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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Some thoughts...

Assalammu'alaikum friends. I hope you are all in your best health, and I wish you well always.

Please check out Our Home Facial Services for our updates on the available packages that we have for you.

Other than launching my very own home facial services, I've been actively re-making, re-creating, re-fixing my hijabs.. I was just suddenly inspired and moved to just keep changing my style. On a good day, I managed to put in about 5 styles in a single day. And on normal days, I'd do about two styles.

I think the inspiration start pumping in after I watched Amenakin on youtube, following that, I keep finding new styles, re-creating her styles - Amena uses like a zillion pins if possible, and I'd just recreate it by using maximum 3-4pins, and some I just do it pinless and I loved not having pins on my head because it gives me lots of room for a quick fix-it which in turns gives me a new style altogether.

From watching Amena on youtube, I found MayaChic and got inspired just the same. Then i start looking at more styles all over again, recreating - again trying my best to make the style pinless whenever possible. Then I got really in touch with local beauties, bought lots of shawl, hairbands, hair clips to make things happen.

I am loving my life right now, to be honest, I am very very happy.

Now, I got caught up with other things. I will continue this entry. Insya'Allah.

Will be right back,

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