New people, same thing... New games, same noise... New day, Old routine... What is wrong with that? Hmm... Nothing?! Not really? What is it?
I guess that's how human live their life... Being the new old person he is all this time... The best computer you can get is your own brain yet we have been so dependant on computers that only irritates you at times.
yeah! I've got training tomorrow in school, meaning I can do my runs... yeay!! I intend to do about 2km... I don't care... I have to do my runs...
Strange, the noise level is gradually decreasing as i type... Hmm... maybe they could feel my dissatisfactions... maybe... maybe..
Oh boy, I really missed my Man, though I am online with him right now, It's just never as good as being in his arms... Oh... I'm in love and I'm missing My DaRLing Big time!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
In the Library...
How rude can a person be to be snorting next to someone in a quiet place like a library? My boyfriend had experienced this before and now I'm too... And sad to say, the person who was snorting away is a lady!! It truly bring down a lady's feminine qualities! And definitely a major TURN OFF for any guy.. Unless he too have that disgusting habit of snorting.. And i mean snorting and hearing the slimy mucus being snorted into her nose and such... IT is TERRIBLY DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!
And how uncivilised is a person to be shouting across the library or bursting open a frizzy drink? And to noisily settle down on a PC or a seat? Argh... Please.. These people is like young, for crying out loud! I chose the library hoping to get some nice write-up as i had an idea just as soon as i entered the library and it had DISSAPPERED with all the noise!! ARGH!!!
Where can I find peace and quietness if there isnt any even in a library? Now the handphones are beeping and ringing... Gosh... Doesn't it ever end and stop?? Oh My Gawd!!! THis is Annoying, Irritating and Frustrating!!!
I really have nothing to say about this... Hey... Gimme a minute of silence okay... Is that too much? If it is, then gimme 30 seconds of silence... Come On.. Which part of silence dont you understand? Which part of the library rules don't you get it?? Such a bunch of id10t5!!!!
And how uncivilised is a person to be shouting across the library or bursting open a frizzy drink? And to noisily settle down on a PC or a seat? Argh... Please.. These people is like young, for crying out loud! I chose the library hoping to get some nice write-up as i had an idea just as soon as i entered the library and it had DISSAPPERED with all the noise!! ARGH!!!
Where can I find peace and quietness if there isnt any even in a library? Now the handphones are beeping and ringing... Gosh... Doesn't it ever end and stop?? Oh My Gawd!!! THis is Annoying, Irritating and Frustrating!!!
I really have nothing to say about this... Hey... Gimme a minute of silence okay... Is that too much? If it is, then gimme 30 seconds of silence... Come On.. Which part of silence dont you understand? Which part of the library rules don't you get it?? Such a bunch of id10t5!!!!
Monday, November 29, 2004
At cybercafe....
Just finished a meeting with NEA... My lecturer is asking for too much from us to confirm the number of houses and amount needed to purchase the equipments/materials... We are to attend a workshop tomorrow which takes up the whole day. He wants the proposal by tomorrow first thing in the morning. He dont permit us to take time off from lesson. Now tell me how are we to settle our proposal first thing in the morning when this meeting end at 6pm. The supplier of the weighing scales cant be contacted as it's after office hours.
How to confirm stock? Even if there are stocks, where to store them? There are many hinderance with no help. Still we dont mind to do it and try reach the expectations of the authorities. We have been using up all our after office hours time... We dont mind... But how much of it can we spare? Really....
Think about it... Argh!!!
This is giving me a major headache! And too much for me to take... Argh!!!
And the kids shouting from across the cybercafe is not helping... God!! I swear I would ground my kid just for wasting useless time at a cybercafe to play stupid games!! I would seriously prefer my kid to be playing soccer or rugby or hockey... any sports really even running... to anything like facing the computer more than reading a book to play some war games...
Come on there are so much more to life than a stupid war game... DUH!!
How to confirm stock? Even if there are stocks, where to store them? There are many hinderance with no help. Still we dont mind to do it and try reach the expectations of the authorities. We have been using up all our after office hours time... We dont mind... But how much of it can we spare? Really....
Think about it... Argh!!!
This is giving me a major headache! And too much for me to take... Argh!!!
And the kids shouting from across the cybercafe is not helping... God!! I swear I would ground my kid just for wasting useless time at a cybercafe to play stupid games!! I would seriously prefer my kid to be playing soccer or rugby or hockey... any sports really even running... to anything like facing the computer more than reading a book to play some war games...
Come on there are so much more to life than a stupid war game... DUH!!
Today is My Sister's 32nd Birthday!!!
Yeay.... Happy Birthday to You.... Happy Birthday to You... Happy Birthday to Mariam... Happy Birthday to You...
May Allah bless you is all that you do. And hope you have many more years ahead of you to stay happy and blessed always. I love You. Take care!!
My beloved sister, though very very Garang(fierce in Malay), is very straight forward, frank, laser mouthed, she is also a very kind, helpful, generous, and the best sister... And I thank God for making me her sister. I can never find the best words to describe my appreciation...
May Allah bless you is all that you do. And hope you have many more years ahead of you to stay happy and blessed always. I love You. Take care!!
My beloved sister, though very very Garang(fierce in Malay), is very straight forward, frank, laser mouthed, she is also a very kind, helpful, generous, and the best sister... And I thank God for making me her sister. I can never find the best words to describe my appreciation...
Mad Sunday..
Last night was really frustrating... How can you not be when you had planned to be online with someone you love, then suddenly your mouse decided to clear up some annual leave and pushed the keyboard to call it quits at a moment like this?!
Argh! My body is fuming with anger.. I'm bursting with boiling hot blood. Why me?? Damn!
I'm attending some workshop that appeared as more fun than i had expected.. had a great laugh. It'd be on for 2 days, today and tommorrow. So, I wont be updating much considering my dumbest situation I've ever faced, still better than what it could possibly happen. Trust my luck to run out after having such huge and best luck ever about 3 months ago!
Anyway I had a brilliant write up at home for my other blog but I didnt bring it over, so as a writer you would have known that no write-up is ever the same write up. Thus, i'm not typing it out in the midst of my furing temper at the moment.
My Man would have known just the remedy to cool me down... It's a week more to go, but never a moment too soon. I miss you terribly and love you with all my life.
Now till then, I'll be waiting...
Argh! My body is fuming with anger.. I'm bursting with boiling hot blood. Why me?? Damn!
I'm attending some workshop that appeared as more fun than i had expected.. had a great laugh. It'd be on for 2 days, today and tommorrow. So, I wont be updating much considering my dumbest situation I've ever faced, still better than what it could possibly happen. Trust my luck to run out after having such huge and best luck ever about 3 months ago!
Anyway I had a brilliant write up at home for my other blog but I didnt bring it over, so as a writer you would have known that no write-up is ever the same write up. Thus, i'm not typing it out in the midst of my furing temper at the moment.
My Man would have known just the remedy to cool me down... It's a week more to go, but never a moment too soon. I miss you terribly and love you with all my life.
Now till then, I'll be waiting...
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Jambatan Ambera is Rusting Away...
Awaken by my sister switching on the TV. It almost felt like the old days a decade ago. Sisterhood comes back to life.. Oh I love my sister. I like it when we laugh together in our distinctive laughter... Smiling foolishly at each other, teasing and saying sarcastic remarks to one another and end it with another distinctive laugh. Oh life is great being a sister to a sister who is a sister to my sister. Sisterhood is great!
Anyway, here's an interesting piece of news we read in the morning and had a good laugh at.
A steel bridge is rusting away as one of its column is being frequently urined at... Yes.. This disgusting and shameless act is happening in Jakarta to one of its steel bridges, Jambatan Ambera, located at Palembang.
Imagine driving to a shaky bridge... And to know that one day, the bridge is gonna collapse because some uncivilized people that had been urinating at one of its columns... Funny but scary. I would never drive over that bridge ever again after reading the news. Wonder who would.
Thank Singapore for being a very fine city.
Anyway, here's an interesting piece of news we read in the morning and had a good laugh at.
A steel bridge is rusting away as one of its column is being frequently urined at... Yes.. This disgusting and shameless act is happening in Jakarta to one of its steel bridges, Jambatan Ambera, located at Palembang.
Imagine driving to a shaky bridge... And to know that one day, the bridge is gonna collapse because some uncivilized people that had been urinating at one of its columns... Funny but scary. I would never drive over that bridge ever again after reading the news. Wonder who would.
Thank Singapore for being a very fine city.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Awaken By Screams & Cries
I was first awaken by a brilliant idea that struck me to write... something so close to me yet so different.
Just about to land my body on my bed when my niece, Qistina cried out of a sudden followed by screaming of "Adik nak Ayah... " continuosly and repeatedly.. Even after her mom, my sister, continously coaxed her back to sleep.. Guess she must have some scary nightmares or something. She was fickled really. Had called her dad twice both ending up with her saying she don't want her dad anymore. Or with her not wanting to talk to her dad. Weird little kid.
It can really drive us, adults, out of patience. At the same time, pity for her, actually more of pity for my sis. I'm pretty more of a tougher person but i could barely carried her 2 year old kid weighing at 16 maybe 18kg for more than a minute more. And my poor sister has to carry her for as long as her daughter continue her cries for her dad and yet refuse to talk to him on the phone... I seriously dunno how to handle this kind of situation...
Why I am blogging and not helping Mas out? Well, simple. Her kids wants her and only her. Been trying but the kid refuse madly to any other person. So whether we like it or not, Mas has to be left alone to handle the kids because the kid just cried more with my parents or me nearing to help a little bit.
Been trying the harsh way and the opposite, nothing seemed to work.. Looks like one of the naughty, mischevious genes passed on to my niece.. Sorry Mas... Really... Not my fault.. (guilty look)
I remember one of the vague and blur memory where i cried in the middle of the night asking my parents to get me an ice-cream, and a beg... and i guess there was once i cried till i forget why i was crying in the first place, but still continue crying louder as the minute ticked away.
Hmm... now I prayed hard and hope like mad that my children won't be like me... hehe... Otherwise, I'll just have myself to blame.. Well, which kid doesnt throw any tantrums anyway?
Just about to land my body on my bed when my niece, Qistina cried out of a sudden followed by screaming of "Adik nak Ayah... " continuosly and repeatedly.. Even after her mom, my sister, continously coaxed her back to sleep.. Guess she must have some scary nightmares or something. She was fickled really. Had called her dad twice both ending up with her saying she don't want her dad anymore. Or with her not wanting to talk to her dad. Weird little kid.
It can really drive us, adults, out of patience. At the same time, pity for her, actually more of pity for my sis. I'm pretty more of a tougher person but i could barely carried her 2 year old kid weighing at 16 maybe 18kg for more than a minute more. And my poor sister has to carry her for as long as her daughter continue her cries for her dad and yet refuse to talk to him on the phone... I seriously dunno how to handle this kind of situation...
Why I am blogging and not helping Mas out? Well, simple. Her kids wants her and only her. Been trying but the kid refuse madly to any other person. So whether we like it or not, Mas has to be left alone to handle the kids because the kid just cried more with my parents or me nearing to help a little bit.
Been trying the harsh way and the opposite, nothing seemed to work.. Looks like one of the naughty, mischevious genes passed on to my niece.. Sorry Mas... Really... Not my fault.. (guilty look)
I remember one of the vague and blur memory where i cried in the middle of the night asking my parents to get me an ice-cream, and a beg... and i guess there was once i cried till i forget why i was crying in the first place, but still continue crying louder as the minute ticked away.
Hmm... now I prayed hard and hope like mad that my children won't be like me... hehe... Otherwise, I'll just have myself to blame.. Well, which kid doesnt throw any tantrums anyway?
Me, 2Kids and the PC...
Imagine this, Me a 45kg gal, a 4 yr old boy at 24kg and a 2 yr old gal at 18kg battling for the PC... Both on my laps fighting as to who gets to choose what game to play and me to stay online with my Man.
Everytime I minimize the game window and replied an e-mail, they would ask me repeatedly as to what happened to their game window and start blaming one another... I was like... "Wait.. I do this first.. You can play all you want afterwards!!" (They never got the chance after that actually.. hehe)
I stayed online for another 2 hours or so, chatting with my beloved at MSN... We always have a whole lot to talk about even after more than 7 months of knowing each other.. Reaching 6 months together though. Well, I would have got a little bit bored with a guy after that long at my usual self. But this Man is different, he never fails to get me on my best moods by just flashing his smile, his glowing eyes, his touch, and his playfulness just plaster a smile on my face... And the smile on my face just never leaves...
It felt like it's my first time being in love... I felt so safe, so confident, so great, so happy, so appreciated whenever I'm with him... I can really imagine myself spending my last days with him by my side and stay contented with the time I have had with him... And I can never imagine my life without him... Things won't be this great without him in my picture of life.
Everytime I minimize the game window and replied an e-mail, they would ask me repeatedly as to what happened to their game window and start blaming one another... I was like... "Wait.. I do this first.. You can play all you want afterwards!!" (They never got the chance after that actually.. hehe)
I stayed online for another 2 hours or so, chatting with my beloved at MSN... We always have a whole lot to talk about even after more than 7 months of knowing each other.. Reaching 6 months together though. Well, I would have got a little bit bored with a guy after that long at my usual self. But this Man is different, he never fails to get me on my best moods by just flashing his smile, his glowing eyes, his touch, and his playfulness just plaster a smile on my face... And the smile on my face just never leaves...
It felt like it's my first time being in love... I felt so safe, so confident, so great, so happy, so appreciated whenever I'm with him... I can really imagine myself spending my last days with him by my side and stay contented with the time I have had with him... And I can never imagine my life without him... Things won't be this great without him in my picture of life.
It has been a week...
Just got home from some 'jalan raya'... Mas asked me out at the last minute... so i had went along. Only out to one house though.
I texted my darling using Mas' phone. And didn't top up my mobile yet... I dunno when I'm going to... My mama said she's gonna gimme some $$ to top up my card, but i guess she forgot to... Skype is still showing as pending...
Now with Mas and kids over for a nights' stay, I'll have to fight and battle for the PC... Her kids can never get enough of Shrek and keep asking me to play the DVD for them. I had to say I'm kindda one of those Shrek's fans... hehe.. And i can almost memorize every dialogue with the repetitive watching and re-watching the DVD over and over again..
I'll be seeing my Man online in 2 hours' time. And I just can't wait. Been a week since I last saw him... and it's about 9 days more to go before I can be in his arms once again... Simply can't wait..!
I texted my darling using Mas' phone. And didn't top up my mobile yet... I dunno when I'm going to... My mama said she's gonna gimme some $$ to top up my card, but i guess she forgot to... Skype is still showing as pending...
Now with Mas and kids over for a nights' stay, I'll have to fight and battle for the PC... Her kids can never get enough of Shrek and keep asking me to play the DVD for them. I had to say I'm kindda one of those Shrek's fans... hehe.. And i can almost memorize every dialogue with the repetitive watching and re-watching the DVD over and over again..
I'll be seeing my Man online in 2 hours' time. And I just can't wait. Been a week since I last saw him... and it's about 9 days more to go before I can be in his arms once again... Simply can't wait..!
Sweaty Saturday MorninG...
I woke up at about 7.30am today... I sprung out of bed and did all my weekend chores right away... Did the laundry, change the bedsheets, do more laundry, iron/fold all the dried laundry, all the while with the red hot station on the radio to get me going.
I had finish doing all my chores by 10.05am... I am all sweaty... still havent showered yet... (giggles)... Smelly and sweaty me... ewww!
Haha... Okay... gonna go for my showers now..
Till later.
I had finish doing all my chores by 10.05am... I am all sweaty... still havent showered yet... (giggles)... Smelly and sweaty me... ewww!
Haha... Okay... gonna go for my showers now..
Till later.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Fully booked Friday...
I had a rather very occupied day today... I had to do some community service at a National Library at Bukit Batok... for 6 hours today. Hey, who said being a librarian is an easy job? Coz' It not easy having to intershelf everytime someone nears them... Espeacially the kids section... It's so jumbled up, I cant seem to know what to do sometimes... Anyways, I got my ass out of the place near to 4... I then head home, to grab my hockey stuff and head to Co-Curriculum Acitivities Branch(CCAB) down at Evans Rd.
I reached CCAB rather earlier than expected. I rest my ass at CCAB just 5minutes before 5pm... Training is like at 5.30, usually later trusting the gals to be at least 5 minutes late. But training is no fun without the boys, partly because the running is like cut down to almost half, sometimes more, due to pure laziness and unwillingness to some gals. I would seriously love to run more, but it certainly is no fun running alone.. made the running seemed longer and harder than it really is.
So Sarah, Agnes, Aisyah, Leona, Eugena, Kai Ying, me and the other gals from all over, most from the St Theresa's and St Andrew's... few more from the Singapore Cricket Club(SCC), went for our training... coached by a nice looking man but in such a freaking bad mood, he screamed at almost everyone and yelling out all the mistakes. Well, everyone shouts in game of hockey anyway. The game was okay with lots of actions but zero goals... haha... basically because players keep attacking at the centre and the ball never went to the sides where better attacks can come from.
Anyways, I just got home and have eaten my instant noodles. Oh, and i still have no credit in my mobile.. I'm so broke... ='( And Skype is still F*&%ing pending!!
And i received two texts from my beloved Sayang... I wish like mad to be able to text him back.. Really.... I cursed a whole lot not having credit in my mobile.. I miss him so so terribly... I can't wait for tommorrow to come.. Then I can see him online.... yeah!!!
I reached CCAB rather earlier than expected. I rest my ass at CCAB just 5minutes before 5pm... Training is like at 5.30, usually later trusting the gals to be at least 5 minutes late. But training is no fun without the boys, partly because the running is like cut down to almost half, sometimes more, due to pure laziness and unwillingness to some gals. I would seriously love to run more, but it certainly is no fun running alone.. made the running seemed longer and harder than it really is.
So Sarah, Agnes, Aisyah, Leona, Eugena, Kai Ying, me and the other gals from all over, most from the St Theresa's and St Andrew's... few more from the Singapore Cricket Club(SCC), went for our training... coached by a nice looking man but in such a freaking bad mood, he screamed at almost everyone and yelling out all the mistakes. Well, everyone shouts in game of hockey anyway. The game was okay with lots of actions but zero goals... haha... basically because players keep attacking at the centre and the ball never went to the sides where better attacks can come from.
Anyways, I just got home and have eaten my instant noodles. Oh, and i still have no credit in my mobile.. I'm so broke... ='( And Skype is still F*&%ing pending!!
And i received two texts from my beloved Sayang... I wish like mad to be able to text him back.. Really.... I cursed a whole lot not having credit in my mobile.. I miss him so so terribly... I can't wait for tommorrow to come.. Then I can see him online.... yeah!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Certainly and Definitely Not my day....
I can't believe the luck I'm in today... As posted earlier, I have had my share of being out of luck... Now, in the midst of texting my dearest... I ran out of credit on my mobile, exceeded the number of times permitted to top up using residential line, and skype's credit is still pending.. Meaning i will not be able to be in contact with my dearest Love until Saturday afternoon... unless Skype gives me that little hope...
How unlucky can I be in a day?? Argh... Oh and i can't top up by any other means as I've got only $10 in my bank, meaning i can't withdraw.. neither can i top up my card as the minimum amount to top up is $10 and i have to have a $1 balance in the bank... And i only have about $10 allowance left to spend my weekends with. How unlucky of me....
Oh, and my shoulder hurts... I dunno how or when i hurt my shoulder but i experience sharp pain everytime i extend and raise my shoulder at about 45 degrees... I hope the injury is not as bad as ligament problems or anything close.. I cant remember using my shoulder to do something heavy or rough... What is wrong with it? I'm gonna ask my dad to massage it later... I bet I'm gonna twitch in pain and giggle in pain.. Weird eh? Yeah... I either giggle or laugh hysterically when in pain... And i will always be found laughing whenever i fall down whilst playing hockey... either that or i gave no reaction at all... haha... Some people call me sadist for dismissing pain as nothing at all... but i'm not.. really...
Don't hate me for laughing at you when you fall in a funny way.... Don't stare at me for laughing at your clumsiness... It's funny but hey... I'd always try and help.. I can try to laugh secretly but I just cant help it sometimes... hehehe...
haha... I now realise that i had diverted my feelings to a total opposite... What is wrong with me? haha... now i cant stop laughing...
How unlucky can I be in a day?? Argh... Oh and i can't top up by any other means as I've got only $10 in my bank, meaning i can't withdraw.. neither can i top up my card as the minimum amount to top up is $10 and i have to have a $1 balance in the bank... And i only have about $10 allowance left to spend my weekends with. How unlucky of me....
Oh, and my shoulder hurts... I dunno how or when i hurt my shoulder but i experience sharp pain everytime i extend and raise my shoulder at about 45 degrees... I hope the injury is not as bad as ligament problems or anything close.. I cant remember using my shoulder to do something heavy or rough... What is wrong with it? I'm gonna ask my dad to massage it later... I bet I'm gonna twitch in pain and giggle in pain.. Weird eh? Yeah... I either giggle or laugh hysterically when in pain... And i will always be found laughing whenever i fall down whilst playing hockey... either that or i gave no reaction at all... haha... Some people call me sadist for dismissing pain as nothing at all... but i'm not.. really...
Don't hate me for laughing at you when you fall in a funny way.... Don't stare at me for laughing at your clumsiness... It's funny but hey... I'd always try and help.. I can try to laugh secretly but I just cant help it sometimes... hehehe...
haha... I now realise that i had diverted my feelings to a total opposite... What is wrong with me? haha... now i cant stop laughing...
I hate talking about Religion
I had my lonely quest at CampusDeli again.. this time something went a little out of normal... 2 gals came to my table and asked me if they can join me as they wanted to share with me what Jesus means to them.
I kindly told them i don't like to raise any religious issues. And yes, I know Jesus.. stated as one of the 25 prophets in the Holy Qur'an. She asked me what he preached. I was asking myself why i bother to even say a thing to these people who just dont get the message that I am not interested as I dont want to end up having any arguments or disagreements. Issues like religion is very personal and should never be rambled to someone not of your religion, at least not to those who are not interested.
Chistians and Muslims has a similar yet so different backgrounds. Some topics is just hard to be raised without any tension. I could have easily disagreed and backfire when she tried to convince me that Jesus is God's son and that he is true, etc... Fine if you believe so, but no need to convince someone who is devoted to another religion, with a total different believes. She keep telling me that Jesus has proven himself to be saying the truth. Well, there are many truths behind the Holy Qur'an too.. I mean come on... These religion issue is such a sensitive issue. Folks, please dont increase the tension.
Most Singaporeans are moderates who are brought up to respect each and everyone, let it be religion, race, language or anythign that matters. Even Islamic countries like Malaysia are full of moderates who had fully respected other religion. Can't we just educate people out of their own willingness and interest to know more of other religion? What's the use of forcing someone to listen and absorb something he/she is not interested in? If the love is true, let it flow... why force the current to a direction it's opposing?
You are free to talk about anything but try avoid the sensitive ones that may trigger some percentage of anger, which may lead to hatred, which can lead to riots.. you just never know....
I kindly told them i don't like to raise any religious issues. And yes, I know Jesus.. stated as one of the 25 prophets in the Holy Qur'an. She asked me what he preached. I was asking myself why i bother to even say a thing to these people who just dont get the message that I am not interested as I dont want to end up having any arguments or disagreements. Issues like religion is very personal and should never be rambled to someone not of your religion, at least not to those who are not interested.
Chistians and Muslims has a similar yet so different backgrounds. Some topics is just hard to be raised without any tension. I could have easily disagreed and backfire when she tried to convince me that Jesus is God's son and that he is true, etc... Fine if you believe so, but no need to convince someone who is devoted to another religion, with a total different believes. She keep telling me that Jesus has proven himself to be saying the truth. Well, there are many truths behind the Holy Qur'an too.. I mean come on... These religion issue is such a sensitive issue. Folks, please dont increase the tension.
Most Singaporeans are moderates who are brought up to respect each and everyone, let it be religion, race, language or anythign that matters. Even Islamic countries like Malaysia are full of moderates who had fully respected other religion. Can't we just educate people out of their own willingness and interest to know more of other religion? What's the use of forcing someone to listen and absorb something he/she is not interested in? If the love is true, let it flow... why force the current to a direction it's opposing?
You are free to talk about anything but try avoid the sensitive ones that may trigger some percentage of anger, which may lead to hatred, which can lead to riots.. you just never know....
not one of my days...
I got in school 15minutes late... and was seen by the TSO who seemed to be one who sets the rules and appear to be at the every students' heels. I got late because i was doing the waste audit thingy at my house, weighing all the waste and such. Okay, I know, I should wake up a little earlier to get it done.. Maybe I'd just do it at night next time.
I'm on one of my moody days, partly because of that time of the month, partly because i didn't have breakfast and end up late... I guess it's one of those days when i ran out of luck. I have been having busy days this week, always on the move always thinking of ways and excuses to get out of school early or to come later than usual. I'm sick and tired of hearing my supervisor mentioning the duly Director's name.. Mr C. T. Ong... this... Mr C. T. Ong.. that.. argh.. quit it! Why is it that a principle lecturer so scared of that duly director? Why? My lecturer is gonna retire any time soon... so why? Why allow someone to restrict your every movement and question them every single day? Stand up for yourself for once! You can't be on the move, being busy day in and day out! We are humans, not robots who may not need to rest!
Argh, what ever! I'm gonna just put up with it for another 4 months and not allow this little things get into me in my last 4 months in school. I'm gonna be at my best, get outta here with a diploma in hand... Oh, talking about that, I need to draft out something to send some companies.. I need to work for a year or so before pursuing my degree...
Gotta dash now.. Till later.
I'm on one of my moody days, partly because of that time of the month, partly because i didn't have breakfast and end up late... I guess it's one of those days when i ran out of luck. I have been having busy days this week, always on the move always thinking of ways and excuses to get out of school early or to come later than usual. I'm sick and tired of hearing my supervisor mentioning the duly Director's name.. Mr C. T. Ong... this... Mr C. T. Ong.. that.. argh.. quit it! Why is it that a principle lecturer so scared of that duly director? Why? My lecturer is gonna retire any time soon... so why? Why allow someone to restrict your every movement and question them every single day? Stand up for yourself for once! You can't be on the move, being busy day in and day out! We are humans, not robots who may not need to rest!
Argh, what ever! I'm gonna just put up with it for another 4 months and not allow this little things get into me in my last 4 months in school. I'm gonna be at my best, get outta here with a diploma in hand... Oh, talking about that, I need to draft out something to send some companies.. I need to work for a year or so before pursuing my degree...
Gotta dash now.. Till later.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Let's get the project started...
Yea... We have purchased all equipments and materials required and are all ready to officially start the project at our own house. Due to consistent request from the lecturer to finalise and produce the most appropriate timing and procedure to conduct this waste audit, we would have to delay another week before we can start this project on other household.
I had begun putting plastic bags in the kitchen near the rubbish chute and told my parents to put in waste into respective bags as labelled. I labelled each bag with the respective categories in Malay. They seemed pretty excited about being fully involved in my many projects.
I realised just how much of a hassle this project can really be.. having at least 6plastic bags clipped at the window grill, and having to check which plastic bag to throw the waste into everytime.. well, I don't have much of a choice.. I guess i'll have to give it a thought tomorrow together with my other team mates.. Oh... talking about discussion... I'm suppose to plan out my schedule and plan out the convinient time frame to excuse ourselves from school.
Well, I just had a conversation with my dearest darling... Glad i made his day better... Wish I was there to take his mind off work issues and cheer him up as much as I possibly can. My Skype Credit is still showing as pending so I called him using my mobile as I couldn't make any international calls using residential line. So it had made me topped up my card more frequently than I planned. But if a call to him means making his day a whole lot better, than i shall willingly and happily do it. I need to hear his voice at least once a day to assure me he's safe and okay, just so i can sleep better and dream of him all night.
I miss him so so terribly, you just can't imagine how deep I have fallen in love with him...
I had begun putting plastic bags in the kitchen near the rubbish chute and told my parents to put in waste into respective bags as labelled. I labelled each bag with the respective categories in Malay. They seemed pretty excited about being fully involved in my many projects.
I realised just how much of a hassle this project can really be.. having at least 6plastic bags clipped at the window grill, and having to check which plastic bag to throw the waste into everytime.. well, I don't have much of a choice.. I guess i'll have to give it a thought tomorrow together with my other team mates.. Oh... talking about discussion... I'm suppose to plan out my schedule and plan out the convinient time frame to excuse ourselves from school.
Well, I just had a conversation with my dearest darling... Glad i made his day better... Wish I was there to take his mind off work issues and cheer him up as much as I possibly can. My Skype Credit is still showing as pending so I called him using my mobile as I couldn't make any international calls using residential line. So it had made me topped up my card more frequently than I planned. But if a call to him means making his day a whole lot better, than i shall willingly and happily do it. I need to hear his voice at least once a day to assure me he's safe and okay, just so i can sleep better and dream of him all night.
I miss him so so terribly, you just can't imagine how deep I have fallen in love with him...
If it's not racism, then what is it called?
I stumble upon this blog and was shaking my head in silence with this particular paragraph that was written in it...
"Another thing.. Olinda's outta the Singapore Idol.. well, i predicted it.. and.. i guess.. maybe Slyvester's going to win even though Taufik sang better than him.. its wat looks, race and supporters count.. (nope.. i'm not racist.. but.. its the truth.. haha..)"
No name will be mentioned.
If that is not racism, then what is it called? Sometimes, i think Singapore has evolved into a Mini-China... And people often don't bother to take a second look at the minorities and some of them has a mindset that the minorities bring bad name to them... and that only the majority can be successful and stay above the island..
What's on TV mobile? Chinese news, Chinese Dramas, Chinese shows... what the hell happened to English being the first language here? So, the government to going to continue aiding the illiterate old chinese folks? then what about the minorties who might need help too? Leave them and let them learn? For that I thank the government for emphatizing us to learn more and know more... I have learnt to graciously accept that minorities have to push further and take an extra step ahead just to be acknowledged of my own abilities and success...
It's true that they have some values that we minorities don't... They strive to get ahead and be better, whereas, most of the minorities are too contented with what they have and they find it hard to move forward. It's never right to point fingers at a scapegoat. Look at yourselves, You can be better if you choose to be. Don't blame the majority for the lack of recognition in the minority.. just keep pushing and stay forward.. Move ahead, do what it takes... In no time, You'll bring pride to the minorities, family and friends.
Thank the majority for making us minority take an extra step ahead and move forward.
I'll prove everyone that i can do it out of my own willingness... I can sure be one of the best. I believe in myself and i have someone who believe i can.
Where there's a will, there's a way. Those who seek, shall find.
"Another thing.. Olinda's outta the Singapore Idol.. well, i predicted it.. and.. i guess.. maybe Slyvester's going to win even though Taufik sang better than him.. its wat looks, race and supporters count.. (nope.. i'm not racist.. but.. its the truth.. haha..)"
No name will be mentioned.
If that is not racism, then what is it called? Sometimes, i think Singapore has evolved into a Mini-China... And people often don't bother to take a second look at the minorities and some of them has a mindset that the minorities bring bad name to them... and that only the majority can be successful and stay above the island..
What's on TV mobile? Chinese news, Chinese Dramas, Chinese shows... what the hell happened to English being the first language here? So, the government to going to continue aiding the illiterate old chinese folks? then what about the minorties who might need help too? Leave them and let them learn? For that I thank the government for emphatizing us to learn more and know more... I have learnt to graciously accept that minorities have to push further and take an extra step ahead just to be acknowledged of my own abilities and success...
It's true that they have some values that we minorities don't... They strive to get ahead and be better, whereas, most of the minorities are too contented with what they have and they find it hard to move forward. It's never right to point fingers at a scapegoat. Look at yourselves, You can be better if you choose to be. Don't blame the majority for the lack of recognition in the minority.. just keep pushing and stay forward.. Move ahead, do what it takes... In no time, You'll bring pride to the minorities, family and friends.
Thank the majority for making us minority take an extra step ahead and move forward.
I'll prove everyone that i can do it out of my own willingness... I can sure be one of the best. I believe in myself and i have someone who believe i can.
Where there's a will, there's a way. Those who seek, shall find.
Thank You
I went ahead with my lonely journey quest to CampusDeli, a sandwich cafe, where i ordered my usual Double Cheese Sandwich and have my personal favorite apple juice with aloe vera. It's so lonely, empty and depressing to eat my lunch alone, so i brought along a book given by my precious.
I read up to page 35, and it's already time to get back to my workstation. I am feeling a little sleepy, i guess it's the lunch and the reading... I dunno.. I am forcing my eyes to stay open as i type this out.. Oh did i mention anywhere that i have successfully quit smoking for slightly over a month now? Well, I did.. finally... I hope to stay a non-smoker till the rest of life, if i can do it now, why not extend it for even longer... right? (now i'm wide awake..)
With this oppurtunity, I'd like to thank everyone who had helped me do it successfully... Many thanks to the man behind my success, Mr James Blewman.. who is also my beloved lover also known as my MR, dearest, precious and many other names that associates with the love of my life, who had suggested me to quit, and supported me over the many weeks of temptations... the one who believed i can be and deserve to be better...
My family who had never mentioned of their support but has showed me their overpowering love and made me be what I am today. My dad espeacially who often slapped me into reality with sacarsm and harsh words that only make me a stronger little gal.. a man of hard character but big soft heart. My mama who soften my stubborness and mould my attitude and character with strong family and moral values. My sisters who have always been there when i needed advice and support. My friends who had lay out challenges for me by smoking in front of me and made me get tempted but yet still strong enough to refuse the offer.
Thank you all...
I read up to page 35, and it's already time to get back to my workstation. I am feeling a little sleepy, i guess it's the lunch and the reading... I dunno.. I am forcing my eyes to stay open as i type this out.. Oh did i mention anywhere that i have successfully quit smoking for slightly over a month now? Well, I did.. finally... I hope to stay a non-smoker till the rest of life, if i can do it now, why not extend it for even longer... right? (now i'm wide awake..)
With this oppurtunity, I'd like to thank everyone who had helped me do it successfully... Many thanks to the man behind my success, Mr James Blewman.. who is also my beloved lover also known as my MR, dearest, precious and many other names that associates with the love of my life, who had suggested me to quit, and supported me over the many weeks of temptations... the one who believed i can be and deserve to be better...
My family who had never mentioned of their support but has showed me their overpowering love and made me be what I am today. My dad espeacially who often slapped me into reality with sacarsm and harsh words that only make me a stronger little gal.. a man of hard character but big soft heart. My mama who soften my stubborness and mould my attitude and character with strong family and moral values. My sisters who have always been there when i needed advice and support. My friends who had lay out challenges for me by smoking in front of me and made me get tempted but yet still strong enough to refuse the offer.
Thank you all...
I made it on time!
My mom woke me up at 6.15am... and seconds after i continue my precious sleep.... just before i knew it... my alarm went off at 7.30am.. I put it at snooze... half an hour into my deep sleep, my handphone vibrated and let out an irritating tone... i keep putting it at snooze and as you'd have expected, i woke up at 8.30am... ARGH!!!
School starts at 9.00am... i need a strategy to get to school on time.. what to do? I sprung off bed and head for an extra quick shower, that usually means i pour a whole bucket over my head and shiver out of the bathroom, that took me less than 5 minutes before i got in my room still shivering away. I made a quick decision on what to wear.. I took a black 'hard rock cafe' shirt and a pair of jeans, packed my bag, took in some snack for breakfast and out the house to school.
I never thought i would make it in time, I never took a peek at the time and refuse to until i step on the school ground. I couldn't believe my eyes when my watch said 9.00am. I made it! I ran to my workstation and make it in 3minutes.. Haha... yeah!!! I made it another record time... Now, will anyone come and challenge my record time?
I need to purchase weighing scales today.. So will end school early.. Most likely, we're gonna head to the shop at around 2.30pm and head home from there..
School starts at 9.00am... i need a strategy to get to school on time.. what to do? I sprung off bed and head for an extra quick shower, that usually means i pour a whole bucket over my head and shiver out of the bathroom, that took me less than 5 minutes before i got in my room still shivering away. I made a quick decision on what to wear.. I took a black 'hard rock cafe' shirt and a pair of jeans, packed my bag, took in some snack for breakfast and out the house to school.
I never thought i would make it in time, I never took a peek at the time and refuse to until i step on the school ground. I couldn't believe my eyes when my watch said 9.00am. I made it! I ran to my workstation and make it in 3minutes.. Haha... yeah!!! I made it another record time... Now, will anyone come and challenge my record time?
I need to purchase weighing scales today.. So will end school early.. Most likely, we're gonna head to the shop at around 2.30pm and head home from there..
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tiring Tuesday...
We went to Concourse to buy a golly 3000 pieces of plastic bags.... It's so so heavy and we are both gals! The shop assistant offer his help to carry the heavy load till the taxi stand... I fell asleep in the taxi and even that 10minute nap help me a refresh myself a lot. Now... hmmm.. I helped myself carried 2 huge bags into our workstation, one at time while my other team mate carry one bag filled will 1000 pieces of plastic bags.
I will have to go over to Mariam's place today upon my mama's request.. It's my turn to bring the lap top home today.. we loan it from school with the intention to store our precious files into the lap top as back up..
I just can't wait to throw myself on bed and get a good rest... It's so hectic and even more hectic when i see my diary full of things to do in the next few days...
Having tummy cramps just made today a drag and making it even more tiring... I wish I could go home to my Mr... It'd definitely make the day better...
I will have to go over to Mariam's place today upon my mama's request.. It's my turn to bring the lap top home today.. we loan it from school with the intention to store our precious files into the lap top as back up..
I just can't wait to throw myself on bed and get a good rest... It's so hectic and even more hectic when i see my diary full of things to do in the next few days...
Having tummy cramps just made today a drag and making it even more tiring... I wish I could go home to my Mr... It'd definitely make the day better...
Another busy day...
A busy day awaits me ahead... Got in school on time...
0930hrs, called up to supervisor's office.... discuss a few things.. He wanted us to write an essay-like journal on our log book with full details of every movements... kept mentioning the duly Director's name.. Keep telling us he don't wanna hear any complaints like as if anyone would.. Everyone in the room is having a goody free time on their own.... Who would want to spoil the fun we are having?
1030hrs, finally out of his office with $300 in hand to buy equipments and materials as per required for the project. We decided not to stay in the workstation as our supervisor keep saying that we are not doing anything and keep questioning us our every movements and accomplishment in the workstation. Like as if there is any real thing to be done. Texted my dearest.. He is already up doing his covering letter for the job offer received yesterday.
Now, at 22 degrees Celcius.. I'm wearing my sweatshirt.. and one of the technical supervising officer has lowered the temperature further.. And set the fan to go at high speed... Yes... I'm COLD... errr... I don't have enough fats to keep me warm... I know someone out there is laughing, ridiculed at my body shivering at only 22degrees Celcius... But i have no complains... uh-uh.. absolute zero complaints... anything is better than living in hunger and thrist... I have nothing to complaint about... i have a roof over my head, i have clothes to wear, i can choose what i want to eat or drink.. I have a choice, I can share my opinions/suggestions, I can make my own decisions... I have a family to care for, and a lover to love.
Gotta dash and get ready for lunch.. hehe...
0930hrs, called up to supervisor's office.... discuss a few things.. He wanted us to write an essay-like journal on our log book with full details of every movements... kept mentioning the duly Director's name.. Keep telling us he don't wanna hear any complaints like as if anyone would.. Everyone in the room is having a goody free time on their own.... Who would want to spoil the fun we are having?
1030hrs, finally out of his office with $300 in hand to buy equipments and materials as per required for the project. We decided not to stay in the workstation as our supervisor keep saying that we are not doing anything and keep questioning us our every movements and accomplishment in the workstation. Like as if there is any real thing to be done. Texted my dearest.. He is already up doing his covering letter for the job offer received yesterday.
Now, at 22 degrees Celcius.. I'm wearing my sweatshirt.. and one of the technical supervising officer has lowered the temperature further.. And set the fan to go at high speed... Yes... I'm COLD... errr... I don't have enough fats to keep me warm... I know someone out there is laughing, ridiculed at my body shivering at only 22degrees Celcius... But i have no complains... uh-uh.. absolute zero complaints... anything is better than living in hunger and thrist... I have nothing to complaint about... i have a roof over my head, i have clothes to wear, i can choose what i want to eat or drink.. I have a choice, I can share my opinions/suggestions, I can make my own decisions... I have a family to care for, and a lover to love.
Gotta dash and get ready for lunch.. hehe...
Monday, November 22, 2004
What a Monday....
I have never had such a full Monday before... I've been doing my errands from morning till night... And I still have a few more to do...
There is so much to do, so little time.. SO much to pay and so little income.. Life is simply about learning and surviving the odds that comes to test our faith and willingness.... I've been through a lot and thank every experience... for i had learn a lot at a younger age... I sometimes think that what i've been through could possibly take a lifetime for someone else...
I've visited my lady friend who appear rather very impressed when i proudly let her have a copy of my testimonial from the company i worked for in August for 2 months... I feel so good and proud that i have achieve the little bit in my small bite of life. I even spoke to her about my project and felt so great explaining her on what i am suppose to do, my plans and everything else.. But it had to be cut short as she has to run somewhere else... Such a pity... But i'll see her again next week... Then, I can then tell her every detail of my daily movements... I have begun to love telling someone important what I've been doing and what I've been up to.. This is one way in which I can allow someone I love to be in my shoe and know me better... A way in which i can learn to express myself better with words and actions... learn to be more confident about myself and what I'm doing.
After seeing my lady friend, I took a 45minutes bus ride to My Town Central to pay up my internet bill.. Then to order some weighing scales for my project... I'll have to collect it on Thursday... I then took a slow 15minutes walk home... To ease myself, to take a good look at my life, to think of my future.... Now, at home... I'll have to do up my interim report.. I have more than a month to complete the report but always best to have a head start... It can turn out ugly if done at the last minute, though it has never turn out that way to me.... hehehe...
Alright now.. I've got to dash already.. Good Night Monday... See you Tuesday...
There is so much to do, so little time.. SO much to pay and so little income.. Life is simply about learning and surviving the odds that comes to test our faith and willingness.... I've been through a lot and thank every experience... for i had learn a lot at a younger age... I sometimes think that what i've been through could possibly take a lifetime for someone else...
I've visited my lady friend who appear rather very impressed when i proudly let her have a copy of my testimonial from the company i worked for in August for 2 months... I feel so good and proud that i have achieve the little bit in my small bite of life. I even spoke to her about my project and felt so great explaining her on what i am suppose to do, my plans and everything else.. But it had to be cut short as she has to run somewhere else... Such a pity... But i'll see her again next week... Then, I can then tell her every detail of my daily movements... I have begun to love telling someone important what I've been doing and what I've been up to.. This is one way in which I can allow someone I love to be in my shoe and know me better... A way in which i can learn to express myself better with words and actions... learn to be more confident about myself and what I'm doing.
After seeing my lady friend, I took a 45minutes bus ride to My Town Central to pay up my internet bill.. Then to order some weighing scales for my project... I'll have to collect it on Thursday... I then took a slow 15minutes walk home... To ease myself, to take a good look at my life, to think of my future.... Now, at home... I'll have to do up my interim report.. I have more than a month to complete the report but always best to have a head start... It can turn out ugly if done at the last minute, though it has never turn out that way to me.... hehehe...
Alright now.. I've got to dash already.. Good Night Monday... See you Tuesday...
My lecturer eats into my lunchtime!
A hungry man is an angry man... So, why are there still people around who eat up into other people's lunchtime??
My lecturer called all three of us up at 10am... to discuss some things... He keeps repeating himself, word for word.. and keep blabering away... Talking about rubbish.. and how or what we are going to do about some of the problems that may arise... Well, i have to say that i'm not a very forward thinking person. However, I can quickly think of some ways out and solve the problem as it arises... Yes.. I can't solve anything when there isn't any real problems... I salute to those who can..
He keep asking about the procedures we have in mind.. I was like, "Huh?! What procedure?" Just put the waste in the different bags and weigh them.. what procedure can we get from that?? Argh... Just another distinctive things about S'pore and its citizens.. Everything is about procedure, let it be practical or not, let it be difficult on others or not.. Everything is about procedures and more procedures.. From that, we have to keep in close contact with people from NEA... we have to let them know of our procedures.. and if it's okay with them.. oh.. now we have to get approvals.. I see... after talking to people about this project.. hmmm... okay...
Then... he wanted us to participate in some workshop that only spells BOREDOM.. some workshop that is gonna teach us how to brainstorm, so all this while, we havent learnt how to... okay... It's 12.05pm... and he's still blabbering away.. one of us reached for the door, ready to open it and run away... We keep telling him the usual OKs and Alrights.. and I get its.. But he still keep talking.. we finally said a loud OK together and one by one leave the room... as soon as the door close shut, we went like, " Oh gosh! doesn't he ever get tired of repeating himself? Why is he always doing that? We are not 5 year olds who need to be told time and again of the things we are to do... WE will go to him should we ever overcome some problems or enquiries... DUH!!"
Anyways, we went back to our workstation only to be greeted with a locked door, thus no access to the room where i and the other gal had left our wallets in... Lucky one of us has his wallet with him and had kindly loan me $10... Otherwise, i would have to starve myself.
I have just e-mailed the lecturer the so-called proposed procedures.. Whatever he may wish to address it as... Today was rather a little busy... At least more busy than other days... hehe... But still, the day felt empty and dull... felt so cold, so lonely, so down, so depressing...!
My lecturer called all three of us up at 10am... to discuss some things... He keeps repeating himself, word for word.. and keep blabering away... Talking about rubbish.. and how or what we are going to do about some of the problems that may arise... Well, i have to say that i'm not a very forward thinking person. However, I can quickly think of some ways out and solve the problem as it arises... Yes.. I can't solve anything when there isn't any real problems... I salute to those who can..
He keep asking about the procedures we have in mind.. I was like, "Huh?! What procedure?" Just put the waste in the different bags and weigh them.. what procedure can we get from that?? Argh... Just another distinctive things about S'pore and its citizens.. Everything is about procedure, let it be practical or not, let it be difficult on others or not.. Everything is about procedures and more procedures.. From that, we have to keep in close contact with people from NEA... we have to let them know of our procedures.. and if it's okay with them.. oh.. now we have to get approvals.. I see... after talking to people about this project.. hmmm... okay...
Then... he wanted us to participate in some workshop that only spells BOREDOM.. some workshop that is gonna teach us how to brainstorm, so all this while, we havent learnt how to... okay... It's 12.05pm... and he's still blabbering away.. one of us reached for the door, ready to open it and run away... We keep telling him the usual OKs and Alrights.. and I get its.. But he still keep talking.. we finally said a loud OK together and one by one leave the room... as soon as the door close shut, we went like, " Oh gosh! doesn't he ever get tired of repeating himself? Why is he always doing that? We are not 5 year olds who need to be told time and again of the things we are to do... WE will go to him should we ever overcome some problems or enquiries... DUH!!"
Anyways, we went back to our workstation only to be greeted with a locked door, thus no access to the room where i and the other gal had left our wallets in... Lucky one of us has his wallet with him and had kindly loan me $10... Otherwise, i would have to starve myself.
I have just e-mailed the lecturer the so-called proposed procedures.. Whatever he may wish to address it as... Today was rather a little busy... At least more busy than other days... hehe... But still, the day felt empty and dull... felt so cold, so lonely, so down, so depressing...!
Monday Blues....
Monday Blue has come to me... My secret to chasing away the blues has faded along with the missing link.
Got in time to school, e-mailed my lecturers on questions and comments raised while talking to people about the Waste Audit Project. For you who don't know what the hell this project is about, let me first tell you some facts about Solid Waste situation in Singapore.
Over the past 3decades, Solid waste disposed of in this little island has increased 6-fold where domestic waste incresed about 3-fold and non-domestic waste increased even more by about 8-fold mainly from the high growth in the manufacturing and services sectors. Since 1979, the government has spent BILLIONS of dollars to build 4 Incineration plants(IPs)and sanitary landfills basically to incinerate waste safely and fitted with air pollution control equipment and effectively reduce the volume of waste for final disposal in the landfill and also recover energy and scrap metals. Even so, the last landfill on main island was filled up by 1999 and our only one left offshore landfill at Pulau Semakau was developed for non-incinerable waste.
So guys, please... please stop creating unnecessary waste... Do the 3Rs imposed in school... Do your part... I know, I know... ways to recycle in S'pore is rather impractical... Okay. I'm trying to improve on that.. Just hope my ideas will be taken into consideration and do us all good... (fingers crossed)
Let me tell you the most current situation. S'pore disposed of 2.6million tonnes of solid waste in 2002. At the current refuse disposal fee of $77 per tonne, this represents a $200 million value per year in expense. A 10% reduction in waste desposal would result in savings of $2 million or more each year. SO now, guys... you wouldn't want to let the government take in your money for waste sake, would you?
Think about it...
Got in time to school, e-mailed my lecturers on questions and comments raised while talking to people about the Waste Audit Project. For you who don't know what the hell this project is about, let me first tell you some facts about Solid Waste situation in Singapore.
Over the past 3decades, Solid waste disposed of in this little island has increased 6-fold where domestic waste incresed about 3-fold and non-domestic waste increased even more by about 8-fold mainly from the high growth in the manufacturing and services sectors. Since 1979, the government has spent BILLIONS of dollars to build 4 Incineration plants(IPs)and sanitary landfills basically to incinerate waste safely and fitted with air pollution control equipment and effectively reduce the volume of waste for final disposal in the landfill and also recover energy and scrap metals. Even so, the last landfill on main island was filled up by 1999 and our only one left offshore landfill at Pulau Semakau was developed for non-incinerable waste.
So guys, please... please stop creating unnecessary waste... Do the 3Rs imposed in school... Do your part... I know, I know... ways to recycle in S'pore is rather impractical... Okay. I'm trying to improve on that.. Just hope my ideas will be taken into consideration and do us all good... (fingers crossed)
Let me tell you the most current situation. S'pore disposed of 2.6million tonnes of solid waste in 2002. At the current refuse disposal fee of $77 per tonne, this represents a $200 million value per year in expense. A 10% reduction in waste desposal would result in savings of $2 million or more each year. SO now, guys... you wouldn't want to let the government take in your money for waste sake, would you?
Think about it...
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Busy Sunday...
Had went to Graham's after visiting Mas... i had accumulated 2 blisters on my right feet now..
I'll have to start on my project coming Friday or Monday the latest... Couldn't afford to delay any further... And i have to do some e-mails to NEA and to some lady friend as well....
As predicted, my dearest will be coming back to town soon, this time, for good... He'll be coming by mid December... Most likely, earlier than that...
I'm rather tired now after going here and there.. I'll have to go to Mas' again later... to return her flats and get my sandals back..
Today seemed to have something missing in me... something thats close yet so far... something that complete my soul is not here with me... My day wouldn't be anything close to boring if that special someone is here next to me... But well, somethings you just can't control...
I'll have to start on my project coming Friday or Monday the latest... Couldn't afford to delay any further... And i have to do some e-mails to NEA and to some lady friend as well....
As predicted, my dearest will be coming back to town soon, this time, for good... He'll be coming by mid December... Most likely, earlier than that...
I'm rather tired now after going here and there.. I'll have to go to Mas' again later... to return her flats and get my sandals back..
Today seemed to have something missing in me... something thats close yet so far... something that complete my soul is not here with me... My day wouldn't be anything close to boring if that special someone is here next to me... But well, somethings you just can't control...
Early Sunday Morning
An early morning.. My Mr's flight has been delayed to 5am... I hope he can get some rest before starting his day at the office... yeah... He is heading to the office almost right after landing in Dubai...
I miss him so terribly already.. What is wrong with me? I even miss him that much whilst in the same town... I have pictures of him and me all over my computer table, my wardbrobe... everywhere.. in my wallet... in my mind... in my thoughts.. I have never felt this way with anyone else...
I've just printed out the papers that i have to bring along to Graham's to talk to his neighbours and hopefully, in no doubt someway, that they are willing to participate in my project.. But i somehow got this tongue tight days.. where i get words stuck in my mouth and get some what people call it brain jam... or brain freeze.. I'm not feeling cold.. just maybe.. i'm not in my talkative mood as my Mr is not in town...
I really dont know what to say.. I dont even know how to start the conversation.. What am I to do about this??
I guess I'll go with my 'just go and get over with it.. . everything will be okay... " chanting in my mind... I hope it works like many times before...
I miss him so terribly already.. What is wrong with me? I even miss him that much whilst in the same town... I have pictures of him and me all over my computer table, my wardbrobe... everywhere.. in my wallet... in my mind... in my thoughts.. I have never felt this way with anyone else...
I've just printed out the papers that i have to bring along to Graham's to talk to his neighbours and hopefully, in no doubt someway, that they are willing to participate in my project.. But i somehow got this tongue tight days.. where i get words stuck in my mouth and get some what people call it brain jam... or brain freeze.. I'm not feeling cold.. just maybe.. i'm not in my talkative mood as my Mr is not in town...
I really dont know what to say.. I dont even know how to start the conversation.. What am I to do about this??
I guess I'll go with my 'just go and get over with it.. . everything will be okay... " chanting in my mind... I hope it works like many times before...
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Sad Saturday Night...
It's gonna be a sad night.... James is flying back to Dubai on Sunday 21st at 0225hrs....
Like many times before, we always try to maximise the time to spend together alone, as much as we possibly can... The morning start off with him picking me up at the carpark just when the clock say a quarter to 7... we went to Chris' for a couple of hours' snooze, as he has been drinking wine for almost 12 hours at Shaun's last night.... We woke up at 11am, with Chris and girlfriend, Rudy just reaching home blabbering and sounded very much awake... They must have slept at Shaun's, a reason to why they sound very alive...
We head for the showers, with our grumbling stomachs, screaming for a good lunch buffet..... Without much thinking, we flagged a taxi and headed for Marriot... they serve a reasonably good buffet, with the reasonable pricing that comes along with such service... With our stomachs now filled with lots of food and full satisfaction, we took a slow walk down to Borders.. the very spot where our special friendship started....
After picking a book that strikes my Mr's interest, we headed straight for Chris' partly to have some more snooze... or what we say, a power nap... yeah... that's what i need... After a short power nap, we went over to Graham's to discuss my project... as to who else i can approach to conduct my waste audit project... He's a great person i shall add... He is very helpful and suggested a few solutions to some ways on how S'pore can improve it's recycling system and stuff... Which at some point strike a brilliant idea through my brains...
After all that talking and discussing, my appetite come to life again... so me and beloved Mr went to the Japanese for dinner... We had 10 plates of sushi... in half an hour... wow.... But i think we had an okay day in and all with lots of sleeping next to each other.... I just refused to let the day end... I wanted my time with him to last forever... I don't want to be apart from him... But i can't be that selfish... I have to allow things to take its course... He wont be long in Dubai anyway, at least we both think likewise... I just hope the company pays him off and send him home or something... And in some weird ways, we feel it would happen... and that he'll be back by first week or latest, second week of December...
I hope and pray for the best and if god is listening, he'll let you know how much i love you... and assure me that you love me too.... Love doesn't hurt a bit if you're with the right person that God has made just for you...
Like many times before, we always try to maximise the time to spend together alone, as much as we possibly can... The morning start off with him picking me up at the carpark just when the clock say a quarter to 7... we went to Chris' for a couple of hours' snooze, as he has been drinking wine for almost 12 hours at Shaun's last night.... We woke up at 11am, with Chris and girlfriend, Rudy just reaching home blabbering and sounded very much awake... They must have slept at Shaun's, a reason to why they sound very alive...
We head for the showers, with our grumbling stomachs, screaming for a good lunch buffet..... Without much thinking, we flagged a taxi and headed for Marriot... they serve a reasonably good buffet, with the reasonable pricing that comes along with such service... With our stomachs now filled with lots of food and full satisfaction, we took a slow walk down to Borders.. the very spot where our special friendship started....
After picking a book that strikes my Mr's interest, we headed straight for Chris' partly to have some more snooze... or what we say, a power nap... yeah... that's what i need... After a short power nap, we went over to Graham's to discuss my project... as to who else i can approach to conduct my waste audit project... He's a great person i shall add... He is very helpful and suggested a few solutions to some ways on how S'pore can improve it's recycling system and stuff... Which at some point strike a brilliant idea through my brains...
After all that talking and discussing, my appetite come to life again... so me and beloved Mr went to the Japanese for dinner... We had 10 plates of sushi... in half an hour... wow.... But i think we had an okay day in and all with lots of sleeping next to each other.... I just refused to let the day end... I wanted my time with him to last forever... I don't want to be apart from him... But i can't be that selfish... I have to allow things to take its course... He wont be long in Dubai anyway, at least we both think likewise... I just hope the company pays him off and send him home or something... And in some weird ways, we feel it would happen... and that he'll be back by first week or latest, second week of December...
I hope and pray for the best and if god is listening, he'll let you know how much i love you... and assure me that you love me too.... Love doesn't hurt a bit if you're with the right person that God has made just for you...
Friday, November 19, 2004
A Wineful Day
Today started with lots and lots of sleep ins... and i have to literally force my ass out of bed and get myself out the house and get moving....
We started with job to do list... then we get started eventually at 9... maybe 10am... we had the new telephone socket appointment.... then get my mouse replaced, get 500pieces of copy paper... then get myself a baseball cap, then a nice capri pants.. and even a beg to fit everything in... he he he... wanted to redeem my sundae at Amiran's Cafe but it was closed... So we bought a nice NZ white wine to bring over at Shaun's place for a little party.... We finish up all the job with a great good workout...
We managed to get ourselves in front of the TV after the whole tiring work out, watching a documentary before going to his house... and started a glass of white before hitting Shaun's party... The documentary is rather boring after it hit an hour running or so... particularly because it's predictable, repetitive, and it doesnt really matter to me as it will never happen here in Singapore... The documentary was about USA having the highest cases of deaths involving arms and guns... US has an amazing 11,127 number of such cases... as reported by the documentary... They link this to being the easy access to guns and weaponary... and also their violent history... But then again, think... other countries also have violent histories... and Canada has easy access to guns and bullets too...
Alright... i guess i should get too much into the boring documentary... I had a great time at Shaun's with nice shares of beautiful wines and great company of friends discussing issues you probably cant with fellow classmates due to their knowledge and exposure to many issues like say... travelling... its political issues that goes along working overseas and such... my general knowledge has improve by just being with these people... it is great to talk or the very least find out more and listen to such issues being spoken from person to person on own experience... definitely different from reading about it from various sources...
The clock strike 9.15pm... And shame strike my face... I have to leave... And it's sure is Real Shame.. But like my lovely Mr said, a small price to pay for my future freedom...
Better now than before and better less than never at all... Good night!
We started with job to do list... then we get started eventually at 9... maybe 10am... we had the new telephone socket appointment.... then get my mouse replaced, get 500pieces of copy paper... then get myself a baseball cap, then a nice capri pants.. and even a beg to fit everything in... he he he... wanted to redeem my sundae at Amiran's Cafe but it was closed... So we bought a nice NZ white wine to bring over at Shaun's place for a little party.... We finish up all the job with a great good workout...
We managed to get ourselves in front of the TV after the whole tiring work out, watching a documentary before going to his house... and started a glass of white before hitting Shaun's party... The documentary is rather boring after it hit an hour running or so... particularly because it's predictable, repetitive, and it doesnt really matter to me as it will never happen here in Singapore... The documentary was about USA having the highest cases of deaths involving arms and guns... US has an amazing 11,127 number of such cases... as reported by the documentary... They link this to being the easy access to guns and weaponary... and also their violent history... But then again, think... other countries also have violent histories... and Canada has easy access to guns and bullets too...
Alright... i guess i should get too much into the boring documentary... I had a great time at Shaun's with nice shares of beautiful wines and great company of friends discussing issues you probably cant with fellow classmates due to their knowledge and exposure to many issues like say... travelling... its political issues that goes along working overseas and such... my general knowledge has improve by just being with these people... it is great to talk or the very least find out more and listen to such issues being spoken from person to person on own experience... definitely different from reading about it from various sources...
The clock strike 9.15pm... And shame strike my face... I have to leave... And it's sure is Real Shame.. But like my lovely Mr said, a small price to pay for my future freedom...
Better now than before and better less than never at all... Good night!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Late Again....
I'm late again today... this time, 15 minutes late... But the reason behind the lateness is a good one.. and I'm Loving it... I sure did enjoy it... more than ever... (winks)
Oh here's something interesting that may be of interest to many male species(in particular) and maybe some gals... This is a little peek to the whole webbie.. Read up...
Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women
Thursday, October 2, 2003 Posted: 9:19 AM EDT (1319 GMT)(AP) --
Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found. Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed at North Carolina State University is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two. In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio and swallowed the ejaculatory fluid, over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.
The rest of the story can be retrived on this website :
Oh here's something interesting that may be of interest to many male species(in particular) and maybe some gals... This is a little peek to the whole webbie.. Read up...
Study: Fellatio may significantly decrease the risk of breast cancer in women
Thursday, October 2, 2003 Posted: 9:19 AM EDT (1319 GMT)(AP) --
Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found. Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer, but new research being performed at North Carolina State University is starting to suggest that there could be an important link between the two. In a study of over 15,000 women suspected of having performed regular fellatio and swallowed the ejaculatory fluid, over the past ten years, the researchers found that those actually having performed the act regularly, one to two times a week, had a lower occurance of breast cancer than those who had not. There was no increased risk, however, for those who did not regularly perform.
The rest of the story can be retrived on this website :
I had just returned from lunch and was on the phone with my Mama earlier.. Got to know that my niece had also been infected by the hand foot and mouth disease from her brother... Poor kiddo... Now, it's almost clear that we won't make it to the graduation concert...
I'll be going off to do some survey of prices at Concourse Building then off to Kak Yam's place with James(my dearest MR) joining us at 7.30pm for dinner... I guess it's really special having invited to dinner by my eldest sister with acknowledgement by her Mr..
I'm looking forward to see how it goes later... Could be a good one... or maybe like how it goes normally.. But it'd still be special either way.. James has met everyone in my family except my eldest sister... so this it... he'll meet and get to know my family and vice versa...
The whole family cant be wrong about James being the one for me, can they? MY parents have had their say, Kak Nana is ok with him... so lets see what Kak Yam has in store for me about James...
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become
Mark Twain
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become
Mark Twain
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
After Lunch....
I just got back from lunch, changed the password to access my comp... Someone not from my group got hold of our password. Upon the requests from the other 2 group members i changed it all...
I can very well, slap her across her face this morning when she raised her voice whilst discussing with my team member on giving her access.... SHe is f*%^ing rude, i shall say and she always use the authority's name to get her way, like it works for me... i knew that person in particular better than she ever will find out...
She is so difficult to work with that she is to work all by herself.. hahaha... and she thinks she's great... Stoopid shit... She is far from any bimbo, she has nothing.. not creative, a very straight from the book kind of student... someone who thinks so big of herself when she isnt anything close to even tiny....
Well, i had lunch with my MR. and had a naughty hot fudge brownie... hehe... He's going for a run before meeting me again after school... at which i'll go for my hockey training at CCAB... He wants to see me play so he will..
Oh.... my nephew has got the hand, feet and mouth disease... and my poor Kak Nana has to take more leaves when she has left with almost none... Poor sis of mine... I dont even know if we can make it to his graduation concert.. My nephew is in N2.. and will be in K1 next year with sister in N1.. they are adorable, if you haven't come to know about it... =)
I cant wait for my hockey training to begin.. I have to get my hands on my beautiful stick and hit the ball hard across the grass carpet and play a great game with my hockey mates... I really cant wait..
Dont tell me the time... I shall allow the time to come to me and tell me it's time...
I can very well, slap her across her face this morning when she raised her voice whilst discussing with my team member on giving her access.... SHe is f*%^ing rude, i shall say and she always use the authority's name to get her way, like it works for me... i knew that person in particular better than she ever will find out...
She is so difficult to work with that she is to work all by herself.. hahaha... and she thinks she's great... Stoopid shit... She is far from any bimbo, she has nothing.. not creative, a very straight from the book kind of student... someone who thinks so big of herself when she isnt anything close to even tiny....
Well, i had lunch with my MR. and had a naughty hot fudge brownie... hehe... He's going for a run before meeting me again after school... at which i'll go for my hockey training at CCAB... He wants to see me play so he will..
Oh.... my nephew has got the hand, feet and mouth disease... and my poor Kak Nana has to take more leaves when she has left with almost none... Poor sis of mine... I dont even know if we can make it to his graduation concert.. My nephew is in N2.. and will be in K1 next year with sister in N1.. they are adorable, if you haven't come to know about it... =)
I cant wait for my hockey training to begin.. I have to get my hands on my beautiful stick and hit the ball hard across the grass carpet and play a great game with my hockey mates... I really cant wait..
Dont tell me the time... I shall allow the time to come to me and tell me it's time...
Late TodaY....
I'm in school... but got late... haha... I first woke up at 6.15am... early... very early... then i texted my dearest... and i fell asleep AGAIN.. haha...
The next thing i know is that it's 7.30am already... and still, yet again, i fell asleep for a second.. haha.. so much for a second... I woke up at 8.30am the next! Mission Possible.... I sprung up.. get my things packed.. can you believe it? i havent packed my things... haha..
THen i got to the showers and get out in record time! I put on my hockey shirt.. then got stuck on the bottom.. WHat to wear?? What to wear?? skirt, shorts, jeans, or what?? I need help!!
After a 5, maybe 10 minutes of freaking out, i finally wear my white button on jeans... and get my ass to school... In record time, everyone, i got in school at 9.10am... can you beat that? can you?
Haha... that's my morning on an average day... imagine how it will be on bad days... well, maybe, if you're lucky, you can get to read one of those mornings... hehe...
Oh, yesterday was great... I went to the movies and watch a hillarious TAXI starring the big lady with the attitude... Queen Latifa.. with my dearest darling... my one and only boyfriend whom i hold to dearly, close to my heart and the one whom i love with all my heart and soul....
OH... am i in love or what? gosh, it felt so right and great to be in love and have someone who loves you the same...
I can go on and on about my being in love... Seriously, who can't..
I can't wait for lunch, then i can see him, enjoy my lunch with him, and hug him, kiss him... and have a smile plastered on my glowing face... with his fingers running through my beautiful hair... oh.. I Love Him So Much..
I shall pen down and dream on..
The next thing i know is that it's 7.30am already... and still, yet again, i fell asleep for a second.. haha.. so much for a second... I woke up at 8.30am the next! Mission Possible.... I sprung up.. get my things packed.. can you believe it? i havent packed my things... haha..
THen i got to the showers and get out in record time! I put on my hockey shirt.. then got stuck on the bottom.. WHat to wear?? What to wear?? skirt, shorts, jeans, or what?? I need help!!
After a 5, maybe 10 minutes of freaking out, i finally wear my white button on jeans... and get my ass to school... In record time, everyone, i got in school at 9.10am... can you beat that? can you?
Haha... that's my morning on an average day... imagine how it will be on bad days... well, maybe, if you're lucky, you can get to read one of those mornings... hehe...
Oh, yesterday was great... I went to the movies and watch a hillarious TAXI starring the big lady with the attitude... Queen Latifa.. with my dearest darling... my one and only boyfriend whom i hold to dearly, close to my heart and the one whom i love with all my heart and soul....
OH... am i in love or what? gosh, it felt so right and great to be in love and have someone who loves you the same...
I can go on and on about my being in love... Seriously, who can't..
I can't wait for lunch, then i can see him, enjoy my lunch with him, and hug him, kiss him... and have a smile plastered on my glowing face... with his fingers running through my beautiful hair... oh.. I Love Him So Much..
I shall pen down and dream on..
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Back in School....
Had a great start in the morning... hehe... my secret to a happy day... espeacially for the start of the week... to chase away the morning blues.... =)
Now back in school, doing our waste audit project... finding out purchase prices for our necessary equipments and materials... we had to disfigure our budget... we have to almost double the original budget price... It's that bad... the lecturer might have a shock of his life if he see this change...
We will leave early to further our research and findings on the prices as given by some companies we called up and in the open market..
My boyfriend will meet me up for lunch... then we will have to go to my old house to take some document away from that house to surrender to th court.... then collect a new document after about 2 months.. =)
Talking about my love, he just called me to confirm our meeting...and to inform me that he had cleaned up his mate's place... He stays over at his mate, Chris' place everytime he come to town... for he can't stay at my place with my parents around... hehe...
I'm sure he would if he can.. My parents just love him... My mom has never trust me in some man's hands... but she did with him... she even tells me that openly to Kak Nana... It felt so right... I know for sure that He is the one for me after so much has happen in my life, family and us...
What more can i ask for? He loves me for who I am.. always there for me... He make me become a better person and believes in my dreams come true... I seriously cant think of anything better.. and I will never exchange him for anything in this world... Not in this life... He is the best thing that has ever happen in me.. and i believe it is all meant to be....
Life is afterall, about learning... Forget you fall down, just focus on getting up and move on... I can do it... And so can you!!
Now back in school, doing our waste audit project... finding out purchase prices for our necessary equipments and materials... we had to disfigure our budget... we have to almost double the original budget price... It's that bad... the lecturer might have a shock of his life if he see this change...
We will leave early to further our research and findings on the prices as given by some companies we called up and in the open market..
My boyfriend will meet me up for lunch... then we will have to go to my old house to take some document away from that house to surrender to th court.... then collect a new document after about 2 months.. =)
Talking about my love, he just called me to confirm our meeting...and to inform me that he had cleaned up his mate's place... He stays over at his mate, Chris' place everytime he come to town... for he can't stay at my place with my parents around... hehe...
I'm sure he would if he can.. My parents just love him... My mom has never trust me in some man's hands... but she did with him... she even tells me that openly to Kak Nana... It felt so right... I know for sure that He is the one for me after so much has happen in my life, family and us...
What more can i ask for? He loves me for who I am.. always there for me... He make me become a better person and believes in my dreams come true... I seriously cant think of anything better.. and I will never exchange him for anything in this world... Not in this life... He is the best thing that has ever happen in me.. and i believe it is all meant to be....
Life is afterall, about learning... Forget you fall down, just focus on getting up and move on... I can do it... And so can you!!
Friday, November 12, 2004
Happy Couple

This is me and my significant other... I'm gonna fetch him from the airport today... Yeah!!
This is the day I'm so looking forward to since 3 weeks ago... I'm going to be on top of the world for the entire week....
For now till later, i've got to help my mom is some minor cleaning up of the house...
Till then...
Happy Couple

Thursday, November 11, 2004
Dinner at BaliThai
It's Deepavali... First and foremost, Happy Deepavali to all Hindus...
I've done all the necessary preparation and cleaning up for the Big Celebration....
As i was doing the cushions, my eldest sis, Kak Yam, called and ask me to join her for waktu berbuka at restaurant named BaliThai at IMM.... And i shall say that i have quite a tight day today... squeezing everything in between everything else...
I did all the cleaning and changing of cushion covers, vacuuming the house... putting up the curtains, changing bedsheets... etc. etc.... Then by noon, when everything is tip top, i went to my second sister's, Kak Nana's, house to send the baju kurungs my Mama sew...
After being around at her house for a couple of hours, i went on to Kak Yam's place to go to the restaurant together.... We reached IMM at half past 5... still early, i shall say.. so we booked a table for 5 adults and 3 kids plus 1 baby chair... to be sitted at half past 6...
We went to shop around for shoes and also window shop for digital cameras and pillows and bolster and bedsheets... Haha... Just change bedsheet then want to buy somemore... Greedy me, eh? hehe...
Anyways... we walked and waited for my other extended family members to call but they never did.. so we went to the restaurant to have our seats... and waited still for them to arrive... They finally did, 10 minutes after waktu berbuka...
My bro-in-law paid the bill.. and we went for the real Shopping time... but i ended up keeping an eye on my nieces and nephews.. I always do...
By the time we finished doing all the shopping, it's quarter past 9 already.. Time for me to get home.... I took a taxi and hurriedly booked a hotel for my boyfriend... I had to say he's a great chap that makes a totally great person... From an indecisive self, i became a lady full of confidence and all the good qualities list goes on...
I have never been in such a mood of contentment before.. He made my life so beautiful... Looks like I'll be "away" for a week from now... hehe...
Gidday mate!
I've done all the necessary preparation and cleaning up for the Big Celebration....
As i was doing the cushions, my eldest sis, Kak Yam, called and ask me to join her for waktu berbuka at restaurant named BaliThai at IMM.... And i shall say that i have quite a tight day today... squeezing everything in between everything else...
I did all the cleaning and changing of cushion covers, vacuuming the house... putting up the curtains, changing bedsheets... etc. etc.... Then by noon, when everything is tip top, i went to my second sister's, Kak Nana's, house to send the baju kurungs my Mama sew...
After being around at her house for a couple of hours, i went on to Kak Yam's place to go to the restaurant together.... We reached IMM at half past 5... still early, i shall say.. so we booked a table for 5 adults and 3 kids plus 1 baby chair... to be sitted at half past 6...
We went to shop around for shoes and also window shop for digital cameras and pillows and bolster and bedsheets... Haha... Just change bedsheet then want to buy somemore... Greedy me, eh? hehe...
Anyways... we walked and waited for my other extended family members to call but they never did.. so we went to the restaurant to have our seats... and waited still for them to arrive... They finally did, 10 minutes after waktu berbuka...
My bro-in-law paid the bill.. and we went for the real Shopping time... but i ended up keeping an eye on my nieces and nephews.. I always do...
By the time we finished doing all the shopping, it's quarter past 9 already.. Time for me to get home.... I took a taxi and hurriedly booked a hotel for my boyfriend... I had to say he's a great chap that makes a totally great person... From an indecisive self, i became a lady full of confidence and all the good qualities list goes on...
I have never been in such a mood of contentment before.. He made my life so beautiful... Looks like I'll be "away" for a week from now... hehe...
Gidday mate!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
In Dilemma
It's Deepavali Eve. And my long long weekend starts today... he he... But it's bound to be hectic and i have to start cleaning up my room plus help put in cleaning my whole house as well... For the upcoming Hari Raya...
I'm not enthu about the festive season... In fact i havent been since God knows how long... let me think... since say about 6 years ago? Why? Simply because I hate to be surrounded by Makcik2 kepo and those big wide mouths of my maternal grandma's..
But fret not... my Kiwi Boyfriend is coming to town to cheer me up and spend a week with me... celebrating my belated birthday... and well... celebrate Hari Raya with my family, i suppose...
I guess i better start on my cleaning just about now...
Till later... Gidday!
I'm not enthu about the festive season... In fact i havent been since God knows how long... let me think... since say about 6 years ago? Why? Simply because I hate to be surrounded by Makcik2 kepo and those big wide mouths of my maternal grandma's..
But fret not... my Kiwi Boyfriend is coming to town to cheer me up and spend a week with me... celebrating my belated birthday... and well... celebrate Hari Raya with my family, i suppose...
I guess i better start on my cleaning just about now...
Till later... Gidday!
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