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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Re-occurence of Chicken Pox

Assalammu'alaikum family, friends and readers,

Yeah, today I'll write about re-occurence of chicken pox. How many of you thought you won't get chicken pox because you've got it once or because you've got the vaccination jab? Well I did.

And boy, I was dead wrong.. I greeting one morning with one huge, no, humongous pimple on my right shoulder that somehow burst and left me an open wound. A few days later, a few more appeared on my left forehead. They are not the typical pimple I get, not even when it is from the mild allergy I have from nuts. I got worried, when I keep discovering new "pimples" every morning, and so I decided to visit the doctor, despite it being midnight. The doctor couldn't verify but gave me an MC and I was to return if more appeared.

By this time I had about 10-15 "pimples" all over me. When I discovered two new ones the next morning, I decided I had to go to the polyclinic. I was escorted into a room and was asked to wait. About 15 minutes later, the doctor came in and asked me about the "pimples".

I showed him a couple on my face and hands, he looked at them, touched them, and said, "These are very suggestive that it is indeed Chicken Pox"

He then asked a couple more questions, about the first time I had one, which clinic diagnosed it, and all the necessary. And so I told him I had one full blown chicken pox when I was 16+ some 14 years ago or so.. I revealed the clinic.

Then he said, "Actually chicken pox can/will reoccur to 40% of the people. What you experience is a mild outbreak because you had partial immunity, in the sense that your body was partially immune and some portion isn't. Thus the slow and lesser breakout as compared to the first time you got it. For those who have had vaccination, less than 40% of those people will get it, and if they do, it will be like what you are experiencing now."

After a few more questions, he confirmed his diagnosis and said it is indeed chicken pox and gave me 12 days MC with calamine lotion. I was escorted me to pay up, and out of the polyclinic after the pharmacy lady came in with my medicine.

That was my shortest ever visit/stay at the polyclinic. I informed my bosses, and they was no reply. Too upset I guess, because I had a tonne load of work to do last week. I felt bad, but what can I do?

The days at home went by too fast. I couldnt believe I had actually stayed home for 3 days excl today! 3 days, just like that...

I felt crappy, really... I don't know what to expect when I return to work next week... 8 more days of home stay...

Think like a boss? I'd probably have to get a replacement considering the tonne load of outstanding work left by me. However, I'd consider terminating for the training of new staff always dreads me, then again, my boss don't train me, my director does. SO I don't know.

If I am the boss, I would rather I resigned on my own accord.

Then it was me, how do I cope without a job? Yes, I have been applying for openings, and that is because I badly wanted a job switch, but I have no intention of leaving without having a job to jump into straight away. So... I don't know.

I mean yea, I have a business to run, and that might work, but I dunno.. I just like the challenge of having to work and juggle my business at the same time. I like the pressure and push I get having to accomplish two different set of goals simultaneously.

Besides, my salary is the sole source of my capital that has continuously been invested into my business to grow, so should I ever decide to quit for my business, I have to have some investors first.

So, would you like to invest in my business? I am participating in the Geylang Bazaar, and I will be working on my proposals to enter the retail store next year.. That would require a lots of assets.

If you are keen to invest, with 5-6% interest returns in 12months, do drop me an email, maybe?

You may also want to look into my website too.

It'd be of great help if I can quit my day job and work more into growing my business. I need an office space to conduct my crochet training and storage space, afterall. :)

With much love, I end this entry.


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