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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Induced Lactation Journey

Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. I know and well aware that I've been blogging about a lot about secret journeys. And this is one of it.

As all would have known, Islamically, an adopted child is a stranger unless I breastfeed the baby, then the baby would be our mahram muabbad.

I read a whole lot about inducing lactation for this purpose. I know it will be a long and difficult journey, but very possible. So, I finally mustered enough courage to ask for a referral. I got one to KKH. Sadly, they rejected me as soon as they knew that I have never been pregnant to full term and never breastfed before. They suggested milk bank which I decline.

I called up NUH for a second opinion. Even after knowing I am never pregnant before and never breastfeed before, they said it could be done. I was scheduled to see Professor Mary Rauff. After knowing that I am a subsidized patient in NUH, they called me up again to inform me that to see Prof, I will be under private and my status as a subsidized patient may change with it. Somehow, they manage to arrange such a way that I will still be subsidized.

This is what I love about NUH, they go extra miles to bring convenience to their patients. And I appreciate it so much.

However, not all their front desk know of such arrangement, much less anything about induce lactation! I was embarrassed and upset to be asked if I had given birth when I wanted to register myself at the counter on the first visit. Everyone was looking at me, or perhaps that is just my feelings.

Anyway, that meeting happened. I was given so much hope! I was to be on birth control pills for 6weeks (to imitate the being pregnant) then to stop suddenly but continuing with Domperine (so hormones are high, but I have my menses - to imitate giving birth). This would hopefully stimulate the milk glands to go to factory mode! In the meantime, I was told to pump my breasts.

The pumping schedule

It was not easy, I had to pump every 3hrs. And the first month yielded nothing, my nipples start to hurt, my body was tired. The only indication I had that it is working is that I felt bloated and had cramps near my armpit if I missed the 3hr mark or is nearing the 3hr mark.

Lactation Consultant

I was assigned to Sister Lim, who was kind and really informative and knowledgeable. She was the one who insisted to help me stick to subsidized route too. I guess she felt my consistency and was so much into it. 

My first drop of milk

It was my 2nd appointment with Sister Lim and we had her look at my breasts, and she teaching me how to hand express.. it was then I got my first little single drop of milk. We are on the right track, I just need to keep doing what I am doing. We had our next appointment scheduled when baby arrives or in 3 weeks' time whichever comes earlier.

Baby arrived

So I dropped the BCP and continued with Domperine and pumping. I got my first 0.5ml of milk. Subsequently as days go by, it increased to 1ml, and then to 2.5ml, and after 2weeks I got between 6-10ml each time I pump. Sadly... The baby who had arrived did not end up mine forever. The day baby was discharged, I brought him home, only to have his bio family wanting to think it through the night, and eventually decided not to proceed that very night. Baby was taken away from me the next day. I continued to pump anyway, because I find that it is amazing that my body is achieving this. 

I will continue to pump away and keep my milk in the freezer until another baby comes along. My pumping schedule is 6/6.30am, 12.30/1pm, 4.45/5pm, 8pm, 10.30pm. I skipped the middle of the night pump as I needed my sleep, and I will probably only do the middle of the night pump when the next baby comes to me.

Pray for me, pray for a family to come find me when they decided they couldn't care for their baby so I can make baby mine forever.

So until next time,


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