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Friday, February 08, 2013

Movie Review


Yes yes I know.. I promised a review.. Well I watched two local movies directed by none other than Jack Neo and I will share my thoughts abt them.

On 18th January 2013, I watched Taxi! Taxi! It was light and had a balance of all the emotions.. It has happy humour, sad touching moments & as usual, the reality bites and its relevancy to today's issue here in Singapore. Its stars Mark Lee & Gurmit Singh. Both are my favorites.
And so I enjoyed the movie, crying and laughing through the movie. It basically stories the life of two taxi drivers. One who was a doctorate, he was retrenched and couldnt get a job, this i can totally relate. And the other who lived through simply by going by the flow as a taxi driver without any urgency to save up or work on his son's education. Oh that boy is adorable. And i'd give it 4/5 - a definite must watch. :)

On 1st Febuary 2013, i watched Ah Boys To Men 2, it was awesome! It stories life as NSmen, the challenges & what it takes to be a soldier protecting our Singapore. I tell you... That Platoon Sergeant Alex Ong.. He is sooo yummy in terms of looks. Next will probably be Recruit Lo Bang, then Recruit Ken Chow. ;) this movie is 5/5 it is a need to watch!!

Oh, it is now husband's 25th day as a non-smoker. I must say he has done tremendously well! I bought him a shirt and it arrived today, but it was a size too big. :( I shall just order another one.

And today, I am on my lazy side. So I shall sign off now...

Yours Truly,
The Lazy Bum


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