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Saturday, February 11, 2006

The whole of Saturday

Is it me or is every day getting better? I find myself more and more closer and somewhat attached to MA.. He is just different.. It's simply the matter of having the same frequency.. We don't seemed to have any problems tuning to each other's channel of speech..

He's someone who'd just laugh about everything that happens and make the best out of the situation. And the matter of fact that we have somewhat the same ground of understanding just made us grow closer and more intrigued and indulged with each other..

We have been bumping into all his friends, and none from mine.. haha.. It seems like I have no friends and he has tonnes and tonnes of them. Most of which, he claims, he hasn't seen for a very long time. I guess, I attracted all his old buddies to notice him.. Hahaha..

Anyway, I know some of you readers have been dying to see all the pictures that I have been snapping all these silent weeks of blogging.. So.. Fasten your seatbelts.. You're gonna see the most outrageous and unique pictures of the bloggin world.. And if I ever did post any pictures twice, please forgive me..

Here goes:

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