Monday, June 27, 2005
My creations
But seriously, it is beautiful.. Read it, you'll love it!
Note the last para... Wow... Let me know what you think....
Foot Reflexology....
I better get in the shower, and have my dinner... I hope to get a piece of my thoughts out tonight... But we'll see... Catch ya later~
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Rugby. rugby, and more rugby.....
I drank iced water throughout my time there, partially because for one, I seriously think it's totally unfair to expect a drink from them, second I wasn't feeling 100%. The eyedrops makes me have this bitter taste in my mouth, so I just keep asking for more iced water. Then they started giving out Lions toys. I just took two to give my totties(nieces & nephews). But it's weird- wearing ABs and carrying Lions... Haha.. anyway... The toys doesn't say anything about the Lions except it being a toy lion with a crown.
As the time ticked closer to 3pm, the atmosphere got more tensed with excitement and all... Then they showed at interview with AB's captain, Tana Umaga and also the Lion's coach. Then it was a try after another... Sitiveni Sivivatu tried 4 times. His one try was really really good. Umaga made a really long and hard pass to him and he just ran through and tried the the forth time. Really really good game, I tell ya!
Then head home in a taxi with Dave and his friend, forgot her name... They got off at Holland Village and I continued the journey home. The kids thought the Lions are Alex in Madagascar and so they are. Shahril didn't sleep till after midnight! Nayli just cried and cried. OH my.. the house is a mayhem!
And they still can wake up so early in the morning waking everyone else. Now Shahril's on my lap.. He's imitating me as I speak to Mr on skype.. with hand signal and actions as well.. So funny...
Friday, June 24, 2005
What is it that I am having....

Day 3

I am either having : -
‘Red eye’ is a term used when the eye is red, itchy, watery and feels gritty. It may be caused by an infection, an allergy such as hayfever or an irritation such as smoke, dust, eye make-up, or computer screens. When an infection causes the eye to look red, there is usually a thicker discharge and a ‘gritty’ feeling in the eye.
An allergy results in bloodshot, glazed eyes that are watery and very itchy. The surrounding area may be puffy or there may be dark circles under the eyes.
When should you seek medical advice?
You should seek medical advice if:
- your eyelids are stuck together on waking;
- there is swelling around your eye or the lower lid;
- you experience pain or a feeling of tension in or around your eyes;
- the ‘red eye’ has lasted more than 5-7 days;
OR : -
At some time, most of us have had sore eyes. This is distressing but, fortunately, is usually not serious. The most common cause is conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the clear covering of the white of the eyes.
This may be due to infection, either with bacteria or viruses, or it may be due to an allergy as, for example, occurs in hay fever.
Bacterial infections usually cause a discharge of very sticky pus. Often the eyelids are hard to open in the morning and seem ‘glued’ together. Viral infections may be more painful, with very red eyes and less discharge. They spread easily and can be passed on by contact and sharing towels, face flannels and so on. Allergic problems cause a gritty feeling, redness and watering of the eyes.
Treatment usually consists of frequently inserted eye-drops with, when there is a discharge, regular bathing with warm, salty water to get rid of the pus.
Sometimes more serious conditions can be mistaken for conjunctivitis. Medical attention should always be sought if:
- only one eye is affected;
- there is a lot of pain;.
As said, these are only those that I'm experiencing..
It sounds a bit scary at times, and the coincidence of it all... Why is it always raining away when Mr is not around? Why am I always falling sick when Mr is not around?
My eyelids were stuck together when I woke up this morning and my eye is extra itchy, along with terrible terrible cramps... then it was raining.. I got up late in the end.. I waited for a taxi in the rain, then that stupid taxi driver couldn't stop at the spot, made me walk three extra steps to the door.. and made me even later than if I were to take a bus! And he still had the cheeks to blame me! And as I alight, he got a little afraid and got a little too apologetic, claiming to be a new driver. What a day?!!!
By mid-day, my body was shivering... the air-con plus the rain... Errgghhh... I went home to have my lunch, just to save some money. And, I suddenly contracted sore throat and running nose when I came back from lunch break.
My manager drop me off at the flyover today. So I crossed the road and got home. My dad welcome me home.. My dad's hearing is getting bad.. He keep asking me to repeat what I just said.. And well, just hate to repeat myself- for some reasons repeating myself always get me to a really bad mood. The only things I like to repeat and hear repeatedly would be phrases like "I love you." and music.
So that's all for the day.. Now talking to Mr.. Which I am sure, would make my day so much better.... c",)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
It has been so long...
Funny how at least one signage at every storey got missing or maybe stolen. It was strange to even find drain gratings missing, and one miserable dustbin gone! Wonderful artistic expression were also found on some walls, beautiful graffiti but at the wrong place.
Mr has arrived Auckland at 11.30am(SIN)/3.15pm(NZ). Miss him, in no doubt... I keep seeing his image everytime I close my eyes. I can't stop myself from thinking of him. I tried to smile, tried to stay happy, tried to keep myself busy but my mind keep thinking of him. I keep myself on track with all the positive things I have. And I continue trying to keep a smile on my face.
I still couldn't find the yearly planner I needed. I will try look again tomorrow. I'll be continuing my site walk around at Woodlands area tomorrow. So much walking, not much time to recharge. Still alive and kicking but without that touch to complete me.
Gonna e-mail my lady friend. Catch ya later.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
About Bucks
Love ya all loads!!! Bucks Touch will always be the best. Thanks to all team members for everything. It's has been a million dollars worth of fun and great times, and I'm sure there's more waiting for all of us..
Jun xxx
Bucks 1

I'd prefer to call this team Menzie Bucks.. but it's Bucks 1...
Team, from left(clockwise direction). Simon Beesley, David Rider, Mick Cheung, Mr, Aaron, Grame and Ken Muldoon.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Being a Quantity Surveyor
I just got home after a movie with Mr. On comes the computer, greeting me with the melodious Music I have in store. Two songs made me shed a tear for some reason. "Counting the Days" and "Old Habits" in the Album, Alfie. These two songs made my mind play a scene, a sad scene of shock, sadness, loneliness... I dunno why, I kept having flashes of losing someone I love so much.
My mind is playing a scene when my dad leaves.. I just suddenly realised how much I loved my dad, how important he is in my life, how much of a difference he would have made and have made in my life.. I just felt so sad, so scared of losing him one day, which I would one fine day... This is my second time thinking of that scary day..
And I missed him so much, and yes, I am living in the same house, under the same roof with him. I wanted to hug him, hold him close.. but I don't want to be a hypocrite. I do all this at a spur of moment, just to neglect him all over again.... I miss hearing him telling stories of his life, those adventure he had, those experience he'll never forget, those special moments...
Then the thought of Mr leaving soon.. It hurts... More so when I don't know when I would see him again... It can be just 3weeks, maybe a month... but it can also be easily 4 months, or maybe even longer. I'll be busy with work, trainings... but those days when I won't have anything to do... I'd just close my eyes and I would see him looking back, and see him disappear when I open my eyes again... I'm going to miss him so so much, in fact, I missed him already. And here I am crying thinking of the worst, and he texted me with the same thought. How great minds think alike... It hurts so much to think of the near future. I might just cry my eyeballs dry that day he have to leave... Why does love always have to hurt?
I think I'm going through a major emotional breakdown. Could be due to work overload, too many things to do, so many things to think about, not much time, tired, sleepy, sick, everything...
Strange but I'm often in deep thoughts of losing my loved ones one after another... It's so torturing... Imagine being left alone without a soul whom you can call yours... Technically you can live on, survive and stay alive... Emotionally, you are wrecked!
I haven't lost anyone yet, not anyone as close as the two mentioned above, but I'm already feeling miserable thinking of that one day that will happen..
I'm heading to bed crying to sleep tonight. I'll be fine... maybe not perfectly fine, but just fine...