and I really shouldn't.
I am really gonna ensure no adult step on that long table, alright. NO!
I guess this is it for mysewing activity space. I shall update again once I have all my machines and fabrics on board to show you the complete make-over, insyaAllah.
A happy sewist,
Today I shall just walk with you through my journey to having my own sewing room. Well, okay, not exactly MY sewing room per se. It is actually shared, so technically it is OUR hobby room.
I negotiate to have diagonally half the room for my sewing needs and so here goes....
The Plan:
I had asked for Kenny, the carpenter assigned to Ah Heng- our contractor co-ordinator, to draw out what I have in mind, an L-shaped table, with an open shelf with whatever wall space I have left.
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He drew it all oh so naturally! |
I dunno if you could understand his drawing, but I definitely did. And I am so looking forward to this room! But I forgot about the cutting table cum island that I had always wanted, but it is okay.. I shall just scout later on.. No rush.. No rush..
I just had to draw my own visualization.. hehe.. Oh I miss art in school..
I actually had started asking for quotations for a fully customised extendable cutting table island with brakeable casterwheels. It cost from $750 to $1300.. Kindda obvious it wont be happening soon, I gotta suck it in and save up for it. I probably need my Babylock Englighten first. :p
The Progress:
Well, there wasn't much of a progress because things happened to quickly, so before we knew it, these are the only pictures we took of it.
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The display shelves |
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I like that there are so many storage space! |
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And this table.. Oh... I can fill lots of machines |
Please tell me it won't.. PLEASE....
Anyways, if it looks a tiny bit less stable, I shall just convert it into study table, and just bring the outdoor pine table over to serge on those, I am really thinking how it will really stand the vibration, okay seriously, I am really overthinking this, and I really shouldn't.
I am really gonna ensure no adult step on that long table, alright. NO!
I guess this is it for my
A happy sewist,
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Reno Journey - Review on Storation LLP
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. Once again, another part of my reno journey kindda review to write! Alhamdulillah..
Storation LLP
563 Seranggoon Road
Person who was in-charge for mine: Delwin
I got to know of this company via the facebook group I was in which gathers all of those who are going to reside in Keat Hong, and where we all share good deals, or bulk purchase to join along for better pricing. As such it was supposed to be another member who was suppose to gather the names of those who are interested to get the bulk discount, but she dropped the idea thinking there is not enough demand, so a friend and I decide to just take it off from there and my friend managed to gather over 20 units and so we qualified for a good 20% discount. Awesome!
So my friend arranged a nice list for the guy in charge to get in touch with for an on-site measurement and to seal the deal. We first met him on 16th April, I set an appointment at 2pm but he was early and greeted me at the door at 1.30pm and got along with the measurement.
There are three types basically, steel frames with (a)chipboard shelving, (b)plywood shelving and (c)steel shelving. So we chose to have ours with the steel shelving. There are also two heights that we can do, a 4 tier up to 1.8m high or a 5 tier up to 2.1m high, we chose the latter.
Price was good, and I have honestly look around and compare with all the flyers lying around the house, and I couldn't find anyone who had a better price tag for the exact measurement and height and options I chose. So we are happy and agreed to the price and will contact him again to get the shelving installed, probably once the renovation is over.
End May, I contacted him to ask if he can come down on 14th May 2016 to get it installed, and chose the color for our shelving, I wanted Black and Red, but Red is not available. I asked for Blue, but Blue is only in the vertical poles and not the panels. So in the end I picked solid black.
The guys were punctual like Delvin, and got right to work immediately. And this is the outcome!
Oh I am in love! We didn't wait and had things piled up to be stored right away. I like the sturdiness, and the sleek look a solid black gives.
For the prompt, punctual and awesome job, you guys deserve a 4 star out of 5, for there will always be room to improve, and one of it is to have more color options. I am sure this will be in the future pipeline. And I will be looking forward to Red, because Red goes with Black very nicely! :)
Good Job, Storation LLP! And thank you for the great service! Keep it up!
A happy customer,
Storation LLP
563 Seranggoon Road
Person who was in-charge for mine: Delwin
I got to know of this company via the facebook group I was in which gathers all of those who are going to reside in Keat Hong, and where we all share good deals, or bulk purchase to join along for better pricing. As such it was supposed to be another member who was suppose to gather the names of those who are interested to get the bulk discount, but she dropped the idea thinking there is not enough demand, so a friend and I decide to just take it off from there and my friend managed to gather over 20 units and so we qualified for a good 20% discount. Awesome!
So my friend arranged a nice list for the guy in charge to get in touch with for an on-site measurement and to seal the deal. We first met him on 16th April, I set an appointment at 2pm but he was early and greeted me at the door at 1.30pm and got along with the measurement.
There are three types basically, steel frames with (a)chipboard shelving, (b)plywood shelving and (c)steel shelving. So we chose to have ours with the steel shelving. There are also two heights that we can do, a 4 tier up to 1.8m high or a 5 tier up to 2.1m high, we chose the latter.
Price was good, and I have honestly look around and compare with all the flyers lying around the house, and I couldn't find anyone who had a better price tag for the exact measurement and height and options I chose. So we are happy and agreed to the price and will contact him again to get the shelving installed, probably once the renovation is over.
End May, I contacted him to ask if he can come down on 14th May 2016 to get it installed, and chose the color for our shelving, I wanted Black and Red, but Red is not available. I asked for Blue, but Blue is only in the vertical poles and not the panels. So in the end I picked solid black.
The guys were punctual like Delvin, and got right to work immediately. And this is the outcome!
Oh I am in love! We didn't wait and had things piled up to be stored right away. I like the sturdiness, and the sleek look a solid black gives.
For the prompt, punctual and awesome job, you guys deserve a 4 star out of 5, for there will always be room to improve, and one of it is to have more color options. I am sure this will be in the future pipeline. And I will be looking forward to Red, because Red goes with Black very nicely! :)
Good Job, Storation LLP! And thank you for the great service! Keep it up!
A happy customer,
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Reno Journey - Review on Curtain On
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. This is part of my Reno Journey entry and it is a review as well, so... If you are looking at installing curtain rods, tracks and customized made to measure curtains.. Here is my personal, and very honest review on Curtain On.
Curtain On Pte Ltd
1, Queensway #03-01K
Queensway Shopping Centre
Person whom I liased with : Krissy Chen
My first walk in was 1st week of April, I took Krissy's card and subsequently emailed her to estimate the cost of just curtain rods installation. She was prompt at replying, and I am impressed. She sounded like a person who make all decisions, and looked very ready for the job.
I emailed another curtain specialist company to just have the feel and compare, the person replying my email does not make any decision having to reply me twice each time, one to notify me that my query is attended to, and that she will get back to me after passing the query to her specialist team. She couldn't slot me in a date/time I want and keep scheduling me for a weekday slot, which I told her in two separate replies that I can only make it on Saturdays before scheduling me up.
Needless to say, I picked Curtain On to do my curtains and deal with her right away after the on-site measurement and more precise quotation. We went on to schedule an appointment the following Monday to view the curtain fabrics, styles and what not.
She pulled out a few fabric albums for us to choose and let us know and assure us that these selected ones are machine washable with no need for any special care. Oh great! She highlighted to us the ones that are not dim-out, and which ones are. So informative. She even advice us on the styles we want against practicality, which is very very appreciated.
Krissy seemed to be a very friendly and well informed person for the job, and we felt very much like family in her presence. She treated us well, gave advice, and oh so warm a welcome!
You see not many go this extra mile to inform you and asking if it is okay, she made a point in case we made a mistake in choosing, and making sure we are okay before she proceed to send to her sewist. How nice, right?
I just stood in awe while the man did all the job himself.
Krissy came when he was done with the last bit, and as usual greeted all of us cheerfully. She took photos of all the rooms and I promised to recommend her to my friends, so here it is!
It is was beautifully done! Thank you Krissy, and the whole team at Curtain On!
Indded, a good job well done!
A very happy customer,
Curtain On Pte Ltd
1, Queensway #03-01K
Queensway Shopping Centre
Person whom I liased with : Krissy Chen
My first walk in was 1st week of April, I took Krissy's card and subsequently emailed her to estimate the cost of just curtain rods installation. She was prompt at replying, and I am impressed. She sounded like a person who make all decisions, and looked very ready for the job.
I emailed another curtain specialist company to just have the feel and compare, the person replying my email does not make any decision having to reply me twice each time, one to notify me that my query is attended to, and that she will get back to me after passing the query to her specialist team. She couldn't slot me in a date/time I want and keep scheduling me for a weekday slot, which I told her in two separate replies that I can only make it on Saturdays before scheduling me up.
Needless to say, I picked Curtain On to do my curtains and deal with her right away after the on-site measurement and more precise quotation. We went on to schedule an appointment the following Monday to view the curtain fabrics, styles and what not.
18th April 2016,
She texted me to confirm our appointment. And we met, and she let us in her showroom - it isn't very spacious so it fits just one appointment at any one time, so do be on time. :) She allowed us to browse the curtains on display on our own, and one day curtain strike the love chord in my husband's eyes. Hehe..She pulled out a few fabric albums for us to choose and let us know and assure us that these selected ones are machine washable with no need for any special care. Oh great! She highlighted to us the ones that are not dim-out, and which ones are. So informative. She even advice us on the styles we want against practicality, which is very very appreciated.
Krissy seemed to be a very friendly and well informed person for the job, and we felt very much like family in her presence. She treated us well, gave advice, and oh so warm a welcome!
19th April 2016,
Krissy texted me to inform that the ones I chose for our rooms are not 100% dim out, just 80% due to the color choice, and asked if we are okay or if we want to choose another option.You see not many go this extra mile to inform you and asking if it is okay, she made a point in case we made a mistake in choosing, and making sure we are okay before she proceed to send to her sewist. How nice, right?
14th May 2016
Installation Day.I just stood in awe while the man did all the job himself.
Krissy came when he was done with the last bit, and as usual greeted all of us cheerfully. She took photos of all the rooms and I promised to recommend her to my friends, so here it is!
It is was beautifully done! Thank you Krissy, and the whole team at Curtain On!
Indded, a good job well done!
A very happy customer,
Monday, May 23, 2016
When my father met our Creator.....
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
This will be emotional. This entry is about my loss.... One of my bestest man in my life ever.. We talked about death, but I never knew it would be this hard... this sad.. and this lonely...
6th May 2016
Approx 4.38pm, I received a few missed calls and a few texts from my husbands that read:
"CALL ME!!" , "Your dad is not breathing"
It didn't register in my mind, I called him back but the line was busy, I called my second sister, and asked her what I should do, and with her crying, all she could mumble was "Go home, what else?"
Next call from my husband, all he said was "COME HOME NOW"
It was when I was trying to grab a cab that it registered, in disbelief and tears.. cab by cab rejected my flag, and finally one cabby stopped, i cried my eyeballs in the cab, and then figured I had to be strong, for my mom, wiped my tears, breath in deep and run to the door.
There.. my husband reciting the Yassin weeping, in the room, my mom weeping, and I... the knees couldnt hold it anymore, I fell on my knees, and held his cold hands, I couldnt cry anymore.. I couldnt do anything. I don't know what to do... I was lost.
Soon after my second sister arrive.. And soon the whole family.
My cousin called to advice me on what I should do. Call the Muslim Casket, get their doctor to certify, call all family members.. It was heartbreaking to be announcing this news to so many people.. All of whom were equally shocked.
My dad only had Dementia.. He showed no signs.. He went at peace... At least that we know... For the next 11 days, people keep streaming in to send their condolences..
I took the full 3days compassionate leave and used my annual leave to spend the week accompanying my mom. I couldnt thank my boss enough for understanding my plight.
My father last words to me... "Solat la Jun, da pukul brapa ni... wajib tau sembayang"
That morning he asked if I will be fetching Baby M, and that was it..
Life is short.. Please do give your elders a hug whilst you can...
I miss you..
You are so blessed,
to go on Friday,
Just a day after Isra' Mi'raj...
In the month you were born...
Now all I can do is to do what you told me to do,
To care about my 5 solats a day....
To make it my priority,
To care for mom...
When we went to your grave last weekend,
You have us all a gust of wind and a moment of cool shade...
I knew you were around us, waiting for us right then..
And I knew we will make it a family routine...
Jun hanya boleh doakan agar segala dosa-dosa Bapak dimaafkan,
Kubur Bapak diperluaskan, and Bapak ditempatkan di golongan orang-orang yang beriman lagi soleh.
Bapak... maafkan lah segala dosa-dosa Jun terhadap Bapak dan segala kekurangan Jun dikala Jun menjaga Bapak...
I miss your endless reminders to solat,
I miss your naughty repeat telecasts,
I miss your "hati-hati Jun" when I leave for work,
I miss everything you, Bapak...
I wish I had done better,
I wish I am a better daughter,
I wish you have a chance to see my children,
I wish I can do everything for you..
But what is left of now is that,
I become a solehah daughter who prays 5 times a day,
And prays for you so you will be eased with Allah's permission...
This is all I can do for now, Bapak...
I love you, and no words do justice...
To those who wish to visit him, Bapak now resides at N-1-10 Plot 5189
Akan ku rajinkan diri utk sedekahkan Al-Fateha kepada Bapakku, Hj Masnollah Bin Hj Rejab (Hj Mohd Yusof Bin Idrus as per NRIC)
Semoga roh Bapak dicucuri Rahmat... Kami redha dgn permergian Bapak..
6th May 2016
Approx 4.38pm, I received a few missed calls and a few texts from my husbands that read:
"CALL ME!!" , "Your dad is not breathing"
It didn't register in my mind, I called him back but the line was busy, I called my second sister, and asked her what I should do, and with her crying, all she could mumble was "Go home, what else?"
Next call from my husband, all he said was "COME HOME NOW"
It was when I was trying to grab a cab that it registered, in disbelief and tears.. cab by cab rejected my flag, and finally one cabby stopped, i cried my eyeballs in the cab, and then figured I had to be strong, for my mom, wiped my tears, breath in deep and run to the door.
There.. my husband reciting the Yassin weeping, in the room, my mom weeping, and I... the knees couldnt hold it anymore, I fell on my knees, and held his cold hands, I couldnt cry anymore.. I couldnt do anything. I don't know what to do... I was lost.
Soon after my second sister arrive.. And soon the whole family.
My cousin called to advice me on what I should do. Call the Muslim Casket, get their doctor to certify, call all family members.. It was heartbreaking to be announcing this news to so many people.. All of whom were equally shocked.
My dad only had Dementia.. He showed no signs.. He went at peace... At least that we know... For the next 11 days, people keep streaming in to send their condolences..
I took the full 3days compassionate leave and used my annual leave to spend the week accompanying my mom. I couldnt thank my boss enough for understanding my plight.
My father last words to me... "Solat la Jun, da pukul brapa ni... wajib tau sembayang"
That morning he asked if I will be fetching Baby M, and that was it..
Life is short.. Please do give your elders a hug whilst you can...
I miss you..
You are so blessed,
to go on Friday,
Just a day after Isra' Mi'raj...
In the month you were born...
Now all I can do is to do what you told me to do,
To care about my 5 solats a day....
To make it my priority,
To care for mom...
When we went to your grave last weekend,
You have us all a gust of wind and a moment of cool shade...
I knew you were around us, waiting for us right then..
And I knew we will make it a family routine...
Jun hanya boleh doakan agar segala dosa-dosa Bapak dimaafkan,
Kubur Bapak diperluaskan, and Bapak ditempatkan di golongan orang-orang yang beriman lagi soleh.
Bapak... maafkan lah segala dosa-dosa Jun terhadap Bapak dan segala kekurangan Jun dikala Jun menjaga Bapak...
I miss your endless reminders to solat,
I miss your naughty repeat telecasts,
I miss your "hati-hati Jun" when I leave for work,
I miss everything you, Bapak...
I wish I had done better,
I wish I am a better daughter,
I wish you have a chance to see my children,
I wish I can do everything for you..
But what is left of now is that,
I become a solehah daughter who prays 5 times a day,
And prays for you so you will be eased with Allah's permission...
This is all I can do for now, Bapak...
I love you, and no words do justice...
To those who wish to visit him, Bapak now resides at N-1-10 Plot 5189
Akan ku rajinkan diri utk sedekahkan Al-Fateha kepada Bapakku, Hj Masnollah Bin Hj Rejab (Hj Mohd Yusof Bin Idrus as per NRIC)
Renovation Journey Week 5, 6 & 7
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. I know and well aware that I've been blogging about my new flat, but oh well, I can't help it...
And here is the continuation of Week 5:
And here is the continuation of Week 5:
Week 5:
On 6th May, my dad departed to meet our Creator.. Just suddenly.. And everything we planned was put on halt. We could hardly move forward. Another entry for my late father later on. I shall brave myself to complete this entry. Forgive us for the lack of photos as we were pretty down to be taking happy photos..
Uncle Heng called us to check on our flat to see if he miss any instruction. An indication that out flat is at least 95% ready. Since we face this along with our dad's demise, we put it on hold for later.
My husband took the courage to just check it out whilst my sisters, nieces, nephews and other relatives accompany my mourning mom. He returned and showed me the video of the house. It is very complete, except for the missing door bell, the service yard door still intact, the gas still unconnected and the drill for our wall clocks not done. So this message was relayed to Uncle Heng, and it should all be done by end of next week.
And so did Starhub to fix our wifi, cable tv and telephone. And along came our curtains, dining table set, store shelfing installation and my delivery for fabric and interfacing. Our mom's bed didn't arrive till it is too late. So I threw a fuss and it got rescheduled for the 21st. Hold your anger and welcome our progress for now:
Review on our Curtain suppllier and installer to follow soon. :)
Review of Storation LLP will follow soon after. :)
We bought refrigerator, washing machine and TV on Friday night (13th) and scheduled for delivery on 15th. So we returned again on Sunday and got things set up a little. The game corner set up, the main TV area set up, we even got a kettle from Mama H so we can have a hot drink. So now, this house is slowly warming up to be our Home Sweet Home despite the sadness that enveloped us.
My aunt asked if I wanted the Arabic Calligraphy in her house (she has shifted to stay with my cousin so her house will be empty and getting ready for rental thus the giveaway), as she noticed my home taking shape into the natural theme of wood, and such.
There are a few more that we didn't put up as we lacked screws to drill.
It is sad to end my Reno Journey, but I guess it will not be the last entry on my new flat. :) More things will be in to warm it up to a Home... And to just help me tide the withdrawal, I shall be writing reviews on all the companies that helped me breeze the whole Reno Journey.
Until I blog again,
Uncle Heng called us to check on our flat to see if he miss any instruction. An indication that out flat is at least 95% ready. Since we face this along with our dad's demise, we put it on hold for later.
My husband took the courage to just check it out whilst my sisters, nieces, nephews and other relatives accompany my mourning mom. He returned and showed me the video of the house. It is very complete, except for the missing door bell, the service yard door still intact, the gas still unconnected and the drill for our wall clocks not done. So this message was relayed to Uncle Heng, and it should all be done by end of next week.
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Master Bedroom- Built-in Drawer & Wardrobe |
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Mom's Built-in Wardrobe |
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Solid Top on sink |
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Solid top on Stove |
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Solid Top on opposite side |
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Week 6:
We had to go over on 14th May as a lot of our deliveries were scheduled on that day. Happy that there is a doorbell, our service yard door removed. But our gas is still unconnected. Uncle Heng came along too to collect the balance of the payment due.And so did Starhub to fix our wifi, cable tv and telephone. And along came our curtains, dining table set, store shelfing installation and my delivery for fabric and interfacing. Our mom's bed didn't arrive till it is too late. So I threw a fuss and it got rescheduled for the 21st. Hold your anger and welcome our progress for now:
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Curtains in Living Room |
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Curtains in Mom's Room |
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Curtains in Living Room |
Review on our Curtain suppllier and installer to follow soon. :)
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Solid Steel in Black |
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Boltless Shelving Rack in Household Shelter |
We bought refrigerator, washing machine and TV on Friday night (13th) and scheduled for delivery on 15th. So we returned again on Sunday and got things set up a little. The game corner set up, the main TV area set up, we even got a kettle from Mama H so we can have a hot drink. So now, this house is slowly warming up to be our Home Sweet Home despite the sadness that enveloped us.
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Refridgerator in the Service Yard |
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Front Load Wasing Machine in Service Yard (option to get dryer stacked on) |
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Main TV Console in Living Room |
There are a few more that we didn't put up as we lacked screws to drill.
Week 7:
19th May 2016, Uncle Heng called to say it is 100% complete on his side and that we can now lock our doors with our own personal locks. Yeay!! As of now, we are just moving forward to setting it all up to move-in condition.. So here's the photo updates, as much as I can provide..![]() |
Bed in Mom's room |
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Our 3+2 Sofa Set which comes with Coffee Table and Side Table |
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Sisters sorting my photo album. Hehe.. |
It is sad to end my Reno Journey, but I guess it will not be the last entry on my new flat. :) More things will be in to warm it up to a Home... And to just help me tide the withdrawal, I shall be writing reviews on all the companies that helped me breeze the whole Reno Journey.
Until I blog again,
Thursday, May 05, 2016
Renovation Journey Week 4
Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. I know and well aware that I've been blogging about my new flat, but oh well, I can't help it...
And here is the continuation of Week 4:
I love the mirror! They helped put on screws to hang it up straight and nice. :)
And so we set out to paint, paint, paint and paint every wall Green! And I paint too ok! My dad keep praising the husband for painting the house and forget me altogether. How could you?
Almost done.. Probably need another day or two to complete it 100%. Oh I cant wait for the other built-ins to be installed.. So looking forward!
Oh! We went furniture shopping on 30th April. We got ourselves a 3+2 sofa set that comes with a coffee table and side table for a good price of $798 at Choice Furniture. We went to the Hillview Branch and was greeted warmly by Jacqueline and although a little on a pushy side, she was very friendly, helpful and very caring towards my parents. My mom decide to get the bed and mattress from them as well. And delivery was arranged to be on 14th May.
We were suppose to return for another bed set, but Mr Husband wasn't very keen to spend without really knowing if his bank balance would allow for it. We were expecting extras but still, we wouldn't want to risk it. We are afterall going on a zero loan mission on our very first home. Well except for the HDB Loan lah, even that we are trying to cut a few years short.
Anyways, back to the home.. We returned to complete our painting on 4th May... So May the Force be with us eh.. Hehe...
And.. our built-in wardrobes are stored in our rooms... which means.. it will get installed very soon, which means... we are getting REAL close to completion...
Oh I can't wait for the weekend!
More coming on in Week 5 I hope!
A happy flat owner,
And here is the continuation of Week 4:
Week 4:
Uncle Heng called on 29th April morning to ask about which lights go where and had me overly excited I texted Mr Husband to get his bum there during his lunch break since he was on course at BBDC, which is just 2-3 junctions away.. And he fed me with pictures (lots of it! All 12-13 lighting with on and off! So I do you guys mercy and just share some ok!) and that totally got me off focus at work.
I felt like leaving the office and be there, but I wasnt born rich, I didnt inherit lifetime monies, so that didnt happen, I thought I'd just go the next day to paint, but the husband said "Let's go over and paint a little"
Aww hun.. he knows I was too excited and seeing it would subside my excitement so I'd be sane the weekend. How can I not love Mr Husband?
Aww hun.. he knows I was too excited and seeing it would subside my excitement so I'd be sane the weekend. How can I not love Mr Husband?
I love the mirror! They helped put on screws to hang it up straight and nice. :)
And so we set out to paint, paint, paint and paint every wall Green! And I paint too ok! My dad keep praising the husband for painting the house and forget me altogether. How could you?
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See, I paint too! |
Almost done.. Probably need another day or two to complete it 100%. Oh I cant wait for the other built-ins to be installed.. So looking forward!
Oh! We went furniture shopping on 30th April. We got ourselves a 3+2 sofa set that comes with a coffee table and side table for a good price of $798 at Choice Furniture. We went to the Hillview Branch and was greeted warmly by Jacqueline and although a little on a pushy side, she was very friendly, helpful and very caring towards my parents. My mom decide to get the bed and mattress from them as well. And delivery was arranged to be on 14th May.
We were suppose to return for another bed set, but Mr Husband wasn't very keen to spend without really knowing if his bank balance would allow for it. We were expecting extras but still, we wouldn't want to risk it. We are afterall going on a zero loan mission on our very first home. Well except for the HDB Loan lah, even that we are trying to cut a few years short.
Anyways, back to the home.. We returned to complete our painting on 4th May... So May the Force be with us eh.. Hehe...
And.. our built-in wardrobes are stored in our rooms... which means.. it will get installed very soon, which means... we are getting REAL close to completion...
Oh I can't wait for the weekend!
More coming on in Week 5 I hope!
A happy flat owner,
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