Friday, December 31, 2004
34 hours of Community Service completed
How can he let the director continously accuse us of playing a full and unoccupied? We are so busy doing the waste audit!! We took our own private time doing it!!! I hate that stupid dumb dumb....
I have to pay for my jersey which is $56!!! I am going to be broke soon... I am so screwed... I dunno what to do about my Interim Report... Why must my stupid lecturer follow that guidelines word for word? Cant he just mark my report and gimme points for what I have according to the guideline and deduct should I not have what it require?? Why is he to nice a man? They wont give me the freaking guideline when I am in the working world, would they? They won't supply me answers or modal example should I have to do a presentation in the Real World, would they?
Why? Oh why? I am going crazy and going insane!!! Someone pull me out of this mess...!!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2004
I want to apply...
Why didn't give us the guidelines in details from the start? Why must it be a day before the deadline?? Grrr.. He said it's okay to submit a day or two late.. But hey.. NOT GOOD to me? Oh, and he is demanding so much out of his students... He is SO afraid of the deputy director who is SO capable of making anyone pee in his pants... I wish I could just go upfront with this director and tell him 0ff... Thank GOd I am still SANE... That I can still think clearly what can be done and what can't be done.. Thank God I think of my education before my frustrated mind and feelings...
This is going to take its toll on me... This is too frustrating... How can anyone just go telling someone that he have to re-do his all done-up report just a day before the deadline?
Anyway, on a better side, someone from LTA remembers me well.. OMG.. This is so great and means a lot to me.. He even asked for my number through my schoolmate who is doing his attachment over there.. He mentioned all good about me to that schoolmate. That is a good sign, right...
And... Mr has arrived at home.. on skype now with me... And his parents likes the gifts... hehe.. Nice... Alright write again later~
Mr has arrived in NZ
My mama has got her first mobile and still learning how to use it.. Mas gave the phone and the Singtel Hi-Card to her.. So my mama have her phone.. She will be contactable at all times.. How great is that? Hehe..
I went to Mariam's earlier during my break.. and my nephew is throwing tantrums... Asking me to carry him and bring him out.. Heard Marfu'ah is also having the high fever.. Seems like the virus has spread and looks like Mariam's family is having fever..
Still haven't read Mr's e-mail regarding the degree in NUS and its financial aid.. Sighz..
I miss him still.. and will always miss him.. Can't wait to skype him later~
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Mr flying off...
Somethings don't go right today.. Mr forgot to take along the gifts he bought for his family, but managed to get them in time with the help of a taxi driver.. PHEW!!!
Then it was... well.. I miss him so much, and don't quite enjoy my sport... I don't have the mood to smile, don't find the mood to enjoy myself.. Anyway, the captain isn't really a good leader and she just makes my sport a torture.. I simply find myself slipping away from my sport... I don't enjoy it anymore..
I have printed my final draft of my Interim Report.. All ready for submission tomorrow... Yeay! That's all that's good that came out of today..
I hope Mr with have a smooth flight and safely land.. and may he be protected from all harm and be happy with family surrounding him.. May everything go as plan.. Hopefully, something nice and perfect comes up somehow when he return.. I'll be on Channel 2 awaiting your updates.. All my love with you.. sealed with lots of hugs and kisses.. I love you, honey. Am thinking of you every second of my life.. Take care... xxx
Wow Wednesday...
He is flying tonight, and sadly.. :'( I can't see him off coz I've got hockey training and I think it's the first 16 players selection day.. But he will be back by 8th Jan latest, I hope.. Anyway, we had Japanese for lunch.. A really good selection I shall say.. only 1 bad choice, Mr almost cried... haha.. It was the greenish stuff and carviar... The greenish stuff is just urgh.. hot to your nostrils and up your head.. You wouldn't wanna taste it unless you are sure you'd like it.. Not for me... Definitely not for me.. I can take hot spicy chillies but not the green stuff.. urgh..
Mr is helping me to edit my Interim Report than I'll set the layout and print it and submit it to my lecturer.. Suppose to see my lecturer.. but maybe I'd see him tomorrow.. Today is just not the day for me to blabber about the project procedure and plans...
I hope today will not be a disappointment to me... Please let me show the coach that I deserve to be recognised and play in the team... Please oh please.. I wanna be a proud all out hockey player, hopefully play for the country or something.. such high hopes I have.. I simply hope I at least get the taste of playing for a club and be recognised in a way or two.. Why am I asking for so much recognition? Urgh.... Jun, oh Jun.. Just what do you want?
"National Treasure" is marvellous
I have done my Interim Report, it is huge.. Mr is helping me correct some errors and suggested a few great tips for a more solid report. He is such a great friend, partner, and everything down the list. He is flying tomorrow night and still spare some time for me to edit any errors in my report that is due on New Year's Eve.
Anyway, we managed to get a few things out of the way.. Such like gifts for his family... Only one more gift to hunt for.... We also managed to print out my report to have a better view to it to edit further.
Mr haven't pack for his flight though.. and my SCC form will be submitted tomorrow. So things to do list is down to 3.. We might need to sort my report for the final draw tomorrow, sort out some things with NEA and school.. And do a few things more..
The more I think about it, the more things to do I come up with.. Just makes me such a busy woman.. haha.. yeah right! Am I woman already? Woman sounds very 30s really... haha.. Maybe I'll just stay as a baby.. haha... can I be your baby? Actually, I am someone's baby.. and I just hope I stay as one.. hate to grow up.. because when you do, people just expects so much out of you.. Isn't that so true?
My parents expects so so much out of me and I just think it's a little too much to handle sometimes.. And having parents who discourage you to take a step further just didn't help... Alright now.. Had a great day at the movies... Thanks darling.. You're such a darling..!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Finally Done
My voice is trailing off the track from time to time.. Almost like an old radio running out of service.. Aweful, but still loved. :p I have some suggestions on Jack's gift.. but Mr has another on his mind. It has to be really amusing to Jack to make the gift a good one for him. Oh, I love kids.. So adorable.. so cute.. the dirty part comes with pleasure if you have the passion.. Serious. I just love showering kids with love. But I can be a really fierce and unbeatable one if the child asks for it.. hehehe... Well, you have to balance the lovey dovey and dicipline.. I have seen a few cases of different situation.. where parents are their children's friends and when parents are their children's fierce-no-fun parents... where parents encourage their kids and where parents discourage their kids.. there are all pros and cons in all matter.. No method is bad nor good. You just have to adapt to the situation that comes.
You just can't be too strict, neither can you be too lenient.. You can't be giving instructions all the time.. It just has to come with the right purpose and timing, I suppose.. I won't know until I've got my own children to care for.. I only know how to babysit them, from birth till whenever. Enough rambling about children now..
So ya, we are gonna go look for gifts and watch a movie if time allows.. then well, I guess in between, there has to be food... hehe.. Till later~
Monday, December 27, 2004
Down with cough and sore throat...
Then I got another pair of long socks, and then had Mr's M1 card and his CD wrist watch fixed.. We even booked 2 movie tickets for tomorrow... Watching National Treasure at Tiong Bahru.. I So here's tomorrow's things to do list:
- See lady friend at 9am
- E-mail updates to NEA
- Pass Straits Times to Fazly
- Submit SCC form to Gavin Eunice
- Watch movie with Mr
- Help Mr pack his stuff
- Print out Interim Report
Looks busy to me. And I have training on Wednesday. I'm really at my worst today, got sick, can't go for hockey, felt lousy, so grumpy and fussy, easily irritated, always annoyed.. But I still feel contented because Mr is next to me all day today. His kisses make my day better..
Gonna hit the sack now.. Later~
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Day Out with Mas...
Oh, yeah.. he is coming with me to Mas'. We ordered pizza, 2 for 1.. We had Singapura Supreme and my favourite Meat Lover on Mas... Great... Free meal.. hehe.. He seemed bored and doesn't look his best(other words, not very happy) but still smiling ever so handsomely to be surrounded with kids that love to throw tantrums regardless of any situations, with guests or without. I'm sorry, darling if I ever bore you at Mas' and drag you along without first asking if you're okay with it.. I promise to dicipline our children if we are truly meant to be together and to have kids of our own.
Forgive Qistina for her constant wailing and whining and crying... I get headaches from those too.. Forgive Muhammad for his unbeatable demands and bullying Qistina that chains to her wailing even more... Forgive me for putting them before me with you in my mind. I promise to bear a more considerate, well-behaved children for you...
We watched Incredibles.. and yes.. a little left behind but, despite people telling how the show went, it is still incredibly great! A good laugh, a good show, a good time! Thank you, darling for making my day.. I love you so much!! Have I told you that, you are truly everything to me.. and that I love you.. Well, here goes.. I love you. I love you so much. I love you, darling.... Never can say enough of those.. Argh.. I love you.. and you know what? I miss you already..
Can't wait to get my degree and have a career I love, and well settle down.... I just love you... Anything with you would be a bliss... It would be a perfect day with you no matter how many rough patches there are, it would still be perfect because you made them perfect... I love you.. Oh boy, I can sure go on and on about me loving him and him loving me.... Argh.. I love you!!!
Done my Interim Report
Oh I need to buy a file for my report.. Hmm.. and some materials like stapler, staples, hole puncher, I need to buy stationaries also.. My pen is lost, nowhere to be found. I'll go out in the afternoon.. Maybe noon.. Let's see how things go at my end.
I miss my Mr.. I want to hug him, and kiss him.. I want my Mr... I better eat some breakfast before my dad comes in my room and ask me again for the 4th time...
Will write more later~
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Merry Xmas!!!
My Xmas morning was gone with an argument with my mom. Was out by 10am or something.. Then got up to do the waste thingy and also a little bit of cleaning up after the mess at Graham's by 12.30pm. The party last night is so great.. Wished like mad to stay longer...
James didn't get moving till about 2pm. And still with a long tired hund over face heading the shower after me making a lot of encouragement for him to simply get out of bed.. Then we head to the swimming pool, supposingly to be hosted by Preggy Jamilah and Mark alias Malik. I did dip in the pool for awhile just to get wet.. Can't and dunno how to swim, what else can I do in a pool other than dipping in and get wet... hehehe...
Stuffed my face a little then at 7ish we( me and Mr) excused ourselves and head to Sentosa for a walk to just get time alone.. Mr wasn't really in the mood to be in the crowd, so I came up with a walk round Sentosa. The walk is good, but took a lot of energy from my body.. And now, I'm so tired and just wanna head for bed.
Of course, we don't have enough time to explore the whole small little island. We had to U-turn and get back to WTC now known as HarbourFront MRT to get home. And the worst is not to get a seat for our 4 tired and screaming legs. Urgh.. I'm so tired...
Mama and me are alright now... She just talked to me like nothing happened. It's always the case, an argument break out.. you just have to get out of sight for awhile then she will treat you like nothing ever happened when you get back, provided you get home way before you promised.
I said I'll be back at 9.30pm.. I managed to be at the door a little before that.. So she's happy, I guess. Simple pleasures just makes the whole family happy... (smiles)
Mouth Fight with Mama....
And all this fuss over a letter addressed to my dad about $$. URgh.. The letter stated he needs to go through this process skipping the top-up to get the money. She says dad needs to top-up to get the money. I ended the argument with her not budging and said ah, well YOU are smarter than me... so fine. Whatever!
And then I mumbled in my room asking myself why she needs me in the first place. Why I meant so much if I'm such a stupid person who can't read clear instruction to her? Then from next room, I heard her comparing me.. not exactly comparing but actually answering my questions.. She said she have other daughters who can help her.. She basically said she can live without me.. Oouch!!!
That simply hurts!! I'm going to leave this house now.. Can't stand any longer. But dun worry, I won't come home late... I'll be back by 9.30pm, I suppose.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry X'mas Eve...
Anyway, it was really fun. I wish I could stay longer. But well, everything; good or bad is better than 4 months ago... I had a chopsticks set as a gift from Shaun, and bought a cologne for Malik. Mr bought a gift for someone... I was having such a great time...!
Thank You all!!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Sleepless Last Night...
I checked my bank, $40 missing.. I dunno where it went, had that before but didnt quite think about it thoroughly as i didnt have evidence like any receipt with me. I swear I had $150 in the bank, I only have $110 when I checked. I have absolute no idea where it went. I must have this checked!! Must!! I can't let any spams get my money just like that.. I saved with all my might, saving bits and pieces from my allowance.. No way is anyone going to eat up my savings!!
I must get it checked tomorrow and if the bank is closed, then I have to get it checked on Saturday morning!! Urgh, have you experiece that before? Having your savings cut due to some reasons that you never know about? I think I have at least $80 deducted from my savings for some reasons. I should have done checking earlier.. URgh...!
Anyways, will be posting my creations so better check that one out, eh? Later~
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Training was OK
We will have intensive and consistent trainings in future. Monday, Tuesday... Everyday possible I guess. I need to do push-ups and cruches sometime soon. Need to get in shape and hope to keep that as one of my resolutions for the coming new year, I guess.
Mr managed to run-walk 4km, good for him... I need to do that sometime too. I think we both need to focus on fitness. My mama was blabbering about me joining a club. I'll have Mariam to talk to her. I am in no way good at persuading because I'm a very capable quick tempered girl. I just gets irritated too quickly especially on that certain period of the month.
The gals attendance was good. Hmm.. Let's test my memory again.. There's Eugina, Leona, Nurul, Vima, Agnes, Aisyah, Kai Ying, Sarah, Alfiah, Elizabeth, and me. 11 of us. Let me see how many would total attendance means. The ones missing were Lalitha, Jiawen, Diana... Hmm.. can't think of anyone else. I guess there is or there would be more though I can't think of any more.. Anyway that would make at least 14 of us.
The couch, yes his name is Gavin Eunice, is trying to get as many as he could from us to join the insufficent under-21 team, or shall I say to fill up the missing gaps in his under-21 team. Thus, the giving out of application forms to join SCC. I think it's a good way to meet up and broaden your circle of friends, and also to keep fit. Oh, well I better check out the SCC website.
Can't wait to pass the next 10hours. Seemed so long..... I miss him already... I can't believe this is happening.. I miss him already and it has been only about an hour the last I saw him, just minutes the last I spoke to him.. What spell am I under? Oh... dear... Such a feeling to be in love~
Training at CCAB
My two team mates just returned with the weighing scales. They purchased it already and they paid for it first so I have to pay and purchase the gloves and mask first then get reimbursed. I probably get that by beginning of next week.
I just add in one new creation.. and I think it's so violent being Blood the subject. hehe.. I dunno.. Sometimes I just create really weird things and play a lot of words with violent more fluently than that of joys and pleasures without being too erotic. haha.. Naaa.. It's just more difficult to write about positive things into poems for me. Some people do it without putting much effort. I guess I am just a writer that express what I feel and play with words. I can be totally fictional and non-fictional at the next moment. I am fickled and confused most of the time, so i guess that is the major influence in my writings.
It's great that I can write about love whilst having a friendship hate syndrome.. I guess that just shows how much I am in love. Or how much love I receive and whole-heartedly give. Maybe yes, maybe maybe. I dunno.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Mr will be back....
Sometimes, expectations can really make some things so hard to accept. Expectations make you greedy sometimes, other times fail you, the few other times brings more on, the rest of it makes you proud. Expectations.. What is the true defination of expectations? You expect things to be that way because you see it that way. Expectations differ from person to person because they see things very differently in some similar ways that are just two different things.
I expected some things to go my way and no other even after knowing for sure that some things just simply can't go your way all the time. Human sometimes make perfect imperfections. Others make things imperfect perfectly. Okay.. I'm playing with words and am confusing my readers and myself. Some people choose to make life difficult by being difficult, other allow people to make life difficult for them. Other are tootough, people just run away at their sight. For others, they keep blaming life for being unfair to them. Some things happen because you see it in that way. If there's a will, there's a way. There will be no way out if you never seek for one. There will be no choice if you choose not to. There will be no fun if you don't enjoy life. And life sucks if you keep saying life is.
I say these things but sometimes, still want things to go my way because I think it's the best. Ahh.. Human are just made to do the trial and error in life.
Friends. I never trust them anymore, really. I've been through real torture with friends to a stage where I never want to make new friends and trust them. I've been continously hurt by friends behind my back that I have no faith in friendships. It hurts and my heart is just not made for breaking and stabbing. I can't quite say all my friends are bad. They have their good sides and I DO have about 2 bestest friends who prove to me they would be there when I call for it. They passed the test so I called them my friends. Those who fail just become a thing of the past and nothing more.
Friends. Some 'friends' get out of sight at the first sign of trouble that may befall you. Some encouraged you through your pain assuring you they'll be there should you need any help. Some held your hand and walked through the pain with you. Some tell you in the face that you don't deserve this pain and should have known better. Some just looked, then walked away.
Friends. Why do all these friendship talks brings me pain more than the joy of it? Why couldn't I have flashes of great friendships? Instead, I have nightmares of friends stabbing and killing me. Why do friends exist to fade with memories? Why can't friends just be genuine and not sweet talk for popularity reasons?
I have been in this friendship love-hate dilemma for many years.. It has been for more than 5 years. I am never recognised. I have no name. I am forgotten. I am dead way before I am. I know I'd have a better group of friends as I grow up and am hoping so.. I can talk forever about friendship that kills you inside. I can talk forever about friends who became your worst foe.
I guess I should end this crap about Friends. I'll be off to my workstation soon.. Hopefully be an effective and productive student. Really need to do more analysis on my report.
Till Later....

Me at Marriot having delicious buffet... hmmm.. yummy!

This is actually taken during the Double Date thingy on Sunday.. Just got the pictures somewhat organized from my e-mail to my pictures then hosting the picture on a website. Trying to make this pic to be my photo in my profile.. But it's like taking my whole lifetime to get that done.. So maybe i can settle that out this afternoon or something...
Monday, December 20, 2004
Mr will be back tomorrow
Some things you just have to swallow... Oh there's a debate that I may want to raise here just as I remembered now.. About taxi drivers going,"Which way you prefer? *a list of options*".
I really find that unnecessary.. I mean if I have a way that I find most fastest I would have suggested the moment I mentioned where I want to go, right? I mean shouldn't taxi drivers already know the best and fastest way to get somewhere? I have gone really insane by keep telling these taxi drivers to just get me there safely and as fast as the route permits us.
It's not like Singapore is big and a route would make a huge difference with the other. I know shit about road routes and my sense of directions is average to bad at times. So maybe that's why I don't quite care. But what's the difference at most?
Well, at least to me, the bottom line is to get to your destination on time and safely. I seriously dunno why the situation make these taxi drivers go asking their passengers which way to go. It seemed like they dunno what they are doing and dunno where to go. It is especially ridiculous to ask someone foreign which way to go. It is funny sometimes when you think about it...
Tell me, does other countries have taxi drivers asking the same as in S'pore?
The questions S'porean taxi drivers normally ask, "Where do you want to go? Which way you prefer/Which way you want to go?"
When answered with "I want to go City A and anyway fastest."
They would give you options on how to get there e.g. " You can go by Expressway 1, exit to X and go by City B to City A or maybe you'd prefer to go by Expressway 2, exit to Y, and go to City A"
I would appreciate if anyone could kindly leave a comment or two about this.
Just got home but...
Training went well with a little bit tough Fun.. with the coach.. his name is Kelvin Eunice or something like that.. Didnt really catch his name.. And a few new faces.. At least to me... Ok let's see how good my memory is.. There's Alfiah, Leona, Elizabeth, Nurul, Jiawen, ermm.. I think that's all who are new to me.. the rest consist of Lalitha, Vima, Sarah, Agnes, Aisyah, Kai Ying, ermm.. is that all? I think I did miss a few names.. Ermm.. who else.. There're 12 gals in total.. Oh of course there's me.. haha.. that makes a complete 12, right?
Anyways, I dunno why.. But I have a strong urge to join the Singapore Cricket Club(SCC) under-21 gals.. What do you think? I am just probably not too confident to making for the team.. But i really feel like being in a club and make sure I stay fit.. Gotta have my stamina back, otherwise I'll be of a laughing stock trying to keep up..
I should really get my ass to that and hurry fill up the 'Join the club' form... Maybe this Wednesday if pitch training is granted. I really hope so..
Pre-Analysis Done
The pre-analysis didn't require that much of a work, just a few observations and some conclusion from your own thinking and understanding. I dunno why some people just love to drag the project on to the last few minutes of the real deadline. I'd love to finish my report by Christmas just so I could have a mind free from my projects thats nearing deadlines and everything close.
Oh, have I said earlier that Mr is out of town and had his flight dates changed. He might be heading to homeland after Christmas. I just hope everything goes well then he can pay his whole family a round of visits. That would really be nice.. Catch up with the whole family.. the hugs and kisses.. Nice...
Let me imagine myself, coming home after many years overseas.. Hmm.. I might just cry and cry the moment I see my mama.. haha.. really.. I would. I dunno how I can move on without a tear in my eye on special occassions where family normally get together like my Hari Raya or Christmas for Mr, when I'm so far away from my family... OH... I just can't.. How do I celebrate a nice occasion without the perfect Turkey roasted on the table or my favourite Beef Rendang ready to be served.. Oh... No matter how greener the grass looks like on the other side, the grass where my two feet stand on is always the best for me.
Not that I'm against migrating or travelling and have a taste of other countries and its culture.. I mean I would love to live in country full of sceneries and adventure like Australia or New Zealand even as a kid. That urge to make a living in countries like that grows in my teenage years.. I always talk about migrating and having a laid back future with no worries as I grew up until my parents put some logic in me.. That my dream could just be and remain a dream. It's not very easy to migrate and be a citizen on a foreign country. I have understood that.. Migrating is not like you land on the dream foreign land and stay there for good. There are plenty of paper work to be done, plenty of money involved. So, first things first... Get a good education base and further my studies.. get a degree after some work experience and get my arse into the real world and work on my dreams.
My dream is to complete my tertiary education, get my diploma, get a job, further my studies, get my degree... and get a great job, travel a bit, get more useful experience, and raise a beautiful family. My dream will come true one day. I believe so, and Mr believes I can make it fine.
Did Waste Audit @ Chris' & Graham's
So, I might be lonely during lunch.. Oh, well... I can make myself busy reading and catching some snooze... Especially after some medicine.. Oh, and I need to give my lady friend a call sometime today or tomorrow.
I'm a little bored, really... dunno why.. But I really am BORED.. Maybe I can do some more of my Interim Report...
Will write again when I have something new that's more interesting.. Catch up later...
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Double Date Today
After that nice stuffy lunch, everyone except me have to have coffee..(I'm not a big fan for coffee so chamomile tea is beautifully good for me). After feeling a little refresh, we head for the movies.. We watched 'Ocean's Twelve'. It is a great movie.. A little of humour, a little of thrill, a little on twist.. it's great if you can catch and get everything in place. You can get lost a little bit if you're not paying enough attention..
We split our ways after the movie.. Mr and I went to 'That CD shop' listen to some great singles... Mr had to buy 3 CDs... And he has plenty of them in his luggage.. I have yet to copy any of 'em.. Have to get some Robbie Williams in my collection.. And of course U2 too... Haven't really gone through all the CDs he have, so couldn't say a lot on what I'm going to copy to my Window Media Player.. And eventually get the music sorted out and burn it to a few CDs.. Should have fun learning how to... hehe..
OK... Finally, after about a week, my parents(actually just my mama) decided to talk out some issues that has been playing on my mind. My mom actually prefer Mr to come and drop by our place... So it's just my dad.. Phew! hmm.. She was like telling me not to get mad or pissed or anything like that and stop talking to them or something like that... So I was like telling her that I am not angry or anything.. I'm just confused which gradually grow over the week..
She agreed over some things and we have a small short discussion before my dad came knocking on the door... so we had to end that discussion because we both basically disagree with the way he thinks. He is really capable of being really sellfish and says out really harsh or hard-to-swallow statements right to your face. So, whether I like it or not, I have to put up with him.. These are just some of the things you have to put up with and accept in life..
Life goes on.. and Tomorrow is Nadiah's 8th Birthday... And 5 days later is Christmas... Oooh better get a gift sometime soon.... hmmm...
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Early Night For me Today
I had a 2hours nap just after noon with Syahril(Mariam's boy). Woke up just in time for lunch... After that I meet my dearest Mr for movie.. But end up having yummy food at Borders' Bistro.. For many reasons.. One because the movie had almost full house, Two, other timings starts late, Three we rather have food because we are starving.. hehe...
After that Nice Tenderloin Beef... I ate my medicines.. and got into a really sleepy mood again.. We still took a walk down Orchard Road to digest the food properly... Then we took a bus to my place.. a long ride for two tired and sleepy people... I did have a 5 minute snooze in between the ride.. Mr too had a short snooze.. He walked me to my blk and took a taxi from there..
Time for bed for me now.. Good Nite Peeps... (Yawnz)
Friday, December 17, 2004
Still coughing away..
I'm so sick, went to the doctor, get some Sinsia tablets for the throat swelling, the Trachisan lozenges for the sore throat and the famous Dhasedyl Syrup for my coughing... It makes me sleep like a baby in a cradle.. So a good nights sleep tonight would be no problem..
Tomorrow is a little busy by the looks of it. I need to go to Mas' really early.. then to Mariam's together with her and two kids... And might stay quite a bit at Mariam's... Still waiting for Mariam to give the green light for Mr to tag along.. Shouldn't be a problem but I dunno...
People change their minds so frequently, just makes other people confused.. I am confused! Hmmm.. But I guess it would be acceptable to spend Saturday with my sisters and the kids and have the Sunday and many weekdays with Mr, right?
I always tell my parents that the only reason why I spend a whole lot of time with Mr the last few visits was only because he's only staying for a week or so. Now that it seems like he have all the time in the world in Spore, they might argue and say I'm putting Mr before them.. I have to prove to them that I can manage my time properly and spend my time with them as much as I do with Mr.. I might have to divide my time properly.. I have a good share of weekdays with Mr, really.. This week espeacially as I'd be doing the waste audit thingy at Chris' and Graham's. I'll only be reporting to school at about noon. School ends at 4.30pm so I'll have the better part of the evening to be with him too.. Right?
Know what? I miss him so much already talking about him... And I am in the same town as him! What is wrong with me? He must have put a spell on me or something.. Oh well, that's all for today... Gotta eat my medicines and go to bed now...
An early early night for me today... I just hope I won't spread this coughing virus to my little kiddies aka nieces & nephews.... Now I wish I have a scanner, then I can show off some cute photos of them and those new photos of myself in my traditional clothes... Christmas/New Year gift for me, anyone? hehe... *^_^*
So sick...
I'm going to buy a loaf of bread to make my egg and cheese sandwich.. Yummy! And hopefully, I get my appetite back. My appetite has gone down.. I dont feel like doing anything right now, can't read either, my head spinning and I keep reading the same paragraph over and over again.
Oh.. 24hours of community service done today!! So another 56 hours more to complete. Some hooligans tried to get my name and was hoping to get my number.. It's so foolish of him.. He is like some good for nothing gangster and he tried to get to know me.. Haha.. BIG JOKE and BIG MISTAKE... He managed to get my name though... He probably guessed it from the names in the file.. and I'm probably the only Malay girl in the list. Ah, heck to him... I don't care..
I checked my temperature, I am having a fever of 37.2 degress Celcius.. Oh, my... Time to pump up that Vitamin C and Garlic Pills and suck on these strepsils to sooth my throat.. It's never good to fall sick... I hate being sick.. I wanna get better.. Oh my... Better get my loaf of bread now..
Pray for my health to get better soon..
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Dinner at Japanese
I can't quite let this one out. Even Mr hasn't know about this. I am just afraid if he thinks badly of my dad then. What if this relationship ends like any other, with my dad suddenly changing his mind and dislike my choices and decisions I tried to make?I am afraid to let go some secrets I held behind my back trying to "protect" my family name. I seemed to have lost myself again. What am I doing?
I am totally lost in confusion sometimes. I dunno who I am, what I am doing or where I am going sometimes. It's not good. Never good. What are my parents thinking? What have I done? They keep doing this, thinking I would be their little 5 year old gal who listen tentatively to their Yes and No... to their orders... to what they have to say like I have nothing to say. The difference now is that, they never tell me in the face, they never reason with me openly. They will go round the bush getting my sisters to send these hidden messages.
It's so wrong but so right, So right yet so wrong... I don't wanna side anyone. I don't wanna lose anyone either. I don't wanna screw up... But these problems, these things is taking their toll on my mind! I can't let it out, neither can I keep it to myself...
It's not like my parents mistreated me, not like they are abusing me.. not like they never let me out on my own, not like they never gave me any choices. But I'm defeated. I can't fight, I can't win, I can't lose, I can't do anything right. Every move I make seemed to be full with mistakes... But I never knew any of the mistakes. How do I learn without first identifying my mistakes?
Why am I in such a dilema? What should I do? Where should I go?
At home...
I should get my arse working on my project better and educate participants as much as possible.. I've started on the tiny bit of analysing the source on why wastes generated from household to household differ. I've told them that the fact about the size of the house or the number of people residing didn't really matter on this case as it's the lifestyle that matters. If you have a big family in a big house but practice the 3Rs or cook only what you eat, then there won't be too much waste. But if you're like my family who has a mother who always cook a lot more than what we can all eat, then your food waste would be a whole lot.. If you're like Mas and hardly stay at home or eat at home, then most likely, you won't have much waste.
So I guess it's lifestyle that plays a huge role on why someone generates a lot of waste. Lifestyle differ from person to person. Of course if you have kids in diapers.. oh boy, their diapers contribute a lot.. At least 1kg of something.. probably more.. And when festive seasons come, and you do all the spring cleaning.. and finally gotten that full bag of junk that has been keeping a thick layer of dust, we will definitely boost that waste..
Well, let's see what they say about my analysis... I hope they like it.. I hope they find it good... Maybe if I did well, they might take me to a good job.. Let's just hope.. I might stand a chance, right? Oh, you know what, it seems like my interest has took a little leaning towards environmental to civil engineering now.. Probably because most Civil Engineers are male, and the contractors are all those cheeky males who have their eyes on any gal kind.. Getting freaked out.. The world is still somewhat Male Dominatory.. What if the building I design got into trouble, they could easily point those fingers at me.. I know I'm a little too pessimist about this.. but what if I am not designed to be an Engineer in Civil Field?
Maybe I'm more made for doing analysis and writing.. Maybe I should do a major in poetry and art.. maybe it's safer for a woman to be in the office typing and managing.. Well, one of my dreams is to be an Engineer, true... Also to publish my own book with my poetries.... Will you support my dreams becoming true? Will you?
I got in Very Very Late...
Away from my workstation completely for an hour... Then went back there and discuss a few things regarding the project, then to lunch.. But am not hungry at all at the moment.. With Mr checking his mails and on another computer... Life can never be better...
Plans for later... I dunno... no plans yet.. except Mr has got an appointment.. Could possibly hit the Japanese for dinner or something.. Never know.. Let's just put it that I am going with the flow... That would be a little bit better, I suppose...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
It's finally here!!
He is finally in the same town as me!!! Yes!!! Yeah!! But... thing is.. He don't have a mobile, so I can't text or call him.. hmm.. Well, at least I can see him everyday.. hehe... Me being in love is taking me to a new level... Life seemed so perfect with him around... But seems not when he's away, esp. when uncontactable.. Is that wrong? Is that bad? I dunno...
Even friends who rarely know me notice these changes.. one may put it simply to : "Jun can be so much more beautiful(when he's in town- around) and someone who never care the next(when he flies off)". I was never like that before, not until someone notice..
Did I really change for someone without noticing? The biggest and the best change I made so far is to quit smoking... Am I trying to impress my significant other too much without realising? Is this really what I want, the way I want? Will I lose something trying to gain something? I have to admit.. I am afraid of falling down... I am afraid to go to deep just to be disappointed...
Behind all my smiles are my sadness, behind this laughter are my sorrow, behind this jokes I make are my troubles... I have to get over this hurdle, I have to let these out.. I have to learn to share my problems.. I have to be heard... If not now, maybe later... But later becomes weeks, months, soon years.. and very soon forgotten... Very well.. Let's just go with the flow.. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be....
I think I should....
Was tagging with him a moment ago since the computer he's using doesnt have messengers to IM with.. Another 6.5 hours to go.. Spending another half hour in school, by the time i got home, it would be about 2+ .. so I'll be left with 5 more hours.. Then I'll clean up my room, will take about an hour, then by 4pm, I'll be ready to do my runs.. Running a few laps inclusive of a 10-minute stretching will take about half hour max.. Then, let me hog the shower for another half hour, and doing my face... would take about another half hour.. SO should be heading to the nearest MRT by 5pm, journey to MRT would be about 15minutes.. Journey to Changi Airport would be about 45 minutes.. I'll be in the airport at 6.15!! Not good.. I have at least an hour more to spend.. Errmmm.... Maybe do some window shopping? Or internet cafe... hmmm..
Let me think... Let me decide.. Anyways, I confirmed our availability on Saturday for lunch with Ogy and bf... Would be a double date at Marriot, i think... hehe... Alright going home now.. Oh.. have an idea.. Go Mariam's... hehe... will buy my mom lunch then go and feast my 2nd lunch with her... hehe.. Blogging gives you ideas.. hehe..
What to do..?
So finally, I get to meet her after so many weeks of planning to meet up.. She is busy with her working, tutoring and such... and me busy with my project, babysitting and hockey... I am going to like tell her all about my Mr...
Oh, I have to dress to kill... to surprise my dearest in my best.. hehe... Been thinking about it for awhile.. Decided to go with the sexy and sporty theme.. It should turn out good... I hope.. Let's just hope they are no more flight delays.. Then, I might just go crazy having to wait longer... I know it is always better than never.. but.. ah.. maybe I'm being a little too demanding for things to go the way I want it...
I should let things take its course and go with the flow.. and not be too upset should it change its course midway. I love my darling... I miss my honey.. I am Soooo In Love!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Moments in Life
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one, which has been opened for us.
Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone who makes you smile,because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.
Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
Please send this message to those people who mean something to you to those who have touched your life in one way or another; to those who make you smile when you really need it; to those who make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down; to those whose friendship you appreciate; to those who are so meaningful in your life.
If you don't send it, don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you; you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this message!!!
Don't count the years-count the memories...........
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments that take our breath away!
I would like everyone to know that somehow, in someway, you mean something to me.. Probably more than just friendship, maybe more than just what you think you mean to me.
Flight further delayed...
Anyway, my ulcer took control today.. couldnt speak much or eat much... It hurts!! Of all places, it's on my lower front lip.. which keeps getting bit by my teeth sometimes.. I sometimes bite it in annoyance! It hurts, so be it! Argh!!!
I really really was looking forward to tomorrow noon... And now... have to wait another 20hours? I dunno.. I hate to count...! Not anymore... It just hurts me to wait longer... Argh! Ouch... MY ULCER IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too much pepper...
I read the book while enjoying my soup.. and finally get to pg 55 because somewhere in pg 46- 49, I kept reading it over and over because I can't get what it's trying to tell me.. I guess that's why I am more stagnant on learning books than story books... Because in learning books, I always end up reading the same thing over and over again to understand better...
Then got to the Co-Op.. my naughty hands reached for that raisin chocolates and refuse to put it back even after many attempts to.. She threatened to throw a tantrum if I were to forced her to put the raisin chocolate back to where it belongs.. Naughty hands I have!
And oh... I love hearing my baby's voice... I love it when he say he's coming to me soon.. And I love to hear he loves me too... Such a wonderful feeling for a beautiful me from a handsome Man..
Almost done...
And now I have about 13 more hours to wait before he comes along... Yeah!!! This is just making me a little excited.. But then again, I have to keep my hopes average... Don't wanna disappoint myself with some flight delays... I'll be picking him up from the airport and have already thought of what to wear... haha.. A little bit too advance for me... Never been like this before... but this is a nice feeling...
I just can't wait.. This is gonna be great.. This week better be GOOD... My throat has been better... with some help of strepsils and Vitamin C and Garlic Pills.. So all the more... This week better be GOOD for me...!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Quizzes time..
Guys Like That You're Charming
You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads
Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-)
You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet
So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't!
Your Power Color Is Gold
You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late.You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented.You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through.You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was!
Your Scent is Glow
Fresh, sexy, and clean.You're real, intimate, and exciting.Your lush sensuality appeals to men...And you're as sexy as Jennifer Lopez.Power scents: Orange flower, grapefruit, and citrus.
You Are a Sleek Black Bra!
Subtle, sophisticated, and classy.You're not the first woman a man notices in the room...But you're the one he remembers a week later.You need a guy who will make a lasting impression on you too!
You Are Boy Shorts!
You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top.You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard.Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable.And you've got a spunky, fiesty side that comes out after a while!
You Are Boyish Sexy
You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boysWhether it's holding your own in a game of touch football...Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.
You Are Fall!Thoughtful,Expressive,Creative,Poetic & Smart
You Are A Professional Girlfriend!
You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise!Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro.If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you.You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy.
All quizzes from here.
Scanning Computer
Anyway, my throat seemed to head for the road of recovery... Just that my appetite isn't as good.. Partly because I am not suppose to eat what my mama cook.. All her cooking is either greasy and oily or hot and spicy or both... Whilst my throat seemed to get better, I have got myself some mouth ulcers..
Was scanning my computer as i write this piece... And found 1 infected file... Infected with W32 virus... or some sort.. Can't delete it, can't clean it... so i Quarantine it... I need to do this scanning and clean ups often... I dont need a crashing PC, do i? I'm going to do disk defragmenting... Shouldn't take long.. I hope not...
I haven't got anything to pen down at my creations just as yet.. But might get something soon... I can't wait for tomorrow to come, then look forward to night time, then to wednesday morning, then Wednesday noon.... All because My Mr is coming to town... Yeah!!!!
Going home...
Definitely ease my coughing and throat a little.. My naughty fingers keep reaching for these small little cute raisin chocolates.. Nice... I like them.. No.. actually, I love them! hehe.. If you're desperate to make my day, gimme these "Alphia Fruties" raisin chocolates made in Germany stuff... It'll certainly make me say, "You think you can make my day with these chocolates?" with my grumpy, cranky, crappy face and eat those chocolates away defeated.. haha... Minutes after I'll be too occupied eating the chocolates, I'll forget I'm angry.. haha..
Of course my darling know other remedies in mind... ;) Don't think going for hockey today being sick is a good idea today.. Will text my hockey mate later to tell him I can't make it..
I am doing the waste audit thingy at both my sisters' house, the reason why I'm going to Mariam's... I go to her house almost everyday anyway.... :) Oh... I love her boy.. So cute.. He can ever say the last words in the most cutest voice of the "twinkle twinkle little star" song.. hehe.. He is adorable.. He even make faces the first time he saw my lovely Mr... haha...
Okay, I'm in a happy mood despite my being sick.. So it better be a good day today...
Coughing & Sneezing In school...
I havent been reading for some time already... I better get back to that great book... I better read the '7 habits of highly effective people' to the end.. I havent been good... Not on sickly days, I've been grumpy but in no mood to stand up for it.. Some parts of my body is aching and some parts so senstive.. My legs are crying for help when i walk as fast as I could to my workstation.. It's terrible when you're sick... And being someone who rarely got sick get into this sickness... It just irritates me more.. And to have someone special in town in 2 days... I can't be sick to welcome my Man, can I? It won't be that great to be sick on a day I've been waiting for...
I'm going to get a cup of nice soup at Campus Deli later.. Just hope they have my favourite soup of the day today... It still hurts to swallow my own saliva so I need to stay to soft and easy to swallow food... And yes... NO hot & spicy or greasy & oily food for me.. Okay...
12 more days to Christmas... What should I do? All I did was to think of gifts to get... But never really get one or work on that... I know I don't need to but I just don't feel that good appearing empty handed.. Maybe I can make something... But.. What? Give me some ideas....
Sunday, December 12, 2004
From sore throat to cough
Boy, we need to get a new stroller for Mas.. otherwise she'll be thinner than me as she's forced to carry her daughter and walk a long distance.. haha.. Really need to get her a stroller or something... I had an okayish day at Mas' as only 3 kids present, Mas' 2 kids and Mariam's 15months son.. her two daughters out with their dad...
My whole family's got the virus.. the sneezing, the coughing, the fever.. will soon get to me unless i pump myself with lots of Vitamin Cs and Garlic Pills... Oh, I have hockey training tomorrow... Can't wait.. Another long day awaits me... In the meantime, I'll wait for that special person to get online and talk to me....!
I'm waiting, and I'll wait for a lifetime...
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Just returned from Mas'
Mas' boy seemed to have gain some more weight and because of his tall frame, he looks more like a 6 going 7 year-old rather than his actual 4.5 year age. He looks big, but not close to brave... he is afraid of a moth flying by or any small flying insect for that matter, and despite all that he is a big bully to his younger sister... His sister is also tall making her look like a 4 year old when she's only 2.. well, expected for her 18 going 19 kg weight.
It's gonna be a mayhem at Mas' with all the kids gathering.. lots of sweat and noise, add those shoutings and the NOs and the LISTEN TO MEs... Ahhh.. And after all that in mind, I still love kids and won't mind taking care of them... Can't wait to have my own... But I have some priorities to tend to before thinking of raising a family.. Like doing my degree... and having some REAL working experience in my field of study...
But we'll see how things in future go, and take it in as it comes...
4 more days to go....
The normal stuffs about his overpowering jealousy.. Fearing to grant my mama too much freedom, always thinking of her doing scandalous things, which is definitely not her. I mean he has to realise that he's just being someone too ridiculous.. It's not like my mama has a body any virgins would die for, she's not in her best health either... I mean come on, who would really drool over my oversized mama... Argh.. That's just my very jealous and possessive dad... That's always normal for him to be ridiculous.. Probably why I am sometimes really really ridiculous especially when I'm in one of those bab-tempered mood swings.... I got that all from my dad....
I am almost a duplica of my dad; had some of his obvious facial features(my eyes, my lips) and character wise(bad tempered, ridiculous tantrums). From my mom, obviously her nose, her mother touch( kids love me!), character wise... hmm i could have got her shallowness by judging people too much on first meeting, and her gossipping!!! haha.. must be from her... but I've stopped doing that altogether after going through some "what goes around, comes around" going on right in front of my eyes.. The equation is : You tend to become someone whom you hated, someone whom you talked about. The moral of the story is : To identify that as a mistake and not say I won't ___ before you give it a try.
Seen too much sometimes, okay one example is this My Friend, who claims to never touch a cigarette, drinks or dress up like a whore and claims to hate people who do, the last time I saw her, she was smoking like a chimney, smells of last night's liquor and was in this really short skirt and see through top with some guys... She tried to hide from me... So i didnt even bother to say hi.... but was saying in my mind, "She became the person she hated most. One, she said she'd never do anything before trying it, now that she had tried it, she became hooked... Two, she told everyone how she detested people she dun know and thinks she knows what she's doing. Three, well, what goes around, comes around. If it doesnt comes to you, maybe to your children... You just wont know for sure" From then, i rather not comment too much unless I really know how it feels to be in a position I'm talking about. I rather listen and take it as a lesson.
Been on a sickly mood, my sore throat doesnt help.. It hurts to even swallow my own saliva.. Oh baby, 4 more days... before I'm in your arms... Can't wait!
Friday, December 10, 2004
18 hours Over, 62 more hours to Complete
Anyway, I've been really forgetful nowadays.. I always forgot to bring along the most important thing... Like on Thursday, I forgot to bring home the diskette where I saved the draft of my Interim Report. Also forgot to bring along my appointment card... Today forgot to bring the document that need to be signed to say I've came and attended the full 6 hours of community service. I wonder what else I'll forgot.. Hmmm....
Anyway, I've got a sore throat.. Dunno how I got it, but my throat hurts...
Didnt sleep all night....
Anyway... At least I'm feeling rather fresh and not a zombie... Argh... I forgot to ask my mom for money for lunch today... hmmm... no money, no lunch, no energy.... ermmm....... actually, I do have some cash.. Just thought I could save all that... Dont wanna spend too much... I need to save and keep saving....
I got to dash for another 6 hours community service now... Just got to know it's Taufik Batisah's 24th birthday today.. Not really important, but very important to those great fans of his... well, whatever. I have better birthdays to remember, in fact I've got to think of a gift that won't cost a penny.. And I have just the thing...
Let's wait and see....
Thursday, December 09, 2004
World's Best Friends' Day....
I've been bumping with old friends.. But I dunno if they were really my friends... How do I know for sure? They say hi.. and that's it... Is that what you call a friend? How do I know if I can really rely on them? I have a friendster account, I've got a number of friends... yeah... but how many are truly my friends? Am i adding them as my friend, just for the sake of it because we are in the same school, in the same CCA or in the same Secondary School? Am I? Are they?
I truly dunno. It's hard to find good pals who stand by you through thick and thin nowadays.. There's always an ulterior motive to a friendship. I'm not keen to make new friends anymore. I've got too many back-stabbing incidents, where it just breaks my heart and it just take so long to heal... Not that I'm anti-social.. Or anything close... Just that, you know, it's just hard to know if the friendships you hold dear are truly out of sincerity...
I welcome all my friends with open arms and willingly help them out when they call for it. I never expect anything in return... But that's the whole thing, I helped too much and end up having noone by my side to help me out when I call for it. I can count with one hand, how many true friends I truly have. I may be smiling wherever I am but deep down, I still wonder, Are these few friends I have truly my friends? Will they stab me at the back one day? Will they leave me when I need help? Will they be there for me when I need them to be?
How do i know for real? I am still wondering.. Maybe it's me who's not worth to befriend... Maybe it's me who went missing when they truly need me... I don't know, because noone tells me. Noone came to me to say, hey you've got an attitude problem and I dun wanna be your friend anymore. Who would, anyway? But i really would appreciate someone coming up to me and tell me what's wrong with me that I don't have friends to keep in the long run. I will listen, I promise to listen.. every word you've got to say. Tell me.. Am I your friend? Am I worth your time?
Tell me my mistake that I can't see so that I can change for the better. Let me know in what way I have to change... But then again, should I really change to be a friend? Should they not, accept me as for who I am? I don't know... You tell me. I am lost in my own world, I've got no more words left... I'm walking away, I'm returning to where I've started... Let's hope I find my way this time...
Busy Doing Researches...
I've been a sleepy head today.. Got in school a little late.. And still yawning away, trying real hard to keep these eyes open to do more research. I can't even write properly now.. Too sleepy...
And some websites are in a language I don't understand... German, Dutch, French, all the different languages.. I sometimes can't even tell which is which.. This is being me.. I just can't catch language fast.. Being in a very Mandarin country.. thinking i could have at least understand Mandarin... Haha... NOT.. I just can't take up language as fast as I can take up Mathematics or Civil Engineering Modules or even Environmental Modules...
I have trouble learning other languages, ya.. that's what I'm trying to say... For many reasons...
one: I don't dare take up a foreign language fearing I won't make it to even say a word properly,
two: I don't use foreign language with anyone unless I have to... which I don't see the need to,
three: I am not enthu to learn a foreign language...
four: I don't have the courage to learn new things like language..
Alright now, better get back to my research..
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Created a "Links" on my sidebar....
So finally, my readers can go to -My Creations- website without having to type the address all over again.. Simply click on -My Creations- on the side under Links.. hehe.. *Sheesh* I know I'm a bit slow at this.. But hey, at least I did it myself without much help, right?.. okay.. okay.. I did view the html codes on other website that has Links on the side.. Is that cheating? Okay then, I admit to that... But hey, who cares? Hehe....
Look, ma... i did it myself! Feel so proud... hehe... Don't need much to make my day a little better... hehe.. I'm easy.. hehe.. I feel like doing an extreme makeover on my websites... But too afraid to try, fearing I would spoil everything just like that..
Sometimes, I can just scare myself to try new things... I would scare myself with questions like, "What if it isn't as good as the original ones?" or "What if I dun like it?" but then again there's always a strong chant in my mind that goes like, "What if IT is better?" or "What if I will like it the new way?" It's not like it's a big no to try new things to me.. Just that, I'm not quite ready to openly try new things without any hesitation. I'm trying to be more open to new things... New inventions, new trends, new fashion, new gadgets, new games, new environment, new friends, new coach, new comments, new views, new everything. The best I get so far, is to accept more willingly about other people's thought and views... And to respect their opinions and to be more acceptable to critics and learn to change for the better if needed to be.
I guess that's the best to come out from my changes, to accept critics and change it to something positive by changing what is necessary... I'm still me though.. Don't worry, not a drastic change... You can still tell I'm still me.. the old me with a new touch.. hehe..
I'm still missing my handsome knight.. Where oh where can my beloved hero be? Where are thou, Romeo? Save me from this loneliness.. I miss you like I've never before.. Tell me what's happening to me? Can you feel what I feel?
I'm so mushy... Sorry.. But, I can't help it.. I'm in love!!!
A messy & forgetful Day
I'll have Hockey training this evening(I almost forgot all about it).. Yeay! Had been an average to slow okayish day today... Tomorrow would be a little hard on me as i have to wake up early.. and I'm so used to getting up at only 10am with plenty of sleep ins.. Must have an early night today... A big must... But.. I must be online and talk for a few hours with my dearest Mr... :D
Hmm how bout 11pm as an early night? Should be okay, right? Anyways, I just got to know that there are lots of great people out there reading my blog.. I'm so *shy* already... (giggles)..
Those out there, reading... do leave a comment or two on either my daily journal or my poetry site, ya? Will gladly read all comments from great people out there!!
Thanks for sparing your time to read my webbie... Many many thanks to all of you.. and you.. and you.. Oh ya.. You too! Thanks!!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Eating late at night
Got myself searching for food in the kitchen to fill my tummy.... And guess what i ate? I ate ice-cream with bread at 11.50pm!!! Haha... I'm eating that and going to sleep right after..
I know it's a little unhealthy but I can't help it.. Too hungry to wait for breakfast.. haha...
Sweet tooth Jun going to bed now... Nitez....
I miss my handsome Prince...!
Since I can't find him anywhere, I texted him "I love you" just to let him know that I've been thinking of him and wanted him so much to be next to me every second of my life. I miss him so terribly much!! Well, I still have to move on with my day... hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second...
I finally got out of bed at 10am and head for the bathroom to shower... i styled my hair in such a way that my fringe falls over my forehead to cover the big bump. Though I am not comfortable with my fringe falling above my eye and sometimes into my eye, always better than to allow other peeps looking at me and talk about my big bump... right?
Anyway, just hung up the phone with my dearest.. Credit in my mobile running out soon... But, I shall invest all my money on this relationship... On the phone bills just so i could talked to him and hear his voice that makes my day without having to say anything special.. Just so i know he is still safe somewhere... And to tell him know (again) how much he means to me and that I love him with all my heart and soul...
Forgive me for being mushy, guys... Just couldnt help myself.. Long-distance relationship makes you mushy.. And makes you feel so helplessly in love...
I AM IN LOVE!!!!! And I'm proud of being in love with a very special man who loves me too...
Monday, December 06, 2004
An Injuries Day...
Well, gal, no worries... It's perfectly okay.. I'm like that, I'd laugh at my injuries.. To be specific, I got hit hard by a stick... Right into my face... haha.. It truly is funny... Just feeling the pain and had some naggings from my parents for bringing a big bump home... Funny parents I have, never once worried if I'm okay.. they only nag at my clumsiness, nag at my injuries, nag at everything I do... Once, they nag at me as i had nearly drowned myself... Which parents, if not mine would nag at their child, when their child like faced near death? haha...
Maybe that's the reason why i always laugh at myself with my mates... Laugh at tradegies that happened to me... Laugh at being injured.. sometimes, I do feel nice laughing at myself.. No one is gonna spoil my day by injuring me... they'll just get irritated as i laughed.... Hahahaha....
What the....
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Subject: FW: Tell you all asecret .... Singapore Idol 02/12/2004 05:35 PM
Tell you all a secret .... dun spread k? Taufik's family members are: Taupok (Father), Taufu (Mother), Taugua (brother) and Tausuan (sister). He has a dog called Taugay... Oh yeah! His grandma is called Taukee .... Shhh ..... dun tell anybody.
What the....??!! WE are such racial harmonious family... Singapura... Oh... Singapura...!
Lots of things need to be done....
I have quite a number of things that needs to be done today... And so many people in school.. Today is the first day of the semester for young kids.. haha.. Like as if I'm so old... Well, at least i spend longer time in school than everyone else.. 4 years in Polytechnic.. Who would spend 4 years in Poly when they are to spend only 3 years? Only me... Hehe.. Actually.. NOT.. There are some peeps I know who done what I've done. Hehe...
Ah, well... I need to do some calls to the weighing scales supplier... To send quotas to my lecturer... Like as if he cant do that himself.. So afraid to answer to that Monster about us having to much free time... yeah right... Free time, what's free time when you're forced to stay in the room hogging the computer when you could do something like running round the field tracks? OR maybe somewhere doing part-time job earning some $$...
Got my allowance today but not gonna spend on it coz i have lots to pay this month... Especially the phone bills which will definitely hit $100.. definitely more actually... All to my card.. Haha... yeah.. I topped up my card everyday for a week one time ago..
I cant wait for training later actually... May today end quickly as it has started a little late for me.. considering myself waking up at 10am and still sleep in for another 15 minutes before i spend another half hour or so in front the TV watching "Funniest Home Video" and "What went wrong?".. Before heading for a quick shower and off to school.
I am so tired and panting walking to my IHP room because there are so many peeps around... So i had to like double my speed to get there on time, also to like avoid bumping into unknown strangers that might hiss at you for doing just that even if it is accidental...
Well, I guess I better start on my creations.. haha.. but on a second thought.. I might not get that drowned idea up on shore safely with all the noise distracting.. I guess people are lost reading this coz this, only one person can fully understand and have a good laugh and fall off the chair..
Enough of my lameness now... Adios!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
High hopes just kill you sometimes....
I hate it.... I really do!! I'm gonna have a terrible Monday Blue, I can feel it now!! Why me??!! It's so frustrating.... Monday is all planned out then POOF! nothing is gonna happen on Monday except spending time hogging the computer in school then violent training to spend the time away from doing something stupid or something like that, right...
Anyway, whatever! I'm enough with that frustration... Now... I'm broke yet again!!! I spend $33 on the gals' gifts. Then $30 on food... Argh! I'm so so broke.... So broke... And I've got nothing to look forward to.... I hate this coming... Coz i didnt see it coming...
I seriously need to top up my luck or something... It seriously is running out of credit as well... Can someone teach me how to gain more luck?
Saturday, December 04, 2004
12 hours done, 68 hours more to go.
Anyways, Mas and kids are here for a sleep over... and i guess all the other weekends as well, until she got a new flat to stay... I am just a little on the downside of mood today. Dunno why... Just maybe the loneliness..
Oh, my handsome knight, come and save me from this loneliness quick.... I can't wait anymore...
Friday, December 03, 2004
I felt just the same...
I read today's BH, during the press conference, how they treat Taufik as though he didn't exist at all , they continually speak in Mandarin and focus on Sly. When ask to the Sony/BMG'spoke person eagerly planning to maket Sly, but for Taufik.. no planning yet. CONGRATS and all the best to Taufik Batisah!!
TNP I truly pity, sympathise the FIRST SINGAPORE IDOL ...the media never failed to repeat that his mother is a cleaner at a condominium (what impact have that got to do with the competition??, but purposefully failed to repeat when Sylvester's name crops up that his mother is under investigation for $$$$, his father a $bankrupt$.Ultimately the show at the Singapore Indoor Stadium is a big façade, best joke of the year, a game, a waste of public money, an insult to the President of Singapore (e.g., Nadya and Glenda's almost immediate exit?). Now we know how poorly planned the First Ever Singapore Idol has been managed because at the end of the day being the runner-up actually received the glory of the Singapore Idol title because whatever prize the 1st IDOL gets, the runner-up will get the same package? Amnesia must be settling in with the organisers -- who actually won the SINGAPORE IDOL last night??Imagine the organisers planning the future of the runner-up, but nothing concrete for the ultimate winner of the SINGAPORE IDOL. This COMPETITION is such nonsence, injustice, mean, something is surely not right with the logic of the system or with the people managing it?! Remember how Dick, Florence, Douglas & Ken keep on harping throughout the competition how well & how far Sylvester can go in the music industry how they can market him etc etc .... Any thoughts to map Taufik's future??? Where is his glory limelight that he so deserved! It looks like even if you're talented to sing and perform, but u cannot sing chinese (because of course u wld want to show case it during the finale, because this is Singapore - majority Chinese) you'll have a good chance at being marketable publicity product, oh ya! Don't forget to practise your killer ken smile, get tips from Ken Lim. If u're a malay, indian, eurasian... think twice, maybe better forget it --- don't bother to audition for the Singapore Idol. You'll end up as Singapore IDLE instead, even when u r truly the deserved winner?? The ultimate Final Prize: Unknown future?? --a sad state for Singapore music competition.But then, that's my own personal opinion.
regards,R. ALIF
I so agree with you man! Though I'm never there to watch a single "Singapore Idol" for many reasons than one. But i did watch the last hours of the finale.. It's bullshit... Really.. It all comes back to the colour of your skin... Try to reason with me... Come on.. I challenge you to!
I guess Taufik won not only because he has a voice made up for or the many fans that sees his talents but also to shut up those rumours of Sly's representative are paying people to get him somewhere... Which so prove to be true after what that Sony/BMG has for Sly- it's so much more than our dearest winner Taufik!
It's all true, be a malay, indian who got a mishap and well, be one of the poor ones... The majority just looks down at you no matter how high your education can be... But if you're a chinese, haha... no joke help will rest on your laps in no time.
You can be a degree holder or PhD or Masters or whatever you have, and sadly, you're one of the minority... you think you can get far... Think again. Singapore is a Mini-China... You know no Mandarin... Sorry.. Out the door please... That's so f%&#ing true! If you're a tourist going to say Indonesia, to understand them it's logic to learn their bahasa Indonesia or at least engage a translater to get your way, right? In singapore... You give way to China People and speak Mandarin... God damn it!
We, minorities are so full of talent, a talent to adapt, a talent to tolerate, a talent to be what we wanna be, we stay afloat, we earn our education, we step forward and stay forward... In the end, colour is what that matters. You call that what? Not racism, then what? Answer me!!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
I found my site...
-Junaidah- My Life is about LearninG. Monday, November 29, 2004. At cybercafe.... Just finished a meeting with - 24k - Cached - More from this site
I had only copied and pasted what is necessary... hehe you can search the other "junaidah"-related websites yourself.
Know what? I am feeling okay.. Not pretty pulled down by my cashless status. I have an appointment just about 11hours and 30minutes time... In other words, Time to sleep, Jun!!
Well, folks... That's all I've got.. Good Night!!
I'm So Broke....
Then i spend my last $20 on my much needed long socks and white tape.. well, not white exactly.. it's actually blue... Now sitting at home, so broke.. my next allowance date... seemed so long to come.. Oh man... For once, I'm looking forward to Monday more than for one reason.... One for my allowance, Two for a special hug from my Man... With these two reasons in mind, I don't think my weekends would be too bad... I'll just chill at home, admiring my new keyboard and mouse.... and well, stay at home and try to survive somewhat you call a weekend.
Oh no... I can't stay home.... I have places to go... And oh no... how to survive without $$.. Oh no!!! I'm dead meat... For sure I am... My mama is gonna kill me... Argh!!! Run for your life, Jun... Run!!!!
TSO not around...
I received an e-mail from my sis, and i forwarded it to as many as possible. It goes like this...
Hi friend for info.
This probably takes you 2mins to glance thru. But it can be quite beneficial to know what is becoming of our society. Better be safe than sorry. Better to take note. It also happened to my colleague who is staying in Clementi, no other block facing his block, quite quiet, only his wife was at home but all windows closed & padlock on the gate. Something happened, a guy used keys & was trying to open the door, my colleague's wife heard the noise & opened the door, the guy saw her & just said something like 'Oh sorry, wrong house', he was holding this big bunch of keys, obviously he was up to no good, but it didn't occur to them to report it to the police. This is to warn and alert those staying in HDB. It happened at my place (Clementi) last Sunday morning. My sister heard some noise at our main door ( it started since 5am plus). Seems like someone is trying to open our main door and main entrance. Initially, she thought that it was someone from our family but when she look through the door, it was someone else... a dark man wearing checks shirt - nationality unknown as he's very tan. When my father opened the door and confronted him, he gave an excuse that he's looking for someone and made a mistake. He apologised and walk away. That's not all... this morning, my sister told me that her boyfriend's flat in Ang Mo Kio also encountered the same case as above. A man trying to open their door early in the morning and ran away when the owner opens the door.Be WARNED... make sure your doors are always securely locked. Call the police immediately. DON't Open the door to confront them..(we made a mistake here ), the person might be armed.. Be alert at all times especially during the bad times now.. I wonder if anybody have such experience.. It seems like it is happening here and there..(2 cases that i've known so far ) Real story from some one in Singapore.Not to scare you but just for precaution... A chilling yet important tip.
WOMEN SHOULDN'T LET HOUSE KEYS STRAY FROM THEIR SIDE I would like to warn women, especially young women, about the danger of giving their car keys with their house keys attached to anyone. A good friend's daughter went to a well-known tire company to have a flat tire repaired while she waited.Without thinking, she handed her key ring with all her keys on it to the serviceman and waited. What she didn't know is that most of these places also have machines that make copies of keys. One of the servicemen copied her apartment key, and two days later, entered her apartment late at night and raped her. This was a business she frequented, and they had all the information in their computer about where she lived, her phone number, etc. The man was caught months later and the police found out that he had done this before. He is now in jail, and my friend's daughter is trying to go on with her life. I called my daughter right away and told her this story so she could learn from it, too. Please, warn your readers to have their personal keys on another key ring or have a key ring that separates the car keys from one's personal keys.Perhaps this will save another woman from tragedy. You may never know how many tragedies you have prevented today. So gentlemen, though your chances of getting rape is slim, you may get robbed. Nevertheless do your wife or lady friends a favour, cautioned them.
Scary... Haven't heard of this things happening in S'pore and never imagined it would. Sometimes, we take things for granted. Our family, Our health, Our safety, Our friends, Our loved ones.. Come to think about it, sometimes, I do take some of these mentioned things for granted. I keep thinking that my parents don't love me enough and always complaining they ain't good enough. Thinking I won't be sick or having cronic disease ever.... Thinking I'll be safe at all times... Thinking friends will forgive my laser mouth, thinking my love will never die and I'll be loved forever. Not that i doubt his love or didn't love him... I do.. I really do love him and I have no doubt about him loving me... What I mean is that... You never know what lies ahead. What if in time to come, I forgot to say I love you... Will he doubt that I still love him? What if in time to come, we forgot our anniversary and never celebrate it anymore? Will our love die along? I am a spiritual seeker, I have faith but am still searching for answers. I believe in God and I believe His every creation that has its purpose, I believe He listens, I believe He is forgiving, I believe He knows what I need more than I really do. But there are still somethings that still has no answers...
I sometimes wonder why a day has 24hours and no more or no less. Why are there 12 months in a year? Why there's 28days in Febuary and sometimes 29? How human can speak different languages & comes in different colours? How the earth evolve and divide itself to many countries? Why? How?
I wonder.. And i still ponder...